
British WWI Standard ships

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 10 months ago

British WW I Standard ships


War A class


War Acacia19191960
War Aconite19181943
War Alyssum19191951
War Anchusa19191940
War Anemone19181951
War Arabis19181918
War Aspen19181936
War Aster19191942
War Azalea19191940
War Balsam19191941
War Begonia19191941
War Birch19191959
War Bracken19181943



War B class


War Adder(1919)1942
War Bat19191938
War Beagle19191942
War Beetle19181963
War Bison19181939
War Bittern19181941
War Bomber19191942
War Buffalo19181945
War Bugler19191927
War Bulldog19191940


War C class


War Beach19181944
War Beacon (2)19191942
War Brae19181933
War Breaker19181941
War Breeze (2)19191943
War Brosna19191943


War C1 class


War Arun19201963
War Avon19191939


War C5 class


War Avoca19191943
War Bann19201969


War C6 class


War Bure19201961


War D class


War Arrow(2)19181937
War Bagpipe19181942
War Balloon19181918
War Barrage19181943
War Battery19181942
War Brigade (2)19191945
War Buckler19181940



War E class|


War Bobtail19201958


War F class


War Agate (2)19191938
War Beryl19191942


War F1 class


War Bailey19201941
War Bastion19191958



War H class


War Acorn(1919)1939
War Almond19191940
War Apple19191965
War Apricot19181929
War Bramble19191942


War Z class


War Afridi19201958
War Bahadur19181946
War Begum19191944
War Bharata19201953
War Brahmin19201960


War G2 class


War Ajax19191936
War Apollo (2)19181933
War Argus19181956


various War type ships


War Admiral19171942
War Agate (1)(1918)1918
War Albion---
War Algoma19191944
War Ally19181933
War Alne19191922
War Amazon19181937
[War Apollo (1)19181933
War Archer19181930
War Armour19171933
War Arrow (1)19181942
War Artist19181960
War Atlin19181924
War Babine19181923
War Badger19181936
War Baluchi---
War Bamboo???
War Banner19171940
War Bantam---
War Bard19181935
War Baron19171918
War Bay19181938
War Bayonet19171947
War Beacon (1)19181938
War Beaver (1)19171959
War Beaver---
War Bee19181963
War Bengali---
[War Birch (1)19181930
War Boyne?--
War Branch19181949
War Breeze (1)19181933
War Briar (1)19181937
[War Briar (2)???
[War Brigade (1)19181918
War Browney19191940
War Bugle19181927
War Bullet19181930
War Buoy19181920
War Bustard---


War class tankers


War African19181955
War Airman

ex War Marple

War Angler19181942
War Anglian

ex War Flier

War Aryan19181940
War Briton19181940
War Burman19191941






War Acacia A 5180 400 52.4 B16 4.19 Completed as BINFIELD, British India S.N. Co. Glasgow;

1951 Trans Oceanic SS Co, Glasgow;

1951 KYUKO MARU, Kobe Kinkai Kisen KK, Kobe;

1960 scrapped at Mihara, Japan.

War Aconite A 5329 400 52.4 B18 9.18 Shipping Controller, managed by W. Runciman & Co, London.

1919 TREFUSIS Hain SS Co. St. Ives;

5.3.43 torpedoed and sunk by U.130 at 43.50N 14.46W on voyage Pepel to London.

War Acorn H 2554 303 42.9 B21 10.19 Completed as ROSEWORTH, Robert Stanley Shipping Co (R.S.Dalgliesh), Newcastle;

1929 Dalgliesh Steam Shipping Co, Newcastle;

1934 BAIKAL, Sovtorgflot, Leningrad;

15.11.39 struck rock and sank near Spitzbergen.

War Adder B 5257 401 52.3 B13 1.19 Completed as CLAN SKENE, Clan Line Steamers Ltd (Cayzer, Irvine & Co), Glasgow;

1920 HALOCRATES, British & South America SN Co. Ltd (R.P.Houston), Liverpool;

1923 CLAN SKENE, Clan Line;

10.5.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.333 at 31.43N 70.43W on passage Beira to New York.

War Admiral - 5875 385 51.2 J03 7.17 Shipping Controller, managed by Furness Withy & Co. London;

1919 CHEF MECANICIEN MAILHOL, Messageries Maritimes, Marseilles;

1936 MALEAS, John Papadeas, Piraeus;

1939 THEODOROS COUMANTAROS, Coumataros Bros, Piraeus;

1940 KINKAI MARU, Kotani Mokunosuke, Osaka;

3.10.42 torpedoed and sunk by USS GREENLING 38.46N 142.02E

War African AO 5218 401 52.3 B31 5.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managers A. Weir & Co, London.

1919 Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co, London;

1921 ABSIA, same owner;

1927 N.V.Petroleum Mij 'La Corona', The Hague;

1927 SALSAAS, Skibs. A/S Nanset, Larvik, Norway;

1937 OAKFIELD, Finchley SS Co. London;

1940 taken over by MOWT (Hunting & Son, manager);

1946 Oak Shipping Co, London;

1951 Finchley SS Co, London;

1955 scrapped Emden.

War Afridi Z 5561 400 52.2 B20 1.20 Shipping Controller, managed by C.T. Bowring, London;

1921 transferred to Admiralty;

1946 floating storage depot Hong Kong;

1958 scrapped Hong Kong.

War Agate (1) - 5799 410 54.2 A02 1.18 Completed as WESTGATE, US Shipping Board, Portland, Ore;

1918 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

7.10.18 sunk in collision with s/s AMERICAN at 40.35N 63.48W.

War Agate (2) F 6672 413 55.5 B18 3.19 Completed as LUCERIC for Bank Line Ltd. (A. Weir & Co), London.

13.7.38 wrecked in River Hooghly, India.

War Airman AO 5281 401 52.3 B31 1.20 Tanker. Laid down as WAR MAPLE, launched as WAR AIRMAN, Completed as TREVERBYN, Hain SS Co. St. Ives.

21.10.41 torpedoed and sunk by U.82 at 51.N 19.W on voyage Pepel to Cardiff via Freetown..

War Ajax G2 7911 449 58.2 B05 4.19 Completed as NERBUDDA, British India SN Co, Glasgow;

1936 scrapped Trieste.

War Albion - - - - - - Name allocated but not used.

War Algoma - 2212 251 43.5 C08 9.19 Shipping Controller, managed by Tyzack & Branfoot;

1920 NINA, Filli. Bianchi di Sebastiano, Genoa;

1925 Ilva S.A Alti Fori e Acciaierie d'Italia, Genoa;

10.2.44 mined and sunk off Genoa.

War Ally - 5623 410 54.2 A06 3.18 Completed as WESTCHESTER, US Shipping Board, Portland, Ore;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1933 scrapped Baltimore.

War Almond H 2429 303 43.0 B03 8.19 Completed as MARDINIAN, Ellerman Lines Ltd. Liverpool;

1937 Ellerman & Papayanni Lines Ltd;

9.9.40 torpedoed and sunk by U.28 at 56.37N 09.00W en route Trinidad to London

War Alne - 703 180 28.0 B71 6.19 Coaster. Completed as CANTERBURY BELL, Reddington Shipping Co (Chas.H.Pile), London;

1919 Haig Shipping Co. (J.S. Evans) London;

5.1.22 capsized and sank in Bristol Channel.

War Alyssum A 5253 400 52.3 B11 3.19 Completed as BATHURST, British & African SN Co (Elder Dempster & Co), Liverpool; 1920 Elder Line Ltd;

1933 KOSTIS, B.E. Benierakis, Chalkis, Greece;

1939 DIAMANTIS, P.D. Pateras, Patras,

1950 THARROS, P.M. Ponticos & Z.E. Lemos, Patras.

29.11.51 aground near Honningsvaag, refloated but sank 11.12.51 in bad weather.

War Amazon - 3165 305 43.7 J02 3.18 Shipping Controller, managed by A.Holt & Co; 1919 Lloyd Meridional S.A. di Nav.

1920 ROVATO, Soc. di Nav. Roma, Palermo;

1929 SEBETO, La Meridionale di Navigazione S.A., Naples;

1930 VILLE DE DUNKERQUE, Cie. des Bateaux à Vapeur du Nord, Dunkerque;

1937 scrapped Bo'ness.

War Anchusa A 5283 400 52.3 B11 1.19 Shipping Controller, managed by J.Temperley & Co;

1919 BEMBRIDGE, Temperley SS Co, London;

1924 QUEEN OLGA, Cadogan SS Co. Ltd., Glasgow;

1937 SEVERN LEIGH, Kelston SS Co, Bristol;

23.8.40 torpedoed and sunk by U.37 at 54.31N 25.41W on passage Hull to St. John, NB.

War Anemone A 5214 400 52.8 B43 1.18 Shipping Controller managed by Phillips, Phillips & Co;

1919 Soc. Commerciale Italiana di Nav.,

1920 STROMBOLI, Naviganione Generale Italiana, Genoa,

1927 BARRGROVE, The Barr Shipping Co. Ltd., Glasgow;

1941 Reardon Smith Line, Glasgow;

1946 Leeds Shipping Co, (Reardon Smith & Co);

1947 GAROUFALIA, Cia. de Nav.Glaucos S.A., Panama;

14.6.51 ashore North of Cape Yatou 36.13N 120.44E.

War Angler AO 5210 400 52.3 B53 3.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co, London managers;

1919 Lloyd Meridionale S.A. di Nav.,

1920 ROVERETO, Soc. di Nav. Roma, Genoa, converted to dry cargo ship;

1928 CAMOGLI, La Meridionale di Nav. S.A., Naples;

1935 DELFIN, Polena Societa di Nav., Genoa; 14.12.42 sunk by submarine HMS TAKU off Kerkena.

War Anglian AO 5378 400 52.4 B50 11.18 Tanker. Laid down as WAR FLIER, completed as WAR ANGLIAN, Shipping Controller managed by Anglo-Mexican Petroleum Co, London;

1920 OLYMPE, Soc. Les Affreteurs Réunis, Rouen, converted to dry cargo ship;

1923 DAYTON, Dayton SS Co., Newcastle; 1927 CONISCLIFFE, Care & Marquand Shipping Co. Ltd., Newcastle;

1932 EKATONTARCHOS DRACOULIS, G.A. Dracoulis, Ithaka;

20.1.40 torpedoed and sunk by submarine U.44 at 40.20N 10.07W.

War Apollo (1) - 5691 409 54.2 A01 3.18 Completed as WESTWOOD, US Shipping Board, Seattle;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1933 scrapped Baltimore.

War Apollo (2) G2 7946 449 58.2 B05 11.19 Completed as WOODARRA, British India SN Co, Glasgow

1929 FRESNO STAR, Blue Star Line, London;

1933 Union Cold Storage Co;

1935 Frederick Leyland & Co;

1947 scrapped Inverkeithing.

War Apple H 2570 303 43.0 B23 10.19 Completed as BELLAS, "A. Maritima" S.A.de Responsabilidade, Lisbon;

1927 NEATH ABBEY, Abbey Line Ltd, Cardiff,

1934 SELENGA, Sovtorgflot, Leningrad;

1965 scrapped Bremen.

War Apricot H 2501 303 43.0 B25 10.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Whitfield, Kendrick & Co, London;

1919 SEBASTIAN, F. Sainz é Inchaustegui, Bilbao,

1928 CABO OROPESA, Ybarra & Cia, Sevilla;

14.12.29 sank after collision with Norwegian s/s CISS off Spain.

War Arabis A 5188 400 52.4 B25 1.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Phillips, Phillips & Co, London;

9.9.18 torpedoed and sunk by U.34 at 38.08N 05.30E on passage Bahia Blanca to Marseilles..

War Archer - 5714 410 54.2 A06 4.18 Completed as WESTSHORE, US Shipping Board, Portland, Ore;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1930 scrapped Baltimore.

War Argus G2 7912 450 58.5 B61 12.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Oceanic Steam Nav.Co, Liverpool;

1919 GALLIC, Oceanic S.N.Co, Liverpool;

1933 CLAN COLQUHOUN, Clan Line, Glasgow,

1947 IOANNIS LIVANOS, Zarati SS Co, Panama,

1949 JENNY, Dos Oceanos Cia de Nav, Panama, passenger accommodation added;

1951 Zarati SS Co, Panama;

1951 IMAN BONDJOL, Djakarta Lloyd, Djarkata,

1952 DJATINEGARA, same owner;

1956 scrapped Hong Kong.

War Armour - 8192 445 58.0 J 01 12.17 The Shipping Controller managed by Royal Mail Steam Packet Co, London,

1919 GLAMORGANSHIRE, Shire Line Ltd, London;

1933 scrapped Holland.

War Arrow (1) - 5828 410 54.2 A02 6.18 Completed as WESTERN CITY, US Shipping Board, Seattle;.

1941 Ministry of War Transport, London, managed by Kaye Son & Co;

1942 EMPIRE TURNSTONE, same owner;.

22.10.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.621 at 54.40N 28.00W on passage Tyne to Port Sulphur, La.

War Arrow (2) D 2358 285 42.1 B03 10.18 Shipping Controller, Donald & Taylor, managers;

1919 ALBANO, Soc. Italiana di Servizi Maritimi, Genoa,

1932 Lloyd Triestino, Genoa;

1937 'Adriatica' Soc Anon di Nav, Venice; 2.1.41 mined and sunk off Albanian coast.

War Artist - 4839 381 53.1 A08 7.18 Launched as TACOMA; completed as CHEBAULIP, US Shipping Board, Seattle;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1930 KASHIRSTROI, Sovtorgflot, Odessa. 1936 same owner, Vladivostock;

1960 deleted from Lloyds Register.

War Arun C1 366 136 23.6 B64 4.20 Coaster. Completed as MICKLEHAM, John Harrison Ltd, London;

1920 JOLLY LAURA, Walford Lines Ltd. London;

1928 BELFORD, Tyne-Tees Shipping Co. Sunderland;

1936 J.M.Piggins, Montrose;

1948 GLEN FOAM, South Wales Sand & Gravel Co, Swansea, converted to sand pumper;

1963 Tay Sand Co, Dundee;

1963 scrapped Briton Ferry.

War Aryan AO 5393 401 52.3 B31 11.18 Tanker.Shipping Controller, managed by Anglo-American Oil Co;

1919 NERVIER, Lloyd Royal Belge S.A. Antwerp, converted to dry cargo ship;

1927 KAMBOLE, Cie Africaine de Nav. S.A. Antwerp;

1930 Cie Maritime Belge, Antwerp;

1938 MARZOCCO, Marino Querci, Genoa.

10.6.40 Seized in North Sea and brought into Sunderland;

11.6.40 wrecked near Peterhead, used as blockship Scapa Flow.

War Aspen A 5277 400 52.4 B18 11.18 Completed as SUTHERLAND, Sutherland SS Co, Newcastle;

1920 SOUTHMEAD, Western Counties Shipping Co, London;

1921 KOOLONGA, McIlwraith, McEacharn, Melbourne;

1929 CAITHNESS, B.J Sutherland Co, Newcastle;

1935 DAVID DAWSON, Jubilee S.N.Co, Newcastle;

1936 RIVER AVON, Avon SS Co. Ltd. Bristol.

16.9.36 wrecked Hudson Bay at 62.06N 80.18W.

War Aster A 5299 400 52.4 B18 7.19 Completed as HARESFIELD, British India SN Co, Glasgow.

10.9.42 torpedoed and sunk off Socotra 13.05N 54.35E by Japanese submarine I-29 en route Aden to Colombo.

War Atlin - 2338 250 43.5 C17 5.18 Wooden hull, Shipping Controller, managed by J. Cook & Sons, London.

1920 CERNAY, S.A. de Nav. Les Armateurs Français, Dunkerque;

1924 scrapped Dordrecht, Holland.

War Avoca C5 1565 240 36.3 B19 7.19 Coaster. Completed as CATFORD, South Metropolitan Gas Co. London.

31.5.43 mined and sunk 53.37N 00.42E

War Avon C1 501 142 26.1 B01 2.19 Coaster. Completed as INDEPENDANCE, Neptunus Soc. d'armement, Antwerp;

1921 MAVIS, General S.N.Co. London;

1929 SOUND FISHER, J. Fisher & Sons Ltd, Barrow;

1937 lengthened to 161 ft,

1939 GUARAREMA, Empreza Internacional de Transportes, Rio de Janeiro.

4.3.49 sunk in collision with s/s BRITANNIA at 23.59S 46.19W.

War Azalea A 5275 400 52.4 B18 9.19 Completed as KING ALFRED, King Line Ltd, London;

4.8.40 torpedoed by U.52 at 56.59N 17.38W, on voyage St. John's NS to Methil, bow sank, stern sunk by Royal Navy.






War Babine - 2342 250 43.4 C12 5.18 Wooden hull, Shipping Controller, Easton, Greig & Co, Managers;

1919 VOLUPIA, Cie des Cargos Francais (Deros & Fouroux), Marseilles;

1920 TULLIA, Soc Anon di Nav Apuania, Rome;

1923 scrapped Italy.

War Badger - 2243 251 43.5 C01 8.18 The Shipping Controller;

1919 RIBEAUVILLE, S.A. de Nav. Les Armateurs Français, Rouen;

1930 ZALLA, Maura y Aresti, Bilbao;

1936 scrapped Bilbao.

War Bagpipe D 2314 285 42.0 B08 7.18 Shipping Controller, managed by MacAndrews & Co, London.

1920 ROSIGNANO, Soc. di Nav. Roma, Genoa;

1926 SOMALIA, Cia Italiana Transatlantica, Genoa;

1932 'Tirrenia' (Flotte Riunite Florio-Citra), Genoa;

1937 Lloyd Triestino S.A. di Nav. Naples.

8.5.42 scuttled at Diego Suarez to avoid capture..

War Bahadur Z 5565 400 52.4 B02 12.18 Tanker.Shipping Controller, managed by C.T. Bowring & Co, London.

1921 The Admiralty, same managers;

1936 Royal Fleet Auxiliary;

1938 hulked at Devonport, Ministry of Transport;

1946 scrapped Blyth.

War Bailey F1 5587 400 53.0 B43 6.20 Completed as CONDOR, Bjornstadt & Braekhus, Bergen;

1920 SIERRA BELGRANO, Soc. Transoceanique de Transport, Antwerp;

1923 MONTES, Cie. de Nav. Sud-Atlantique Belge, Antwerp;

1927 HENDONHALL, West Hartlepool SN Co. Ltd, West Hartlepool;

1932 DINO, Corrado S.A. di Nav, Genoa;

1941 seized by USA, r/n MERIDIAN, US Maritime Commission, Panama.

11.11.41 torpedoed and sunk by U.561 at approx. 52.50N 33.20W..

War Balloon D 2341 285 42.1 B60 6.18 Shipping Controller, managed by J. Glynn & Son, London.

16.9.18 wrecked near Pointe de St. Mathieu, near Brest..

War Balsam A 5324 400 52.4 B18 5.19 Completed as HOMEFIELD British India SN Co, London

2.4.41 bombed and sunk near Piraeus, Greece

War Baluchi - - - - - - Cancelled and name not used.

War Bamboo - - - - - - Probably completed as tanker and renamed while building.

War Bann C5 1189 240 35.7 B38 3.20 Coaster. Completed as SYRIER, Lloyd Royal Belge, Antwerp;

1922 KOLSDAL, Ingvald Bjorneboe's Rederi Akt., Christiansand;

1946 LINDHAUG, D/S A/S Alf Lindo's Rederi, Haugesund;

1966 MARIA, Petras Bros, Piraeus;

1969 scrapped Perama.

War Banner - 2080 250 43.6 A22 10.17 Completed as LAKE WORTH, US Shipping Board, New York;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Servive, mine carrier;

1920 PHOENICIER, Lloyd Royal Belge, Antwerp;

1923 ahore at Memel, refloated and sold;

1924 AMBERSTONE, Crete Shipping Co. Ltd. Newcastle;

1927 ORLAND, A/S Auctor (J.A. Haarberg) Bergen;

29.4.40 bombed and sunk by German aircraft off Norway.

War Bantam - - - - - - Cancelled and name not used.

War Bard - 4844 380 53.1 A08 12.18 Completed as YUKON, US Shipping Board, Seattle;

1935 scrapped Baltimore.

War Baron - 6240 410 54.0 A06 9.17 Shipping Controller managed by Cunard SS Co. Ltd. London.

5.1.18 torpedoed and sunk by U.55, NE of Godrevy Lighthouse, St. Ives Bay on passage Southampton to Barry Roads.

War Barrage D 2301 285 42.0 B08 5.18 Shipping Controller, managed by J. Glynn & Sons, London;

1919 RODI, Sicilia S.A. di Nav. Palermo; 1922 S.A di Nav Orientale, Palermo;

1925 RODI S, same owner;

1926 ERITREA, Cia. Italiana Transatlantica,


1932 'Tirrenia' (Flotte Riunite Florio-Citra), Genoa;

1937 Lloyd Triestino S.A di Nav, Naples;

1940 Royal Italian Navy - magnetic minesweeper DM6;

9.2.43 torpedoed and sunk by HMS UNBENDING off Monopoli.

War Bastion F1 5627 400 53.0 B43 12.19 Completed as WAIHEMO, Union SS Co. of New Zealand Ltd. London;

1934 EVINOS, Theofano Maritime Co. Ltd., Chios;

1937 Livanos Naritime Co, Chios;

1950 RIO, Cia Maritima Internacional, Panama;

1951 SHOKYU MARU, Matsuoka Kisen K.K., Ashiya;

1957 Nippon Suisan KK, Tokyo;

1958 scrapped Osaka.

War Bat B 5333 400 52.3 B25 12.19 Completed as GARADA, British India SN Co, Glasgow.

20.7.36 on fire at Cuddalore, beached, refloated;

1938 scrapped Japan.

War Battery D 2352 285 42.0 B44 5.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Balls & Stansfield;

1919 BOLSENA, Soc. Italiana di Servizi Marittimi, Genoa;

1932 Lloyd Triestino, Genoa;

1937 'Adriatica' S.A di Nav, Trieste;

18.5.42 torpedoed and sunk by submarine HMS TURBULENT 32.36N 19.15E.

War Bay - 5989 403 53.0 A04 1.18 Completed as CORONADO, US Shipping Board, San Francisco;

1938 scrapped Rosyth.

War Bayonet - 1977 251 43.8 A28 10.17 Completed as LAKE SUPERIOR, US Shipping Board, New York;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service, mine carrier;

1926 C.D.JOHNSON III, Pacific Spruce Corp. Newport, Ore;

1932 Times Mirror Co, San Francisco;

1934 ANNA SCHAFER, Schafer Bros. SS Lines, San Francisco;

1942 TULURAN (AG-46), US Navy;

1946 ANNA SCHAFER, US Maritime Commission, San Francisco;

1947 scrapped Terminal Island, Calif.

War Beach C 3112 331 46.8 B59 8.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Gibbs & Co, London.

1919 REINDEER, Reindeer SS Co. Ltd. London;

1924 SUNWOOD, Sun Shipping Co. Ltd. London;

1927 SATSUMA MARU, Utsunomiya Kaisoten K.K., Takasogo;

1938 SATUMA MARU, same owner;

11.2.44 sunk by Chinese aircraft 28.01N 121.30E.

War Beacon (1) - 6002 403 53.0 A04 5.18 Completed as PASADENA, US Shipping Board, San Francisco;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1938 scrapped Baltimore.

War Beacon (2) C 3127 331 46.8 B47 7.19 Completed as SHAHRISTAN, Strick Line Ltd. Swansea.

1920 KAWATIRI, Union SS Co. of New Zealand, London;

1936 WEN YUAN, Sung Wen Kuei (Kawasaki Kisen K.K.) Tsingtao;

1938 SEIKAI MARU, Sakamoto Shoji K.K. Osaka;

1940 Kita Nippon Kisen KK, Tokyo;

24.8.42 torpedoed and sunk by USS GUARDFISH at 38.12N 143.30E.

War Beagle B 5105 400 52.3 B06 4.19 Completed as SOUTHERN, J.Mathias & Sons, Aberystwyth;

1919 Fratres Ltd. (Brown, Jenkinson & Co), London;

1922 BRUXELLES, Cie Transatlantique Belge, Antwerp;

1926 Armement Deppe SA, Antwerp;

9.6.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.502 at 11.05N 66.41W.

War Beaver (1) - 1949 251 43.8 A23 10.17 Completed as LAKE ERIE, US Shipping Board, New York;

1918 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service, mine carrier;

Jan.1919 sunk in collision with s/s HAZEL BRANCH near Cardiff, refloated;

1920 GEZINA, Rederiselskabet Gezina (Th.Brovig), Farsund;

1946 RAGNI, Rederi A/S Nina, Oslo;

1956 Pedersen & Berge, Kristiansand;

1957 ARPECO, same owner;

1958 FORCE, D/S A/S Magnhild (M. Clausen), Haugesund;

1959 scrapped Norway.

War Beaver (2) - - - - - - Ordered but not completed.

War Bee - 1730 256 35.1 C07 7.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Tyzack & Branfoot, Picton, N.S.

1920 MÉCANICIEN MOUTTE, Cie de Navigation Mixte, Marseilles,

1940 seized by Italy r/n CESENA, Italian Government;

1945 returned to France r/n MECANICIEN MOUTTE, Cie de Navigation Mixte, Marseilles,

1949 LAMONE, Marittima Ravennate SA, Ravenna,

1960 PAOLETTO, Luigi Podesta, Genoa. 1963 scrapped Savona.

War Beetle B 5176 400 52.3 B61 9.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Bickett & Co 1919 EGLANTIER, Lloyd Royal Belge S.A.Antwerp;

1930 Cie Maritime Belge, Antwerp;

1939 SRECA, Atlanska Plovidba dd, Susak, Yugoslavia;

1946 KORNAT Jugoslavenska Slobodna Plovidba, Rijeka, Yugoslavia;

1950 Jugoslavenska Linijska Plovidba, Rijeka; 1956 Splosna Plovba, Piran, Yugoslavia;

1957 CHEIKH MARCEL, Phoebus D. Kyprianou, Beirut;

1963 scrapped Osaka.

War Begonia A 5202 400 52.4 B18 11.19 Completed as ROKOS VERGOTTIS, Panaghis Vergottis, Argostoli;

1927 K. Vergotti, Argostoli;

23.12.41 grounded and broke in two after being mined in North Sea.

War Begum Z 5578 400 52.3 B45 8.19 Tanker.The Shipping Controller, managed by British Tanker Co;

1920 Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co, London; 1921 CONUS, same owner;

1927 HERBORG, D/S A/S Jolund (S. Herlofson & Co.), Moss, Norway;

1928 THELMA, Tonnevolds Rederi A/S, Grimstad;

1937 WAR BEGUM, Wheelock & Co, Singapore;

1938 HOKKI MARU, Kitagawa Sangyo Kaiun K.K. Osaka;

27.9.44 torpedoed and sunk by USS LAPON at 15.45N 117.48E

War Bengali - - - - - - Order cancelled.

War Beryl F 6723 413 55.5 B18 4.19 Shipping Controller, managed by Canadian Pacific Lines;

1920 BOTHWELL, Canadian Pacific Rly Co, London;

1933 sold to Tramp Shipping Developement Co. but never listed;

1934 TOWER CROWN, Tower SS Co. (Counties Ship Management), London;

1937 MOUNT OSSA, Kulukundis Shipping Co., Piraeus;

1939 ROBERT BORNHOFEN, R.Bornhofen, Hamburg; requisitioned as minesweeper,

1939 SPERRBRECHER III; German Navy.


1940 SPERRBRECHER C; German Navy.

1942 released to owners;

12.9.42 mined and sunk off North Cape.

War Bharata Z 5600 400 52.3 B45 3.20 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by British Tanker Co, London;

1921 transferred to The Admiralty;

1948 WOLF ROCK, Verano SS Co, London;

1953 scrapped Troon.

War Birch (1) - 2014 251 43.5 A21 4.18 Completed as LAKE CHARLES, US Shipping Board, Cleveland;

1925 Noland SS Co, Newport News;

1929 KIRSTEN B, Th. Brovig, Farsund, Norway;

28.3.30 wrecked outside Farsund, 1930 wreck scrapped.

War Birch (2) A 5173 401 52.3 B27 4.19 Completed as LEAPARK, J. & J. Denholm Ltd. Greenock.

1920 MOUNT ATHOS, London & Piraeus SS Co, London;

1921 ANNA, N.D. Lykiardopulo, Argostoli; 1953 Cephalonian Maritime Co, Piraeus;

1954 CAPETAN DIMITRIS, Cia de Vapores Lounidi Ltda., San Jose, Costa Rica.

1959 scrapped Osaka.

War Bison B 5226 400 52.3 B32 5.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Rankin, Gilmour & Co, London.

1919 AUSTRALIER, Lloyd Royal Belge, Antwerp.

1926 SALADO, Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway Co. (A. Holland & Co.) London.

1935 ROYSTON GRANGE, Houlder Line Ltd, London.

25.11.39 torpedoed and sunk by U.28 at position 49.15N 09.00W on passage Buenos Aires to Liverpool.

War Bittern B 5178 400 52.3 B30 4.18 Shipping Controller managed by Anchor Line;

1919 PATAGONIER, Lloyd Royale Belge, Antwerp;

1930 Cie Maritime Belge, Antwerp;

1932 PERSEUS, A. Andreatos, Argostoli.

12.2.41 sunk by German cruiser ADMIRAL HIPPER at 37.12N 21.30W.

War Bobtail E 4452 376 51.7 B22 2.20 Completed as APPLE BRANCH, Nautilus Steam Shipping Co (F. & W. Ritson), Sunderland;

1933 PUNTA ARENAS, Cia Chilena de Nav. Interoceanica, Valparaiso;

1957 SAN PATRICIO, Cia Maritima Valck & Monckton, Valparaiso;

1958 scrapped Ghent.

War Bomber B 5195 400 52.2 H01 10.19 Completed as PIONIER, Lloyd Royale Belge, Antwerp;

1930 Cie Maritime Belge, Antwerp;

1939 CARMAR, Agencia Maritima Carmar Ltda, Panama.

1941 KAIMEI MARU, Kaiyo Kisen K.K., Kobe.

4.9.42 torpedoed and sunk by USS GUARDFISH 40.14N 141.51E

War Boy - - - - - - See WAR BUOY.

War Boyne - - - - - - Contract cancelled.

War Bracken A 5182 401 52.3 B11 1.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Lyle Shipping Co;

1919 CAMPANIA, Luigi Pittaluga, Genoa;

1927 Ditta Luigi Pittaluga Vapori, Genoa;

28.6.43 bombed and sunk off Leghorn.

War Brae C 3085 331 46.7 B36 6.18 Shipping Controller, managed by J.J. & C.M. Forster;

1919 S.A. Prodotti Chimici Colla e Concimi, Rome;

1919 PIAVE, S.A. Sbarchi Imbarchi e Trasporti, Rome;

1924 VENUS, same owner;

1933 scrapped Savona.

War Brahmin Z 5545 400 52.2 B72 2.20 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by C.T. Bowring & Co, London;

1921 transferred to Admiralty.

1952 storage hulk;

1959 OLTERRA, for use in a film at Gibraltar;

1960 scrapped Spezia.

War Bramble H 2436 303 43.0 B03 11.19 Completed as THURSO, Ellerman's Wilson Line, Hull.

15.6.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.552 at 43.41N 18.02W on voyage Lisbon to Liverpool.

War Branch - 2014 251 43.5 A21 6.18 Completed as LAKE FERNWOOD, US Shipping Board, Cleveland;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1923 VIRGINIA DESPATCH, Richmond -New York SS Co, Newport News;

1925 Eastern Steamship Co, Newport News;

1935 MERCURIO, S.A Sbarchi, Imbarchi's Trasporti, Rome;

1943 seized by Germany;

27.9.44 bombed and sunk at Istria,

1949 raised and scrapped.

War Breaker C 3105 331 46.7 B38 11.18 Shipping Controller, managed by J. Black & Co;

1919 TONGRIER, Lloyd Royal Belge, Antwerp;

1926 MAMPOKO, Cie. Belge Maritime du Congo S.A., Antwerp;

1927 Cie Africaine de Nav.S.A, Antwerp; 1930 Cie Maritime Belge, Antwerp;

1934 ALFREDO ORIANI, Adria S.A. di Nav. Marittima, Fiume;

1937 'Tirrenia' S.A.di Nav, Fiume;

13.9.41 sunk after aircraft bombing 35.05N 20.16E.

War Breeze (1) - 6002 403 53.0 A05 6.18 Completed as OAKLAND, US Shipping Board, San Francisco;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1933 scrapped Baltimore.

War Breeze (2) C 3095 331 46.8 B36 4.19 Shipping Controller, managed by C. Nielsen & Sons;

1919 WITHINGTON, The Times Shipping Co. Ltd., Newport, Mon;

1927 Barry Shipping Co, Newport, Mon;

1928 KIRIHA MARU, Tatsuuma Kisen K.K. Nishinomiya;

6.3.43 torpedoed and sunk by USS TRITON at 00.37N 145.30E.

War Briar (1) - 2014 251 43.5 A21 4.18 Completed as LAKE JESSOP, US Shipping Board, Cleveland;

1921 International Coal Transportation Corp, NY;

1925 EKSTRAND, A/S Stadt (C.B. Nielsen), Skien, Norway;

1935 IRISTO, D/S A/S Iris II (Hans Fr. Grann), Oslo;

16.3.37 sank in tow after grounding 32.28N 64.39W

War Briar (2) - - - - - - Probably completed as tanker and renamed before completion.

War Brigade (1) - 5616 409 54.2 A01 3.18 Completed as WESTERLY, US Shipping Board, Seattle;

27.4.18 sunk in collision with British tanker LUCILINE off Brest.

War Brigade (2) D 2365 284 41.9 B19 9.19 Completed as HALO, Gas Light & Coke Co. Ltd. (Stephenson Clarke & Co.), London;

22.1.45 torpedoed and sunk by E-boat 51.22N 02.24E

War Briton AO 5191 400 52.3 B26 8.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by Anglo-Mexican Petroleum Co. Ltd;

1919 TITAN, Soc.Les Affréteurs Réunis (Jean Stern) Rouen, converted to dry cargo ship;

1925 S.A "Les Affreteurs Reunis", Marseilles;

1925 CAPE ST. AGNES, Sun Shipping Co. London.

1937 ST. AGNES, The Saint Line Ltd, London,

14.9.40 torpedoed and sunk by Italian submarine EMO at 41.27N 21.50W on voyage Vizagapatam to Hull..

War Brosna C 3099 332 46.7 B10 10.19 Completed as SUNBANK, Sun Shipping Co, London;

1928 DAISHU MARU, Daifuki Kisen K.K. Fuchu;

1938 DAISYU MARU, same owner;. 22.11.43 torpedoed and sunk by USS SEAHORSE at 33.36N 128.35E

War Browney - 2162 280 40.5 B44 7.19 Coaster. Completed as HORNCHURCH, J. Hudson & Co. Ltd. London;

12.7.40 Bombed and sunk by German aircraft off Aldeburgh.

War Buckler D 2357 285 42.0 B30 5.18 Shipping Controller, managed by J.& J.Denholm;

1919 PORTRIEUX, Chemins de Fer de l'Etat Francais, Havre;

1920 Soc. Maritime Nationale, Havre.

22.5.40 sunk by air attack off Gravelines.

War Buffalo B 5228 400 52.3 B43 6.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Rankin, Gilmour & Co. Ltd, London.

1919 PERSIER, Lloyd Royal Belge, Antwerp;

1930 Cie Maritime Belge, Antwerp;

9.6.41 ashore Iceland broke in two, repaired;

11.2.45 torpedoed by U.1017 and sunk in Bigbury Bay in position 50.17N 03.58.09W.

War Bugle - 2242 254 43.5 A24 5.18 Completed as LAKE MAUREPAS, US Shipping Board, Cleveland.

1925 sold to Ford Motor Co;

1927 scrapped Detroit.

War Bugler B 5137 400 52.3 H02 12.19 Completed as NICOLIS, N.E. Ambatielos, Argostoli;

1923 ORTHRYS, Orthrys SS Co. Ltd. (Adam Bros. Ltd.) London;

1926 MISHIMA MARU, Matsuoka Kisen K.K, Kobe;

7.1.27 ashore on Hokkaido Island, Japan, total loss.

War Bulldog B 5242 400 52.3 B25 7.19 Completed as TREGENNA, Hain SS Co, St. Ives.

17.9.40 torpedoed and sunk by U.65 at 58.22N 14.42W on passage Philadelphia to Newport, Mon..

War Bullet - 5688 410 54.0 A02 4.18 Completed as WEST GROVE, US Shipping Board, Portland, Ore;

1930 scrapped Baltimore.

War Buoy - 6172 403 53.0 A04 4.18 Completed as YELLOWSTONE, US Shipping Board, San Francisco;

1918-19 US Navy - Overseas Transportation Service;

16.12.20 dragged anchor and wrecked at St.Michael's, Azores.

War Bure C6 1425 235 36.1 B29 4.20 Coaster.

1921 completed as ENUGU, Crown Agents for the Colonies, Lagos;

1944 EMPIRE LIDDELL, Min. of War Transport, managed by Elder Dempster Lines, London;

1948 HOEVELD, South African National SS.Co, Cape Town;

1951 ALIWAL, South African National SS Co. (Van Riebeick Lines Ltd) Cape Town;

1961 scrapped Durban.

War Burman AO 5287 400 52.3 B11 4.19 Tanker. Completed as BURGONDIER, Lloyd Royal Belge (G.B.) Ltd. London;

1923 Lloyd Royal Belge SA, Antwerp;

1926 AZUL, Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway Co, (A. Holland & Co.) London;

1935 Kaye, Son & Co. Ltd. London;

1936 DAVID DAWSON, Georgian SN Co. Ltd. London;

1937 PENTELI, J.A.Coulouthros & N.N. Embiricos, Andros.

1939 BROCKLEY HILL, Brockley Hill SS Co. Ltd. (Counties Ship Management) London;

22.6.41 torpedoed and sunk by U.651 at 58.30N 38.20W on passage Montreal to London..

War Bustard - - - - - - Order cancelled or completed as tanker with different name.



Home WWl Ships










War Cadet AO 5168 400 52.4 B13 9.19 Tanker. Completed as DIONYSSIOS STATHATOS, D.A.Stathatos SS Co, Ithaca;

11.12.40 lost rudder, abandoned at 58.31N 21.55W.

War Calder C5 1560 240 36.2 B19 9.20 Coaster. Completed as JETBLACK, Gas Light & Coke Co (Stephenson, Clarke & Co), London;

1949 North Thames Gas Board, (Stephenson Clark & Co), London;

1954 scrapped at Dunston-on-Tyne.

War Cam - 754 191 29.2 B65 12.18 Coaster. Completed as CATHERINE AIDA, J.Leete & Sons, London;

1923 OLIVINE, Wm.Robertson, Glasgow;

1929 ashore near Prawle Point, sold and refloated;

1930 CARRICKMACROSS, John Kelly Ltd, Belfast;

1951 BALLYHENRY, same owner;

1959 scrapped Troon.

War Camchin - 2339 250 43.4 C12 8.18 Wooden Hull. Shipping Controller, managed by Easton, Greig & Co, Victoria, B.C;

1919 PRESIDENT MITHOUARD, S.A de Nav 'Les Armateurs Francais, Dunkerque;

1923 Aquila A.G.fur Handels u Industrieunternehmungen;

1924 scrapped Hamburg.

War Camel B 5250 399 52.2 B45 3.19 Completed as CAIRNDHU, Cairn Line (Cairns, Noble & Co), Newcastle;

1935 STRYMON, Livanos Maritime Co, Chios;

1951 LIBERTY, Cia Maritima Internacional, Panama;

17.1.52 ashore east of Pendeen, scrapped.

War Camp - 5818 411 54.1 C05 9.18 Shipping Controller, managed by J Chambers & Co, Liverpool;

1919 SIERRA QUEMEDA, R.van Hemelryck, Antwerp;

1924 ATLANTIS, Culucundis & Costomeni, Syra;

1929 FLINT 2, A/S Flint, Bergen;

1930 ELGIN COUNTY, same owner;

1930 FLINT 2, same owner;

1940 requisitioned by Swedish Government, Svenska Statens Trafikkommision, Stockholm;

1944 derequisitoioned;

1951 STELLA AZZURRA, Soc.Triestina di Nav. Libera Stella Azzurra, Venice,

1953 Cia Armatoriale Italiana, Venice;

1958 scrapped Osaka.

War Canna A 5132 400 52.3 B27 11.19 Completed as GRANGEPARK, J.& J. Denholm, Glasgow;

20.11.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.263 at 35.55N 10.14W while on voyage Barry and the Clyde to Oran.

War Cape - 7588 440 56.0 A09 1.19 Completed as TRIUMPH, US Shipping Board, San Francisco;

1929 rebuilt to 7573 g.t., length 456.1ft, converted to motor ship;

1937 US Maritime Commission, New York;

1938 PAN MASSACHUSETTS, National Bulk Carriers Inc, New York, converted to tanker, engines aft;

19.2.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.128 at 28.27N 80.08W en route Texas City to New York.

War Capitol F1 5685 400 53.0 B43 1.19 Shipping Controller, managed by J.Edgar & Co;

1919 ELVERIC, Bank Line (Andrew Weir & Co), Glasgow;

1933 KASSOS, Kassos S.N. Co, Syra, Greece;

1939 MICHALIS, L.Fatsis, Chios;

20.11.41 ashore 6 miles above Quebec, total loss.

War Captain - 2385 264 42.2 A17 7.17 Shipping Controller managed by T. F. Harrison, London;

9.9.17 wrecked on Iles de Glenan.

War Caracul J 4663 385 52.0 B52 10.19 Completed as KASTALIA, Donaldson Line, Glasgow;

1936 TUSKER ROCK, Ogmore SS Co, London;

1937 ARMATHIA, Yannaghas Bros, Piraeus;

1952 CAPTAIN ANTONIOS K, Cie de Vapores Costa Rica SA, Puerto Limon, Costa Rica;

1.3.54 sank at 37.05N 07.53E.

War Cariboo - 2330 250 43.4 C17 4.18 Wooden Hull, Shipping Controller, managed by H.Fernie & Sons;

1920 CABIRA, Credito Industriale di Venezia, Venice;

1921 Giulia S.A.di Armamento, Trieste;

1924 scrapped at Trieste.

War Carp B 5225 401 52.2 B12 9.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Ben Line (W.Thomson & Co);

1919 VENNONIA, Cunard SS Co;

1924 RIVER HUDSON, American Levant Line;

1931 ZEFFIRO, Soc.Anon. di Nav. Corrado, Genoa;

20.5.41 mined and sunk near Cap Bon.

War Casco - 2319 250 43.3 C25 7.18 Wooden Hull. Shipping Controller, managed by J.Hardie & Co, Vancouver;

1919 sold to Italy;

27.2.20 burnt out and beached near Carnero Point, Gibraltar.

War Castle (1) - 2003 250 43.7 A25 11.17 Completed as LAKE ONTARIO, US Shipping Board, Washington D.C;

1917-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service as mine carrier;

1925 sold to Ford Motor Co;

1928 scrapped Detroit.

War Castle (2) F1 5680 400 53.0 B43 10.18 Shipping Controller, managed by R.Gordon & Co;

1919 BRADCLYDE, Reardon Smith & Son, Bideford;

1934 ALMA DAWSON, New Era Shipping Co, Newcastle;

1935 AVON BRIDGE, Avon SS Co, Bristol;

1937 LYRAS, M.Lyras, Piraeus;

1950 AEOLOS, Lyras Bros, Piraeus;

1953 scrapped Briton Ferry.

War Castor - - - - - - Name not allocated.

War Cateran AO 5261 401 52.3 B13 10.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, Gow, Harrison & Co, managers;

1919 SIERENTZ, Louis Dreyfus & Co, Dunkirk, converted to dry cargo ship;

1933 HELEN MOLLER, Moller & Co, Shanghai;

5.6.44 torpedoed and sunk by U.183 at 04.28S 74.45E en route Colombo to Fremantle.

War Cavalry - 5757 411 54.1 C05 5.19 Shipping Controller, managed by Raeburn & Verel Ltd;

1919 SYLVIA VICTORIA, Forbes Corporation, Montreal;

1922 ATLANTICOS, E.Culucundis & S.Costomeni, Syra, Greece;

1930 Atlanticos SS Co, Syra;

1932 MOUNT PENTELIKON, Atlanticos SS Co, Panama;

1933 KINSHU MARU, Dairen Kisen KK, Dairen, Japan;

1938 KINSYU MARU, same owner;

17.6.44 torpedoed and sunk by USS HAKE at 06.17N 126.17E

War Cayuse - 2346 250 43.4 C17 4.18 Wooden Hull, Shipping Controller, managed by J.Cook & Sons;

1919 NEMI, Soc Italiana di Servizi Marittimi, Genoa;

1925 scrapped Trieste.

War Cedar A 5135 400 52.3 B26 7.19 Completed as BEECHPARK, Denholm Shipping Co, Greenock;

1937 GER-Y-BRYN, Brynymor SS Co, Swansea;

1938 ORAO, Jugoslavenska Plovidba d.d, Susak, Yugoslavia;

12.10.40 torpedoed, shelled and sunk by Italian submarine ENRICO TAZZOLI at 34.35N 10.35W.

War Celt AO 5228 401 52.3 B28 2.19 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by Anglo Mexican Petroleum Co;

1919 CABOTO, Soc. Veneziana di Nav a Vap, Venice;

1937 Lloyd Triestino, Venice;

8.1941 salved by Royal Navy at Banda Shapur after being scuttled;

1941 EMPIRE KOHINOOR, M.O.W.T. managed by Anchor Line Ltd;

2.7.43 torpedoed and sunk by U.618 at 06.20N 16.30W while on voyage from Alexandria to Cape Town and the UK.

War Centaur - 1993 251 43.6 A26 4.18 Completed as LAKE TRAVERSE, US Shipping Board, Duluth;

1926 Union Transit Co, Chicago;

1935 Nicholson Transit Co, Detroit;

1941 West India Steamships, Panama;

1946 West India Sales Ltd, Panama;

1949 Lawric Shipping Co, Panama;

1950 Ponce & Panama Marine SA, Panama; 1952 Abraham Babun, Panama;

6.7.55 sprang a leak and sank at 20.09N 72.57W.

War Ceres G2 7920 450 58.4 B61 4.19 Completed as NOWSHERA, British India SN Co, Glasgow;

18.11.40 captured and sunk by German raider PINGUIN at 31.02S 100.51E while on passage Newcastle, NSW to the UK.

War Chamois B 5307 400 52.4 B56 8.19 Completed as PASHA, Asiatic S.N.Co, London;

1950 scrapped Cochin, India.

War Chant - 2045 251 43.8 A27 9.17 Completed as LAKE CHAMPLAIN, US Shipping Board, Washington, D.C;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1920 NIPPONIER, Lloyd Royal Belge, Antwerp;

1925 FRUITHANDEL, Armement Gylsen S.S, Antwerp;

1927 MEISEI MARU, Hiyoshi Kaiun KK, Amagasaki;

11.6.45 torpedoed and sunk by USS FLYING FISH at 41.47N 131.44E.

War Char C6 1400 235 36.2 B29 9.19 Coaster. Completed as WHITWORTH, Robert Stanley Shipping Co, Newcastle;

1929 Dalgliesh Steam Shipping Co, Newcastle;

1936 UHTI, Peet Rass, Tallinn, Estonia;

1939 SPRINGFAL, Springfal Shipping Co, London;

1940 GASRAY, Gas Light & Coke Co (Stephenson Clarke & Co), London;

1944 Williamstown Shipping Co (Comben Longstaff & Co), London;

5.4.45 torpedoed and sunk by U.978 2 miles off St.Abb's Head en route Grangemouth to Blyth.

War Charger - 5703 411 54.1 C05 11.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Raeburn & Verel, Vancouver;


9.6.21 sank after catching fire at Salonika.

War Chariot - 5747 411 54.1 C05 10.19 Shipping Controller, managed by Raeburn & Verel;

1919 IOCASTI, Hellenic Transport SS Co, Piraeus;

8.2.21 sank after fire at 36.44N 01.28W.

War Charon G2 7900 450 58.5 B61 2.19 Completed as ROYALSTAR, Blue Star Line, London;

1920 Union Cold Storage Co, London;

1929 ROYAL STAR, same owner;

20.4.44 sunk by aerial torpedo at 37.02N 03.41E while on passage Buenos Aires - Algiers - Malta.

War Chateau F1 5645 400 53.0 B43 5.20 Completed as ERLE, Arentz Rederi, Larvik, Norway;

1922 Forenede Rederier A/S (Gorrisen & Co), Christiania;

1924 A/S Erle (Fearnley & Eger), Oslo;

1927 ZRINSKI, Jugoslovensko Amerikaniska Plovidba, Split, Yugoslavia;

1928 Jugoslavenski Lloyd, Split;

1940 ASHCREST, Crest Shipping Co, London;

8.12.40 torpedoed and sunk by U.140 at 55.12N 10.20W on passage Philadelphia to Middlesbrough..

War Chelmer C5 1535 240 36.2 B71 3.20 Coaster. Completed as TYNE BELL, Redington Shipping Co (Pile & Co), London; 1921 Edward T.Lindley, London;

1922 HILLFERN, Portsmouth SS Co (McNeill & Jones), London;

1932 John Kelly Ltd, Belfast;

1936 Bramhall SS Co, Belfast;

1936 Derwent Steam Shipping Co, Newcastle;

1937 Angel, Son & Co, Newcastle;

31.10.40 sunk by explosion (probably mine) 35 miles NNW of Kinnaird Head.

War Cherry H 2513 303 43.0 B24 6.19 Shipping Controller, managed by Alexander & Mair;

1919 BLACKHILL, Consett Iron Co, Newcastle;

18.11.39 mined and sunk in Thames Estuary.

War Chief - 5743 411 54.1 C05 2.19 Shipping Controller, managed by Raeburn & Verel;

1919 ALFONZO PEREZ, A.F.Perez, Santander, Spain;

1938 seized by Spanish Republican Government r/n CANTABRIA, Departamento de Navegacion, Santander;

2.11.38 shelled and sunk by Spanish Nationalist cruiser CIUDAD DE VALENCIA off Cromer.

War Chilkat - 2331 250 43.5 C25 8.18 Wooden Hull. Shipping Controller, managed by J.Hardie & Co, Vancouver;

1920 CHARLES FILLION, S.A.de Nav 'Les Armateurs Francais', Dunkerque;

1924 scrapped Holland.

War Chine C 3063 331 46.8 B59 1.20 Completed as PILTON, Atlantic Shipping & Trading Ltd (W.J.Tatem), London;

1922 W.J.Tatem Ltd, London;

1938 SILJAN, Rederi A/B Sigyn (H.Lundgren), Helsingborg, Sweden;

26.9.40 torpedoed and sunk by U.46, 250 miles west of Ireland.

War Citadel F1 5684 400 53.0 B43 11.18 Shipping Controller, managed by R.Gordon & Co;

1920 EFSTATHIOS, E.Ambatielos, Argostoli;

1924 MARIJA PETRINOVIC, Jugoslovensko-Amerikaniska Plovidba, Split; 1928 Jugoslavenski Lloyd, Split;

1946 GORICA, Jugoslavenska Slobodna Plovidba, Split,

1950 Jugoslavenska Linijska Plovidba, Split;

1956 Splosna Plovba, Koper;

1956 CHEIKH BOUTROS, Phoebus Kyprianou, Beirut;

1959 scrapped at Osaka.

War Clarion D 2327 285 41.9 B24 9.18 Shipping Controller, managed by R.Mackie & Co;

1919 SAINT ENOGAT, Chemins de Fer de l'Etat Francais, Havre;

1920 Soc Maritime Nationale, Havre;

1940 seized at Plymouth, M.O.W.T, managed by T.& C Wilton & Co;

19.8.44 torpedoed and sunk by U.413 at 50.16N 00.50W on passage London to Juno Beach, Normandy.

War Climax N 6429 412 55.8 B56 10.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Lowden, Connell & Co;

1919 GLENSTRAE, Glen Line Ltd, London;

1920 BANBURY CASTLE, Union-Castle Mail SS Co, Southampton;

1931 ROKOS, G.Vergottis, Argostoli;

1935 S.G.Razis, Argostoli;

1935 Ionion SS Co, Argostoli;

26.5.41 bombed by German aircraft at Suda Bay, Crete, ashore and wrecked.

War Cloud (1) - 2151 250 43.7 A25 8.18 Completed as LAKE LINDEN, US Shipping Board, Milwaukee;

1925 sold to Ford Motor Co;

1926 scrapped Detroit.

War Cloud (2) C 3078 331 46.7 B19 5.20 Completed as GLENSTAL, Limerick SS Co, Limerick;

1920 ALDINGA, Adelaide SS Co, London / Sydney;

1951 NATAL COAST, Neptune Shipping Co, Durban;

30.4.55 aground in fog at 22.30S 14.27E, total loss.

War Clover A 5174 400 52.3 B30 9.17 Shipping Controller managed by T. Dixon & Sons, London;

19.10.17 torpedoed and sunk by U.64 at 37.00N 12.35E off Pantellaria on voyage Barry to Malta.

War Cluny C5 1489 240 36.1 B70 7.20 Coaster. Completed as PLAWSWORTH, Robert Stanley Shipping Co (R.S.Dalgliesh), Newcastle;

1929 Dalgliesh Steam Shipping Co, Newcastle;

20.4.42 mined and sunk 0.5 miles South of Aldeburgh Buoy.

War Clyde C5 1525 241 36.1 B39 10.18 Coaster. Shipping Controller - Coasting Trade Office, Ministry of Shipping;

1919 SIERRA VERDE, Soc. Transoceanique de Transports, Antwerp;

1922 Soc.de Cabotage International, Antwerp;

1925 DIVONA, Union Industrielle et Maritime, Rouen;

9.11.42 scuttled at Bizerta by Vichy French, 1946 scrapped.

War Coast (1) - 6002 403 53.0 A05 6.18 Completed as FRESNO, US Shipping Board, San Francisco;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1936 scrapped Baltimore.

War Coast (2) C 3146 331 46.6 B59 3.19 Shipping Controller, managed by C. Doresa;

1919 COSMOS, J.S.Ambrose, Cardiff;

1920 KEKERANGU, Union SS Co of New Zealand, Wellington;

1953 scrapped Kawasaki.

War Cobra B 5155 400 52.3 B30 12.17 Shipping Controller managed by G. Heyn & Sons, London;

1919 ALBERTO TREVES, Soc. Veneziana di Nav. a Vapore, Venice;

1937 Lloyd Triestino, Venice;

1940 ROMOLO GESSI, Lloyd Triestino;

4.4.41 scuttled at Massawa;

1951 scrapped.

War Coleus A 4999 409 53.5 B27 5.20 Completed as ELMPARK, Denholm Shipping Co, Greenock;

1931 Denholm Line Steamers Ltd;

1937 WEST POINT, Cereal Trade & Shipping Co, London;

17.5.46 ashore north of Marenham, 00.46S 44.14W.

War Collie B 5114 400 52.3 B06 7.19 Completed as EASTERLY, Fratres Ltd (Brown, Jenkinson & Co), London;

1921 VERMONT, Cie Generale Transatlantique, Havre;

15.10.39 shelled and scuttled by U.37 at 48.01N 17.22W.

War Colne - 754 191 29.2 B65 2.19 Coaster. Completed as CATHERINE ANNIE, J.Leete & Sons, London;

1922 THE PRESIDENT, J.Hay & Sons, Glasgow;

1933 GATESHEAD, Tyne-Tees Steam Shipping Co, Newcastle;

1946 PERSIAN COAST, same owner;

1951 CELIA MARY, Mersey Ports Stevedoring Co, Liverpool;

1955 CUPHOLDER, Glynwood Navigation Co, Hull;

1956 scrapped Holland.

War Column - 5752 411 54.1 C05 7.19 Shipping Controller, managed by Raeburn & Verel;

1920 ATTIVITA, Lloyd del Pacifico, Savona, Italy;

1931 VALDARNO, Soc.di Nav Unione Italica, Genoa;

1937 "Corrado" Soc. Anon. di Nav.,Genoa;

1941 seized by Argentina r/n RIO NEUQUEN, Flota Mercante del Estado, Buenos Aires;

1957 NEUQUEN, Cia Argentina de Nav.Ultramar, Buenos Aires;

1958 scrapped Spezia.

War Combe C 3090 331 46.8 B59 10.18 Shipping Controller, managed by R.Chapman & Son;

1919 WATSNESS, Letricheux Lines, Cardiff;

1920 Reardon Smith & Sons, Swansea;

1927 MARKLYN, Mervyn SS Co, Newport;

1942 EMPIRE USK, M.O.W.T. managed by Martyn, Martyn & Co;

1946 HEMINGE, H.Constant, Newport;

1948 BLUESTONE, Crete Shipping Co, London;

1953 GROSVENOR MARINER, Moller Line (UK), London;

1955 scrapped Hong Kong.

War Comet (1) - 2151 251 43.7 A25 8.18 Completed as LAKE MONROE, US Shipping Board, Milwaukee;

1920 MARY, same owner;

1922 Bull Insular SS Co, New York;

1925 A.H.Bull Inc, NY;

1937 THORPEBAY, Westcliff Shipping Co, London;

1940 store hulk for MOWT after damaged by fire;

1947 scuttled in Atlantic with chemical weapons.

War Comet (2) C 3106 331 46.8 B02 10.19 Completed as WESTERN VALLEYS, Cleeves Western Valleys Anthracite Collieries, Swansea;

31.12.24. dragged anchors and wrecked Heysham.

War Comox - 2337 249 43.7 C18 4.18 Wooden Hull. Shipping Controller, managed by R.& J.H.Rea;

1920 GIUDITTA, Ravano & Corrado, Genoa;

1925 scrapped Genoa.

War Company - 5476 411 54.1 C05 8.19 Shipping Controller, managed by Raeburn & Verel;

1919 ONTARIO, Cie Generale Transatlantique, Havre;

1934 MARPESSA, N.Eustathiou, Piraeus;

1954 scrapped Japan.

War Compass - 2585 299 44.0 A15 9.18 Completed as AURORA, US Shipping Board, Wilmington, Del;

1920 CARABINIER, Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

1925 YZERHANDEL, Armement Gylsen S.A, Antwerp;

1928 BELGICA, Maritime Gantoise S.A, Ghent;

1932 HAARFAGRE, A/S Havlide, Skien, Norway;

1948 HELMI L, O/Y Wildfart Ltd, Helsingfors, Finland;

1949 KARL-ERIK, same owner;

1952 Lovisa Rederi A/B, Finland;

1960 scrapped Ghent.

War Comrade - 4829 380 53.1 A08 9.18 Completed as ANACORTES, US Shipping Board, Tacoma;

1937 US Maritime Commission, Tacoma;

1940 EMPIRE MALLARD, M.O.W.T. managed by H.Hogarth & Sons;

26.9.41 sank after collision with s/s EMPIRE MOON in Belle Isle Strait.

War Condor B 5288 400 52.3 B04 1.20 Launched as HESIONE, completed as HARMONIDES, British & South American S.N.Co (R.P.Houston & Co), Liverpool;

25.8.42 torpedoed and sunk by Japanese submarine I-165 at 01.47N 77.27E on passage Tricomalee to Lourenco Marques.

War Coney B 5314 401 52.2 B39 6.19 Completed as BRONTE, Lamport & Holt Ltd, Liverpool;

27.10.39 torpedoed by U.34 en route Liverpool to Halifax and Rosario.

30.10.39 sunk by escort at 49.30N 12.15W after attempting tow.

War Coot B 5256 412 52.4 B73 8.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Federal S.N.Co;

1919 SIERRA ROJA, Soc.Transoceanique de Transports, Antwerp;

1924 Soc.Belge de Credit Maritime, Antwerp;

1925 SERENITAS, S.A per l'Industria ed il Com.Marit.'Nova Genuensis', Genoa;

5.7.40 bombed and sunk at Tobruk,

1951 scrapped at Savona.

War Convoy - 5755 411 54.1 C05 4.19 Shipping Controller, managed by Raeburn & Verel;

1919 WILLDOMINO, Convoy SS Co, Halifax, NS;

1921 Board of Trade, London;

1922 BENCLEUCH, Ben Line Steamers Ltd, Leith;

12.12.41 sank after fire at 53.10N 38.00W.

War Coppice C 3124 331 46.8 B07 7.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Morel Ltd; 1919 NORD, French Government;

1920 REFRIGERANT, Cie Maritime de Transports Frigorifiques, Lorient;

1932 S.Behr & Matthew Ltd, London;

1933 BALTRAFFIC, United Baltic Corporation, London;

1951 SAFINA E TARIQ, Pan-Islamic SS Co, Karachi;

1957 scrapped Karachi.

War Coquet - - - - - - Order cancelled

War Coral F 6696 413 55.5 B18 6.19 Completed as ORTERIC, Bank Line Ltd (Andrew Weir & Co), Glasgow;

12.12.22 wrecked Point Arena, California.

War Cornet - 2308 254 43.8 A24 6.18 Completed as LAKEHURST, US Shipping Board, Detroit;

1925 sold to Ford Motor Co;

1927 scrapped Detroit.

War Coronet B 5126 400 52.3 H02 5.20 Completed as KERAMIES, N.E.Ambatielos, Argostoli, Greece;

1923 KING IDWAL, King Line Ltd (Dodd, Thompson & Co), London;

23.11.40 torpedoed and sunk by U.123 at 56.44N 19.13W, on passage Liverpool to Baltimore.

War Council - 5875 385 51.2 J03 7.17 Shipping Controller managed by Furness Withy & Co,

16.1.18. torpedoed and sunk by U.63 at 35.44N 00.21E off Cape Matapan en route Barry to Port Said.

War Country C 3099 331 46.7 B25 3.18 Shipping Controller, managed by F.& W.Ritson;

1919 GLACIERE, French Government,

1924 Cie Maritime de Transports Frigorifiques, Lorient;

1932 S.Behr & Matthew Ltd, London;

1933 BALTARA, United Baltic Corporation, London;

1956 NIKFIL, Alfroessa Cia. Naviera Puerto Limon;

1960 scrapped Rosyth.

War Courage N 6625 412 55.8 B02 10.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Lowden, Connell & Co;

1919 GLENSANDA, Glen Line Ltd, London;

1928 ESSEX LANCE, Essex Line Ltd, London;

15.10.43 torpedoed and sunk by U.426 at 57.53N 28.00W on voyage Milford Haven to Halifax, NS..

War Cove C 3077 331 46.8 B59 6.19 Shipping Controller;

1919 ANNA SOFIE, A/S Theologos (N.Rogenaes), Haugesund, Norway;

23.2.44 ashore off Haugesund, Norway, exploded and sank.

War Cowslip A 5292 401 52.3 B31 12.18 Shipping Controller, managed by J.Temperley & Co;

1920 PRIMOLA, 'San Marco' Soc di Nav E.Bassani & Co, Civitavecchia;

1921 SAN PIETRO, Ravano & Corrado, Genoa;

1925 Soc.Anon.Parodi & Corrado, Genoa;

1929 Soc.Anon.Em.V.Parodi, Genoa;

8.11.42 scuttled at Casablanca, later scrapped.

War Craft N 6521 412 55.6 B74 3.20 Completed as ROANA, Soc.di Nav.Roma, Genoa;

1928 GAETA, La Meridionale di Nav, Naples;

1936 reported r/n ORATA while laid up;

1936 scrapped Genoa.

War Crag C 3110 331 46.8 B25 8.18 Shipping Controller, managed by H.Doughty & Co;

1919 WYE CRAG, Wye Shipping Co, London;

1925 ORBE, Cia Cantabrica de Nav, San Sebastian;

1928 MARGARI, Cia Naviera Amaya, Bilbao;

1937 REDSTONE, Phoenix Shipping Co, London;

Taken over by Admiralty and 2.5.40 sunk as blockship at Scapa Flow;

1948 scrapped.

War Crane B 5258 401 52.3 B09 7.19 Completed as BODNANT, African SS Co (Elder Dempster & Co), Liverpool;

1933 Elder Dempster Lines Ltd;

30.12.40 sank after collision with s/s CITY OF BEDFORD at 60.30N 23.10W.

War Crater (1) - 2585 298 44.0 A15 1.19 Completed as MARSHALL, US Shipping Board, Wilmington, Del;

1920 Henrik Ostervolds Dampskibs A/S, Bergen;

1923 TORNY, D/S A/S Torny (J.Eliassen), Bergen;

1937 A/S Nesjar, Bergen;

8.5.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.507 at 26.40N 86.40W.

War Crater (2) C 2955 342 46.5 B17 8.19 Completed as MATEBA, Elder Dempster & Co;

1921 Cie Africaine de Navigation, Antwerp; 1930 Cie Maritime Belge, Antwerp;

1937 MAURICE DELMAS, Cie Delmas Vieljeux, La Rochelle;

12.42 seized by Italy r/n MODICA, Italian Government;

1947 P.Longobardo, Naples;

1960 scrapped Naples.

War Creek C 3037 331 46.8 B59 9.19 Completed as HALLSIDE, Charlton Steam Shipping Co, Newcastle;

1929 DELFINA, F.Sainz e Inchaustegui, Bilbao;

1934 Marques del Real Socorro, Bilbao;

1936 seized by Basque Government r/n ITXAS-GANE;

1937 laid up at Cardiff;

1939 DELFINA, Marques del Real Socorro, Bilbao;

6.2.40 sank after going ashore at mouth of Guadalquivir River.

War Crest - 5268 390 54.8 A12 10.18 Completed as NANTASKET, US Shipping Board, Boston;

1937 sold for scrap but used by US Coastguard for fire fighting tests;

1937 scrapped Baltimore.

War Crocus A 5269 400 52.4 B25 6.18 Shipping Controller, managers West Hartlepool SN Co;

8.7.18 torpedoed and sunk by UB.107 off Flamborough Head on maiden voyage from Hartlepool.

War Cross - 1886 251 43.8 A20 4.17 Shipping Controller managed by J. Chambers & Co, London;

1919 ARS, Cie des Vapeurs Francais, Havre; 1924 Soc.Anon de Gerance et d'Armement, Dunkerque;

1927 CAP d'AILLY, same owner;

1932 BLINK, D/S A/S Bestum 2, Oslo;

1933 HSIN PING, Tai Ping SS Co, Shanghai;

1937 Chung Hsing SS Co, Shanghai;

2.9.37 ashore in typhoon at Hong Kong, total loss.

War Crouch - 1968 280 41.9 B26 9.19 Coaster.

Completed as ASHPARK, Denholm Shipping Co, Greenock;

1920 RIVER DARE, D.R.Llewellyn, Merrett & Price Ltd, Cardiff;

22.3.24 sank 20 miles North of Cape St. Vincent.

War Crow B 5161 400 52.4 B36 12.19 Completed as BADAGRY British & African SN Co (Elder Dempster & Co), Liverpool;

1920 Imperial Direct Line;

1933 Tramp Shipping Development Co;

1934 TOWER BRIDGE, Tower SS Co, London;

1935 BENALDER, Ben Line Steamers, Leith;

1947 JAYBRAHMA, New Dholera SS Co, Bombay;

1955 SIGMA TRADER, Sigma Shipping Co, Hong Kong;

1958 scrapped Hong Kong.

War Crown - 5268 390 54.8 A12 11.18 Completed as COHASSET, US Shipping Board, Boston, Mass;

1937 scrapped Baltimore.

War Cuirass D 2334 285 42.0 B44 3.18 Shipping Controller,Burnett & Co managers; 1919 WARORA, British India SN Co;

1939 scrapped Genoa.

War Cupid - 5690 410 54.2 A01 3.18 Completed as WEST EAGLE, US Shipping Board, Seattle;

1924 scrapped Philadelphia.

War Currant H 2505 303 43.0 B25 4.19 Shipping Controller, managed by J.Hopper;

1919 LEICESTER, Anglo-European Steamship, Coal & Pitwood Co, Hull;

1929 RUDCHESTER, Chesters Steam Shipping Co, Newcastle;

1934 HEMINGE, Constants (So.Wales) Ltd, Newcastle;

30.9.40 torpedoed and sunk by U.37 at 53.26N 18.33W on passage Tyne to Tenerife.

War Cygnet B 5271 400 52.3 B06 8.18 Shipping Controller, managed by E.Bigland & Co;

1919 SIERRA BLANCA, Soc. Transoceanique de Transports, Antwerp;

1924 QUEEN ELEANOR, Queen Line Ltd, Glasgow;

1938 PELORUM, Transmediterranea S.A.di Nav, Palermo;

1941. seized by Argentina r/n RIO CHICO, Flota Mercante del Estado, Buenos Aires;

1946 returned to Italy r/n PELORUM, Salvatore Tagliavia, Palermo;

1953 scrapped Palermo.

War Cymbal - 2240 254 43.5 A24 6.18 Completed as LAKE CHARLOTTE, US Shipping Board, Cleveland, Ohio;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1925 sold to Ford Motor Co;

1928 scrapped Detroit.

War Cypress A 5167 400 52.4 B13 11.17 Shipping Controller managed by R. Nicholson & Sons, London;

1919 LEOPOLD L.D, D.L.Dreyfus et Cie, Dunkerque;

1932 ALIKI, N.G.Livanos, Piraeus;

1940 seized at Dakar by Vichy France r/n MONACO, managed by Soc.Anon de Gerance et d'Armement;

1942 returned to Italian Government r/n BOLOGNA;

21.5.42 torpedoed and sunk by HMS UNBROKEN off Cape Vaticano.




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War Daffodil A 5199 400 52.3 B56 12.17 Shipping Controller managed by G. Pyman & Co, London;

1919 KELTIER, Lloyd Royal Belge, Antwerp;

1926 KATANGA, Cie Africaine de Nav, Antwerp;

1930 Cie Maritime Belge, Antwerp;

1949 PAOLA II, E.Szabados, Venice,

1955 VARENNA, Angelo Ravano, Genoa; 1957 Raffaele Romano, Naples;

1958 scrapped Spezia.

War Dagger (1) - 5689 410 54.2 A02 7.18 Completed as WEST COAST, US Shipping Board, Portland, Ore;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1930 scrapped Baltimore.

War Dagger (2) D 2337 285 42.0 B12 2.19 Shipping Controller, managed by MacAndrews & Co;

1919 CORWEN, Wm.Cory & Son, Ltd, London;

1937 STANHOPE, J.A. Billmeir & Co, London;

1950 ELISE SCHULTE, Schulte & Bruns, Emden;

1958 scrapped Hamburg.

War Dahlia B 5405 400 52.3 B31 6.19 Completed as BIAFRA, African SS Co (Elder Dempster & Co), London;

1933 Elder Dempster Lines, Liverpool;

1951 GEORGE, Meridian Shipping Co, Panama;

1956 UNITY, Unity Cia Nav S.A, Panama;

1957 MAHFUZ, Linea Adriatico Gulfo Persa, Panama;

1958 SPETSAI STAR, Cia Marittima di Isola Spetsia, Panama;

1959 scrapped Osaka.

War Daisy (1) - 2010 252 43.5 A28 5.18 Completed as LAKE SEBAGO, US Shipping Board, Toledo, Ohio;

1923 ROBERT JOHNSON, Pacific Spruce Corp, Wilmington, Del;

1932 HUBERT SCHAFER, Schafer Bros SS Line, San Francisco;

1940 SANTA MONICA, Cia Maritima Samsoc, Panama;

1948 S.A.Espreso Maritimo, Panama;

1951 same owner, Callao, Peru;

1958 AVIN, Jose Poblete Vidal Agencia Nacional de Vapores, Callao;

1961 stranded north of Callao;

1968 scrapped.

War Daisy (2) - - - - - - Order Cancelled.

War Dame - 7351 445 58.0 J04 11.17 Shipping Controller managed by J. H. Welsford, London;

1919 DELAMBRA, Lamport & Holt, Liverpool;

5.7.40 sunk by German raider THOR at 06.13S 25.06W while bound for Freetown and the UK..

War Damson H 2503 303 43.0 B34 12.18 Shipping Controller, Gillespie & Nicol, managers;

1919 MUMBLES LIGHT, Bristol Channel Steamers Ltd, Cardiff;,

1922 BRITANNIC, Cockerline & Co, Hull;

9.2.41 bombed and sunk at 35.42N 14.38W.

War Dance - 2231 251 43.8 C09 11.17 Shipping Controlller managers Harris & Dixon, London;

1919 WARAWALA, British India SN Co;

1927 SHOKA MARU, Showa Kisen KK, Kobe;

1934 DAIGEN MARU No.2, Namura Kisen Goshi Kaisya, Fuchu;

1934 Yamato Kisen KK, Fuchu;

10.6.45 torpedoed and sunk by USS SPADEFISH at 43.21N 140.40E.

War Darenth C6 1378 236 36.2 B24 7.19 Coaster. Completed as MORNA, London & Edinburgh Shipping Co, Leith;

1934 Derwent Steam Shipping Co, Leith;

1936 Valdemar Skogland, Haugesund, Norway;

1937 STANMORE, Stanhope SS Co (J.A.Billmeir), London;

1937 NAUKRATOUSSA, G.M. Mavroleon, Piraeus;

1938 VIRGINIA, Scotia Corp.(Francois Leon), Panama;

1938 PATRIA, same owner;

1938 FINA, same owner;

1940 Margit SS Co, Panama;

1941 M.O.W.T. managed by Burnett SS Co, London;

1950 L.R. Schmith & Co, Copenhagen;

1950 ELISABETH ARLT, Ivers & Arlt, Bremen;

1958 ANDREAS X, General Cement Co, Piraeus;

1963 ANDREAS N. HADJIKYRIAKOS, same owner;

1968 scrapped Savona.

War Dart (1) - 2967 300 44.1 A15 5.19 Completed as MOLINE, US Shipping Board, Wilmington, Del;

1925 LARA, Atlantic & Caribbean S.N.Co, Wilmington, Del;

1937 Grace Line, Wilmington;

1946 US Maritime Commission, Wilmington;

1948 scrapped Bordentown, N.J..

War Dart (2) D 2337 285 42.0 B12 12.18 Shipping Controller, managed by MacAndrews & Co;

1919 CORSTAR, Cory Colliers Ltd, London; 1946 Wm Cory & Sons, London;

1952 NEVIYE, Fuad Muradoglu ve Hilmi Daregenli Vapurculuk Sirketi, Istanbul;

1954 Hilmi Daregenli, Istanbul;

1961 scrapped Spezia.

War Date H 2504 303 43.0 B35 12.19 Completed as ARANA, MacAndrews & Co, London;

1924 Pacific Steam Nav.Co, London;

1933 CHUY, Cia Carbonifera Rio Grandense, Rio de Janeiro;

1943 Cia Commercio e Navegaceo, Rio de Janeiro;

1957 Nav.Mercantil SA, Rio de Janeiro;

1961 scrapped Rio de Janeiro.

War Deer B 5324 400 52.4 B18 7.18 Shipping Controller, managers R.Ropner & Co;

1919 FORT DE DOUAMONT, Chargeurs Reunis, Havre;

1942 operated by Free French;

1949 Cie Maritime des Chargeurs Reunis, Havre;

1951 SANGIULIANO, Soc.di Nav.'Ligure Toscana', Genoa;

1958 scrapped Antwerp.

War Delta C 3026 331 46.7 B38 1.20 Completed as ALGERIER, Lloyd Royal Belge, Antwerp;

1925 MANIEMA, Cie Africaine de Nav, Antwerp;

1930 Cie Maritime Belge, Antwerp;

1937 WAN SHUN, Hsu Yi Nien, Chefoo, China;

1938 KENKOKU MARU, Nisshin Kaiun Shokai KK, Kobe;

13.10.43 torpedoed and sunk by USS RASHER at 03.47S 127.41E.

War Dene C 3074 332 46.7 B60 5.20 Completed as RAMFOS, Skibs A/S Thor Thoresens Linie, Christiania, Norway;

1921 TYRIFJORD, A/S Den Norske Amerikalinje, Christiania;

19.9.44 beached after air attack by British aircraft near Stavenes, Norway, total loss.

War Deodar - - - - - - Order cancelled.

War Derwent C5 1532 240 36.1 B70 8.20 Coaster. Completed as ADDERSTONE, Aylestone Shipping Co (Alexander Bros), Newcastle;

30.12.21 sailed from Tyne for Hamburg, went missing.

War Diadem C 3116 331 46.5 CH1 12.19 Completed as PANAGIS, N.E.Ambatielos, Argostoli, Greece;

1924 EUROPEAN, European Shipping Co (A.Rappoport), London;

1927 MAKALA, Cie Africaine de Nav.S.A, Antwerp;

1930 Cie Maritime Belge, Antwerp;

1938 GIOVANNI BOCCACCIO, "Tirrenia" S.A.di Nav, Fiume;

1943 seized by Germany;

19.11.43 torpedoed by HMS SICKLE in Gulf of Salamina, beached, total loss.

War Diamond (1) - 5702 410 54.2 A02 5.18 Completed as WEST INDIAN, US Shipping Board, Portland, Ore;

1918 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1937 US Maritime Commission,

1938 scrapped Briton Ferry, UK.

War Diamond (2) F 6723 413 55.5 B57 9.19 Completed as RADNORSHIRE, Royal Mail S.P.Co, London;

1930 SITHONIA, H.M.Thomson, Leith;

13.7.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.201 at approx. 29.N 25.W on passage Barry to Montevideo.

War Diana (1) - 5698 410 54.2 A01 7.18 Completed as WESTFORD, US Shipping Board, Seattle;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1933 scrapped Baltimore.

War Diana (2) G2 7934 450 58.2 B05 12.19 Completed as PESHAWUR, Peninsular & Oriental S.N.Co, Glasgow;

23.12.43 torpedoed and sunk by Japanese submarine Ro-111 at 11.11N 80.11E en route Swansea and Trincomalee to Calcutta..

War Dido - 5619 410 54.2 A01 10.18 Completed as WESTMEAD, US Shipping Board, Seattle;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1927 WILLANGLO, Babcock SS Co, New York;

1929 SAN ANGELO, Pacific-Atlantic SS Co, Portland, Ore;

1940 EMPIRE SPRINGBUCK, M.O.W.T. managed by W.A.Souter & Co;

9.9.41 torpedoed and sunk by U.81 at 61.38N 40.40W on passage Cuba to Leith via Sydney, CB..

War Digby - - - - - - Although listed in early registers, this ship never existed.

War Dirk D 2336 285 42.0 B12 11.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Workman, Arbuckle & MacKinnon;

1920 SICANIA, Soc Anon di Nav.'La Sicania', Trapani;

1924 MOTIA, same owner;

1936 Giuseppe D'Ali & Cia, Trapani, Italy,

1959 scrapped Viareggio.

War Disk - 5754 410 54.2 A03 8.18 Completed as WESTERN CROSS, US Shipping Board, Seattle;

1931 scrapped Baltimore.

War Diwan Z 5543 400 52.2 B72 8.19 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by C.T.Bowring & Co;

1921 transferred to Admiralty, same manager;

1936 Royal Fleet Auxiliary;

16.12.44 mined in River Schelde, broke in two.

War Dodder C 3103 332 46.7 B10 12.19 Completed as SUNCLIFF, Sun Shipping Co (Mitchell Cotts & Co), London;

1925 MAR BALTICO, Cia Maritima del Nervion, Bilbao;

2.6.38 sunk after collision with s/s BALTARA in Brunsbuttelkoog Roads.

War Dog - 3046 300 45.3 C10 8.17 Shipping Controller managed by J. Chambers & Co, London;

1920 ROVERBELLA, Sicilia Soc di Nav, Genoa;

1921 Soc Anon di Nav Orientale, Genoa;

1926 Soc di Nav Unione Italica, Genoa;

1931 VALSUGANA, same owner;

1932 scrapped Genoa.

War Dogra Z 5559 400 52.2 B28 7.19 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by Gow, Harrison & Co;

1920 HOUSATONIC, Anglo-American Oil Co, London;

19.2.41 bombed and sunk by German aircraft at 59.39N 07.24W while serving as Royal Fleet Auxiliary.

War Dolphin - - - - - - Order cancelled.

War Donjon F1 5677 400 53.0 B43 10.19 Completed as WAIKAWA, Union SS Co of New Zealand, London;

1935 TOWER ENSIGN, Tower SS Co, London;

1937 HUNTRESS, Hunter Shipping Co, London;

1938 Alfred G.Hunter, Kingston, Jamaica;

1939 RONIN, M.V.Vassiliades, Panama;

1941 IRAN, Iran SS Co (Wallem & Co), Panama;

14.4.44 badly damaged in Bombay Dock explosion of s/s FORT STIKINE, scrapped.

War Down C 3099 331 46.9 B60 12.18 Shipping Controller, managers Wm Balls & Son, N.Shields;

1919 GRAIG, Graig Shipping Co, Cardiff,

1922 MARIA VICTORIA, F.Astorqui, Bilbao;

8.11.29 wrecked on Baldayo Beach 43.20N 08.35W.

War Dragon (1) - 4920 376 52.3 A11 12.17 Completed as HATTERAS, US Shipping Board, Baltimore;

1917-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1937 US Maritime Commission, Baltimore;

1938 HATTERLOCK, G.E.Marden, Shanghai;

8.12.41 seized by Japan r/n RENZAN MARU, Miyachi Kisen KK, Kobe;

1.1.43 torpedoed and sunk by USS PORPOISE at 39.11N 142.02E.

War Dragon (2) - - - - - - Order cancelled.

War Drake B 5183 401 52.3 B33 8.18 Shipping Controller, managers H.Hogarth & Sons, Glasgow;

1919 MOUNT EVEREST, Sefton SS Co (H.E.Moss & Co);

1923 MONT EVEREST, Soc.Generale de Transports Maritimes, Marseilles;

1940 laid up in USA;

1942 taken over by US War Shipping Admin. operated by Norton Lilly Management Corp;

1944 returned to French owners;

1953 LAGOS ERIE, Cia Armadora San Francisco S.A, Panama;

1959 scrapped Tokio.

War Dream N 6498 412 55.8 B30 1.19 Shipping Controller, managed by Clyde Shipping Co;

1919 GLENSHANE, Glen Line Ltd, London; 1932 H.Makita, Japan;

1934 SUNSHINE, F.M.Jonas, Hong Kong (Kyokko Kaiun KK);

1934 GLENSHANE, same owner;

1934 MILTONIA, same owner, Shanghai;

1935 CHANG LUNG, Ding Mao Dung, Chefoo;

1938 SYORYU MARU, Syoryu Kisen KK, Dairen;

1938 SHORYU MARU, same owner;

4.5.44 torpedoed and sunk by USS PARCHE at 20.48N 118.03E.

War Driver B 5201 400 52.3 H02 9.19 Completed as EVANGELOS, E.E.Ambatielos, Argostoli, Greece;

1923 QUEEN MAUD, Queen Line Ltd (Thos.Dunlop & Sons), Glasgow;

1936 CHRISTOS MARKETTOS, M.M.C.Marketto, Argostoli;

8.6.42 torpedoed and sunk by Japanese submarine I-20 at 05.05S 40.53E.

War Drum (1) - 2243 254 43.5 A24 6.18 Completed as LAKE LOUISE for US Shipping Board, Cleveland;

1925 sold to Ford Motor Co, Detroit;

1927 converted to barge;

1942 taken over by US War Shipping Admin, Detroit;

1945 GORDON C. COOKE, Seaways Transportation Co, New York;

22.4.47 broke loose from tow and sank at 38.05N 74.49W.

War Drum (2) D 2352 285 42.1 B03 12.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Donald & Taylor;

1919 ASHWIN, Ashwin & Co, London;

1920 Essex Line (Meldrum & Swinson), London;

1921 TROTSKY, All-Russian Cooperative Soc, London;

1923 Arcos Ltd (Russo-Norwegian Nav.Co), London;

1924 Arcos SS Co, London;

1925 Sovtorgflot, Leningrad;

1929 ANDRE MARTI, same owner;

1960 deleted Lloyds Register..

War Drummer C 3290 325 45.2 H01 2.19 Shipping Controller, managed by A.Holt & Co;

1919 GRANDLIEU, Cie.Nantaise de Nav a Vapeur, Nantes;

1939 Cie Generale Transatlantique, Nantes;

1940 seized by Germany, managed by Unterweser Reed G.m.b.H, Bremen;

1944 scuttled at Cherbourg.

War Duchess - 4333 381 49.2 C03 9.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Harris & Dixon Ltd;

1919 BALDINA, Adelaide SS Co, Adelaide; 1934 YUNG HWA, Mai Shun SS Co, Shanghai;

1938 TENSHIN MARU, Zuiko Shosen K.K, Hashidate;

24.10.44 torpedoed and sunk by USS ICEFISH at 19.58N 118.33E.

War Duck B 5193 400 52.3 B53 12.18 Shipping Controller, managed by H.Hogarth & Sons;

1919 BARON BLANTYRE, Hogarth Shipping Co, Ardrossan;

9.10.23 left Natal for Adelaide, went missing.

War Duty (1) - 2055 247 43.5 A22 4.18 Completed as LAKE CRESCENT, US Shipping Board, Chicago;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1926 Consolidated Navigation Co, Baltimore;

1926 PADILLA, R.C.Pugand, Rio Hacha, Colombia;

1930 Colombian SS Co, New York;

1935 MOREA, Marino Querci, Genoa;

16.8.40 sunk by submarine (HMS OSIRIS) gunfire 50 miles off Durazzo.

War Duty (2) - - - - - - Completed as BRATTON CASTLE (qv)



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War Earl - 4328 380 49.2 C03 8.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Harris & Dixon Ltd;

1919 ROSYTH CASTLE, Union-Castle Mail SS Co, Southampton;

1921 UMLAZI, Bullard King & Co, London;

1936 CAMDEN HILL, Counties Ship Management, London;

1937 HOKUJU MARU, Kitagawa Asakichi, Osaka;

1938 HOKUZYU MARU, Kitagawa Sangyo Kaiun KK, Osaka;

1955 Osaka Zosensho KK, Tokyo;

1964 scrapped Japan.

War Edensaw - 2336 250 43.5 C18 6.18 Wooden Hull. Shipping Controller, managed by J. Cook & Sons;

25.6.19 caught fire and sank 94 miles east of Malta.

War Eland - - - - - - Order cancelled.

War Elfin - 2239 254 43.5 A24 4.18 Completed as LAKE ST. REGIS, US Shipping Board, Cleveland;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1925 sold to Ford Motor Co,

1926 scrapped Detroit.

War Elm - - - - - - Order cancelled.

War Emerald - 5813 410 54.2 A03 6.18 Completed as WESTERN SEA, US Shipping Board, Seattle;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1931 scrapped Baltimore.

War Emu B 5244 401 52.3 B11 8.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Donaldson Bros Ltd;

1919 TRITONIA, Donaldson Line, Glasgow,

28.2.29 lost when gunpowder cargo exploded at Buenaventura, Colombia.

War Energy N 6548 412 55.6 B74 10.19 Completed as DANIER, Lloyd Royal Belge (Great Britain), London;

1923 Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

1925 GRAANHANDEL, Armement Gylsen, Antwerp;

1928 SCHELDELIJN, Zeevaart Mij "Scheldestroom", Ghent;

1933 scrapped Roterdam.

War Envoy AO 5197 401 52.3 B31 9.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co, London;

1920 KATE, N.D.Lykiardopulo, Argostoli, converted to dry cargo ship;

28.1.41 mined and sunk off Thessaloniki, Greece.

War Epic N 6543 412 55.8 B40 12.20 Shipping Controller;

1921 ADIGE, Nav.Gen.Italiana, Genoa;

1926 MONSUN, Kauffahrtei A.G, Bremen;

1937 Kauffahrtei Seereed, A.Wiards & Co, Hamburg;

18.12.42 ashore at Rorvik, total loss.

War Erie - 2292 250 43.3 C13 7.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managed by Glover Bros;

1919 SICILIER, Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

1920 BACICIN SERRA, G.B.Serra, Savona;

1924 S.A.Italiana Importazione Carboni e Navigazione, Savona;

29.9.25 sprang leak and sank 25 miles off Malta.

War Ermine J 4581 385 52.0 B52 1.19 Completed as CROSSHILL, Crosshill SS Co (Macbeth, Blackwood & Laurie), Glasgow;

1934 MEANDROS, Theofano Maritime Co (N.G.Livanos), Chios;

16.1.41 bombed at 55.55N 12.24W and later sunk by escort..

War Ewen - 2344 250 43.5 C18 9.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managed by J.Cook & Son;

1920 ETIENNE MARCEL, Soc Anon de Nav 'Les Armateurs Francais', Dunkerque;

1924 scrapped Hamburg.

War Exe - 573 165 27.0 B63 6.19 Coaster. Completed as RIVER DEE, D.R. Llewellyn, Merrett & Price, Cardiff;

1925 OPAL, Wm.Robertson, Glasgow;

4.9.31 sank after cargo shifted off Longships.

War Expert AO 5198 401 52.3 B31 3.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co, London.

1919 Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co, London;

1921 ANOMIA, same owner;

1927 ANDREA, A/B Brovigseil, Farsund;

1933 Thos Brovig, Farsund;

1938 MUGNONE, M.Querci, Genoa;

1940 seized by Britain r/n EMPIRE PROGRESS, M.O.W.T, managed by H. Hogarth & Sons;

13.4.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.402 at 40.29N 52.35W on voyage Glasgow to Tampa, Fla..

War Fairy - 2217 253 43.5 A24 7.18 Completed as LAKE HARRIS, US Shipping Board, Cleveland, Ohio;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1925 sold to Ford Motor Co;

1928 scrapped Detroit.

War Faith - 4342 380 49.2 C03 10.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Glover Bros; 1919 CAPE PREMIER, British Africa Shipping & Coaling Co, London;

1921 BARUNGA, Adelaide SS Co, Adelaide; 1935 SHING HO, Fan Shien Ho, Tsingtao;

1938 V.K.Song, Tsingtao;

1938 SEIZAN MARU, Miyachi Kisen KK, Kobe;

23.2.44 bombed and sunk by US Navy aircraft at 15.00N 145.30E.

War Fal - - - - - - Completed as OLD CHARLTON (qv)

War Falcon - - - - - - Completed as HALIZONES (qv)

War Fantail E 4453 376 51.7 B20 11.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Lang & Fulton Ltd;

1919 NILEMEDE, Brand-Adams SS Co, Newcastle;

1924 HARMATTAN, J.& C. Harrison Ltd, London;

1928 DANYBRYN, Brynmor SS Co, London; 1931 JADRAN, Jadran Brodarsko d.d, Bakar, Yugoslavia;

1933 ARAFAT, Soc.Misr de Navigation Maritime, Alexandria;

1936 FOTINI CARRAS, Carras Bros, Chios;

7.6.39 wrecked South Bellona Reefs at 21.25S 159.34E.

War Ferret (1) - 1949 252 43.8 A23 2.18 Completed as LAKE CONWAY, US Shipping Board, Detroit;

9.1919 went missing in hurricane in West Indies.

War Ferret (2) B 5269 400 52.3 B14 6.19 Completed as CORNISH CITY, St.Just SS Co. (Reardon Smith & Sons), Bideford;

1929 FORT BINGER, Chargeurs Reunis, Havre;

1940 M.O.W.T. managed by Reardon Smith & Sons, London;

1944 returned to owners;

1949 Cie Maritime des Chargeurs Reunis, Havre; 1950 scrapped Briton Ferry.

War Fervour - - - - - - Completed as BAMPTON CASTLE (qv)

War Fiend - 2129 251 43.7 C06 2.19 Shipping Controller, managed by E.C.Downing;

1919 BERENICE, Cie Auxiliare de Navigation, Nantes;

1923 CLOVELLY, Lewis SS Co, Cardiff;

17.1.26 wrecked near Ferrol, Spain.

War Fife D 2362 285 42.1 B03 7.18 Shipping Controller, managed by MacAndrews & Co;

1919 SIERRA MADRE, Soc Transoceanique de Transports, Antwerp;

1922 Soc de Cabotage Internationale, Antwerp;

1925 CABOURG, Soc.Maritime Nationale, Havre;

22.1.39 last sighted off Brittany, went missing.

War Fig H 2568 303 43.0 B40 11.20 Shipping Controller;

1921 W.J.Williams, London;

1922 SILVERWAY, St.Mary SS Co (Williams Bros), Cardiff

1925 CHARTERHAGUE, Charter Shipping Co (Lewis & Grove Williams), Cardiff;

1930 Angfartygs A/B Alfa, Mariehamn, Finland;

1939 JAAMERI, Finska Fiskeri A/B, (R.Nordstrom & Co), Hango, Finland;

26.4.44 mined and sunk at 54.39N 12.30E.

War Fijian AO 5257 400 52.3 B57 7.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by Andrew Weir & Co;

1919 WESTERN, J.Mathias, Aberystwyth, converted to dry cargo ship;

1921 ANTONIO, Egypt & Levant SS Co, London;

1924 New Egypt & Levant Shipping Co. London;

1943 Maritime Shipping & Trading Co, London (Michalinos & Co);

31.3.45 capsized and sank at 51.37N 05.10W after collision with s/s FORT MOOSE on 28.3.45.

War Finch (1) - 2021 251 43.5 A20 11.17 Completed as LAKE MICHIGAN for US Shipping Board;

1918-1919 US Navy, Naval Overseas Transportation Service - mine carrier;

1920 PICARDIER, Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

21.11.23 wrecked off Hornslandet, Sweden after breaking rudder.

War Finch (2) B 5247 400 52.3 B14 10.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Charlton, McAllum & Co;

1919 FORT DE SOUVILLE, Chargeurs Reunis, Havre;

1942 seized by Germans, handed to Italy;

1943 BENEVENTO, Italian Government, managed by 'Adriatica' S.p.A di Nav;

1.4.43 torpedoed by motor torpedo boats off Cani Island, beached, total loss.

War Firth C 3112 331 46.8 B57 6.18 Shipping Controller, managed by J. Chadwick & Sons;

4.9.18 torpedoed and sunk by U.53, 33 miles off Lizard Point on voyage Bilbao to Glasgow.

War Fish - 2646 251 43.8 C09 9.17 Shipping Controller managed by Harris & Dixon Ltd;

1920 ROUBAIX, Soc Anon des Cargos Francais, Havre;

1925 Soc Delmas Freres & Vieljeux, La Rochelle;

1928 MONIQUE VIELJEUX, same owner;

1930 MALVE, L.G.W.Boxberg, Helsingfors;

14.2.31 wrecked off Tiree, Hebrides at 56.33N 06.53W.

War Flag - 2009 252 43.5 A28 4.18 Completed as LAKE SUNAPEE, US Shipping Board, Toledo;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1922 FRANK LYNCH, W.J.Gray Jr, San Francisco, converted to motor vessel;

1937 NESTOR, George D. Gratsos Co, Ithaka, Greece;

1939 OTTO, K.Jurnas, Parnu, Estonia;

1941 IRISH WILLOW, Irish Shipping Ltd, Dublin;

1946 VERAGUAS, Cia de Vapores Veraguas, Panama;

1960 scrapped Belgium.

War Flame - 5699 410 54.1 A07 12.17 Completed as WEST HAVEN, US Shipping Board, Seattle;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1929 MARIAN OTIS CHANDLER, Los Angeles SS Co, Los Angeles;

1935 Matson SS Co, Los Angeles;

1938 ONEMEA, Matson Navigation Co, San Francisco;

1940 EMPIRE LEOPARD, M.O.W.T, managed by Maritime Shipping & Trading Co;

2.11.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.402 at 52.26N 45.22W on passage St. John's, NF to Belfast and Avonmouth..

War Flier - - - - - - See WAR ANGLIAN.

War Flower - 4292 365 51.1 B16 11.17 Shipping Controller managed by G.Pyman & Co;

1919 TURKESTAN, Hindustan Shipping Co (Common Bros), Newcastle;

1935 MOUNT LYCABETTUS, Atlanticos SS Co (Kulukundis Bros), Syra;

15.3.42 sailed Baltimore, went missing, presumed torpedoed by U.373 on 17.3.42 at 40.15N 61.00W.

War Flute - 2292 254 43.8 A24 6.18 Completed as LAKE MARY, US Shipping Board, Detroit;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1921 sold Ford Motor Co;

1928 scrapped Detroit.

War Fly B 5030 400 52.3 B25 4.20 Completed as GARBETA, British India SN Co, 18.8.39 ashore Calcutta;

1940 scrapped.

War Foam C 3096 331 46.7 B25 5.18 Shipping Controller, managed by G.B.Harland & Co;

1919 CAPE NATAL, British Africa Shipping & Coaling Co (Mitchell, Cotts & Co), London;

1920 KAIKORAI, Union SS Co of New Zealand;

1949 Purple Star Shipping Co, Panama;

1950 Grande Shipping Corp, Panama;

1955 Purple Star Shipping Co, Panama;

Later reported as trading as CHUNG HSING 7 under Chinese flag.

1968 deleted from Lloyds Register.

War Forest C 3103 331 46.5 B23 12.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Morel Ltd;

1920 ALBERGALLUS, Soc.Maritime et Commerciale du Pacifique, Bordeaux;

1925 THERMIDOR, Cie Nationale de Nav, Bordeaux;

1926 ANDREAS GERAKIS, N.Gerakis, Cephalonia;

1927 LOUIS MERCIER, Union Miniere et Maritime, Rouen;

1930 Union Industrielle et Maritime, Bordeaux;

1937 GRADO, D/S A/S Iris (Hans Fr Grann), Oslo;

11.5.43 torpedoed and sunk by U.402 at 40.30N 32.30W.

War Fort - 5659 410 54.2 A03 4.18 Completed as WESTERN KING, US Shipping Board, Seattle;

1937 US Maritime Commission, Seattle;

1938 scrapped Briton Ferry.

War Forth C7 1389 271 38.1 B12 8.19 Coaster.

Completed as CALDERON, MacAndrews & Co, London;

2.5.42 sunk by air attack at 31.05N 29.07E.

War Fortune - 2018 251 43.5 A21 5.18 Completed as LAKE WEIR, US Shipping Board, Cleveland;

1923 Construction Materials Co, Gary, Ind;

1925 converted to hopper dredger r/n SANDMASTER, same owner, 1,849 gross tons;

1931 Sensibar Transportation Co, Gary, Ind;

1935 Midwest Vessel Corp, Wilmington, Del;

1942 Construction Aggregates Corp, Wilmington, Del;

1946 Brazilian Government;

1962 sank Vitoria, Brazil, scrapped.

War Fox (1) - 1949 251 43.8 A23 11.17 Completed as LAKE FOREST, US Shipping Board, Washington, D.C;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1920 VENETIER, Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

1925 TABAKHANDEL, Armement Gylsen S.A; Antwerp;

1925 ESTE, S.S de Nav.Sud Atlantica, Buenos Aires;

1931 Cia Argentina de Nav.Mihanovich, Buenos Aires;

1937 CHOLLIN, Cia Carbonifera y de Fundicion Schwager, Valparaiso;

1948 RAFAEL ARIZTIA, Fabrica de Cemento El Melon SA, Valparaiso;

1956 SAN PATRICIO, Cia Maritima Valck & Monckton, Valparaiso;

1957 MARY V, Georgios Vatikiotis, Piraeus;

1957 KADIO S, Geo.Sigalas' Sons, Piraeus;

1960 scrapped Gijon.

War Fox (2) B 5261 400 52.3 B14 3.19 Completed as BRADFORD CITY, St.Just SS Co (Reardon Smith & Sons), Bideford;

1929 FORT MEDINE, Chargeurs Reunis, Havre;

1940 seized by Britain, M.O.W.T, managed by Reardon Smith & Sons, London;

20.2.41 mined and sunk at 51.35N 03.56W.

War Freedom - - - - - - Order cancelled.

War Fowey - - - - - - Order cancelled.

War Foyle - 1352 230 35.8 B66 7.19 Coaster. Completed as DRYBURGH, Geo. Gibson & Co, Leith;

11.11.39 struck wreck of Danish ship CANADA and sank off Dimlington.

War Fundy - 2268 250 43.5 C14 8.18 Wooden Hull.Shipping Controller, managed by Hansen Bros & Co;

1919 Cie Anon des Cargoes Francais, Rouen;

7.9.20 ashore Grundkallen;

10.9.20. refloated and sank.

War Fury - 2038 251 43.7 C06 11.19 Shipping Controller, managed by E.C.Downing;

1920 SARREBOURG, S.A de Nav."Les Armateurs Francais", Rouen;

25.2.27 wrecked off Brest.

War Furze - - - - - - Order cancelled.



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War Gaekwar Z 5545 400 52.2 B72 9.19 Tanker. Shipping Controller managed by C.T.Bowring & Co, London;

1919 Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co, London;

1921 CARDITA, same owners;

1927 CONCORDIA, Fr. Mowinckel, Oslo;

1931 Johs Hansen, Arendel;

1938 MITSU MARU, Yamashita Kisen K.K, Kobe;

1938 MITU MARU, same owner;

12.7.45 mined and sunk at 34.12N 132.52E.

War Gale C 3069 331 46.8 B26 8.19 Completed as SHANDON, Atlantic Shipping & Trading Co (W.J.Tatem), London;

1920 W.J.Tatem Ltd, London;

1934 ULKU, Barzilay & Benjamin, Istanbul;

1935 Turkish Navy as collier;

195? withdrawn from service, scrapped.

War Gannet B 5241 400 52.4 B49 2.20 Completed as TREWYN, Hain SS Co, St.Ives;

1937 MONI RICKMERS, Rickmers Rhederei, Hamburg;

1940 seized by Holland r/n SALANDO, Nederlandsche-Indische Maats, Batavia;

1946 Royal Netherlands Government, managed by A.Veder & Co, The Hague;

1949 MESERRET, Avni Nuri Meserretcioglu, Istanbul;

1959 YENI MESSERET, Hakki Marmara, Istanbul;

1960 Deniz Nakliyat ve Ticaret Limitet Sirketi, Istanbul;

1.9.62 grounded at Hong Kong in typhoon,

6.9.62 refloated and scrapped.

War Garry C7 1389 271 38.1 B12 5.19 Coaster. Completed as LADY EMERALD, British & Irish S.P.Co, London / Dublin;

1938 CARLOW, British & Irish S.P.Co, Dublin;

1939 BRITTANY COAST, Coast Lines Ltd, Liverpool;

1946 KILDARE, Burns & Laird Lines, Liverpool,

1948 British & Irish S.P.Co, Liverpool;

1952 LAIRDSFORD, Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow;

1960 scrapped Troon.

War Gascon AO 5107 400 52.4 B55 5.19 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by J.I.Jacobs & Co;

1919 ZOVETTO, S.A.Angelo Parodi fu B.& Emanuele Fratelli Accame, Genoa;

12.2.24 wrecked Bermuda.

War Gaspe 2269 251 43.5 C21 7.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managed by Glover Bros;

1919 ISSORIA, Credito Industriale di Venezia, Venice;

1921 GIULIO, Soc Anon di Armamento, Trieste;

16.8.22 on fire at Venice, scuttled,

11.10.22 refloated and scrapped.

War Gazelle B 5251 400 52.3 B18 4.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Watts, Watts & Co;

1919 FERT, Navigazione Alta Italia S.A, Genoa;

1925 MONSTELLA, same owner;

30.8.42 torpedoed by HMS RORQUAL off Paxos, beached Corfu;

1947 raised;

1948 scrapped Piraeus.

War Genista B 5144 400 52.3 B28 3.20 Completed as MANDASOR, T.& J. Brocklebank Ltd, Liverpool;

24.1.41 bombed and sunk at 06.23S 61.40E.

War Genius N 6573 412 55.8 B40 11.20 Completed as FIUME, Navigazione Generale Italiana, Genoa;

1926 TAIFUN, Kauffahrtei A.G, Bremen;

1936 A.G.fur Handel & Verkehr, Emden;

1938 CARL FRITZEN, Lexzau, Scharbau & Co, Emden;

1939 Johs Fritzen & Sohn vorm Lexzau, Scharbau & Co, Emden;

4.9.39 scuttled by crew after intercepted off Brazil by HMS AJAX at 34.19S 48.29W.

War General - 5749 410 54.2 A03 3.18 Completed as WESTFIELD, US Shipping Board, Seattle;

1930 scrapped Baltimore.

War Geum - - - - - - Order cancelled

War Ghurka Z 5571 400 52.3 B36 12.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller managed by Hunting & Son;

1920 Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co, London;

1921 CAPRELLA, same owner;

1925 ATHELFOAM, British Molasses Co, London;

1926 United Molasses Co;

1930 HIRD, G.O.Aarvold, Oslo;

1936 ATHELSTANE, United Molasses Co;

1939 Athel Line Ltd, London;

1941 Tankers Ltd, London;

9.4.42 bombed and sunk by Japanese aircraft while serving as Royal Fleet Auxiliary at 07.30N 81.56E.

War Glade C 3074 332 46.7 B60 1.20 Completed as NOREFOS, Skibs A/S Thor Thoresens Linie, Christiania;

1921 NOREFJORD, A/S Den Norske Amerikalinje, Christiania;

1949 RYVARDEN, F.N.Nordbo, Haugesund, Norway;

1954 Rolf Wigands Rederi, Bergen;

1956 Halvorsen Shipping Co, Bergen;

1958 NORSE LADY, Pan-Norse SS Co, Panama;

14.8.58 stranded Celebes, captured by Indonesian rebels;

22.8.58 shelled by nationalist warships, total loss, 1966 scrapped.

War Glamour - - - - - - Order cancelled.

War Glen C 2965 331 47.7 B17 5.18 Shipping Controller, managed by J.J & C.M. Forster;

1919 HERCULE, Soc 'Les Affreteurs Reunis', Rouen;

1925 SANTI, Cia Nav Amaya, Bilbao;

1936 VERA CRUZ, Haraldo Diaz, Vera Cruz, Mexico;

1936 AMERICA, same owner;

1937 COCLE, Cia Naviera Amaya, Panama; 1940 SANTI, Cia Naviera Amaya, Bilbao;

1950 Naviera Bilbaina, Bilbao;

17.1.51 sank after collision with tanker BRITISH DRAGOON in fog at 38.24N 09.35W.

War Globe C 3100 331 46.8 B47 5.19 Completed as ADMIRAL HAMILTON, Byron SS Co, London;

1932 KATIE MOLLER, Moller & Co, Shanghai;

1943 ODEMIS, charter to Turkish Government;

1946 BEYROUTH, Adel M.Hammad, Beirut;

1948 Soc.Libano-Syrienne de Nav.Maritime, Beirut;

1949 SEMIH, Huseyin Avni Soktorik, Istanbul,

1965 scrapped Turkey.

War Glory N 6543 413 55.8 B40 4.20 Shipping Controller;

1920 MONTE PASUBIO, Armatori Riuniti Soc.di Nav, Genoa;

1.4.24 wrecked near Quequen.

War Gnat B 5272 400 52.4 B51 10.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Miller & Richards Ltd;

1919 FORT DE VAUX, Chargeurs Reunis, Havre;

29.11.43 torpedoed and sunk by U.68 off Freetown at 06.32N 12.20W.

War Gnome - 2292 254 43.8 A24 6.18 Completed as LAKE CONESUS, US Shipping Board, Detroit;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1925 sold Ford Motor Co;

1926 scrapped Detroit.

War Goblin - 2308 254 43.8 A24 5.18 Completed as LAKE ST. CLAIR, US Shipping Board, Detroit;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1925 sold Ford Motor Co;

1926 scrapped Detroit.

War Gorse - - - - - - Renamed WAR GENISTA (qv)

War Grampus - - - - - - Order cancelled.

War Grange C 3100 331 46.7 B02 12.17 Shipping Controller managed by Steel, Young & Co;

1919 GIGLIO, Eduardo Mazza, Savona;

1927 Soc di Nav Unione Italica, Rome;

5.4.28 wrecked off Noirmoutier.

War Grape H 2384 303 43.0 B40 6.20 Completed as GUEBWILLER, S.A de Nav. "Les Armateurs Francais", Rouen;

1928 HENRI MORY, Soc. Union Miniere & Maritime, Rouen;

6.10.31 wrecked north of Peniche.

War Griffin B 5286 400 52.3 B25 12.19 Completed as GONDIA, British India SN Co, Glasgow;

2.8.22 lost in cyclone in China Sea. last reported position 22.38N 117.15E.

War Grouse - - - - - - Order cancelled.

War Guava H 2497 303 43.0 B34 4.19 Shipping Controller, managed by A. Matthews & Co;

1919 BARON AILSA, Kelvin Shipping Co (H.Hogarth & Sons), Ardrossan;

1934 A.H. Smith, London;

1935 GRIGORIOS C II, P.G.Callimanopulos, Piraeus;

20.2.41 sunk by German raider ADMIRAL SCHEER at 07.00S 47.40E.

War Guide - 4838 379 53.1 A08 10.18 Completed as PUGET SOUND, US Shipping Board, Seattle;

1930 SHATURSTROI, Sovtorgflot, Vladivostok, USSR;

1970 deleted from Lloyds Register.

War Gull (1) - 2019 251 43.5 A21 6.18 Completed as LAKE BENTON, US Shipping Board, Cleveland;

1926 Mobile, Miami & Gulf SS Corp, Mobile (John B.Waterman);

1929 FIDO, A/S Fido(M.Hansen), Kristiansand,

1953 STRINDHEIM, Strindheim Rederi A/S(Bjarne Raak), Trondheim;

5.2.59 aground in fog north of Kullen, Sweden; 7.2.59 refloated;

16.2.59 laid up;

1961 scrapped Stavanger.

War Gull (2) B 5182 400 52.3 B36 4.19 Completed as BOUTRY, African SS Co.(Elder Dempster & Co), London;

1934 MOUNT RHODOPE, Margaronis Bros, Piraeus;

1937 Oceanos Maritime SS Co, Piraeus;

1957 CAPTAIN GIORGIS, Potomianos Bros, Piraeus;

1960 scrapped Piraeus.

War Gun - 6025 401 54.2 A13 1.19 Completed as AUBURN, US Shipping Board, Philadelphia;

1933 scrapped Baltimore.

War Gunner - - - - - - Order cancelled.



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War Hagara Z 5578 400 52.4 B37 7.19 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by A.Weir & Co;

1920 INVERARDER, British Mexican Petroleum Co (Andrew Weir & Co), London;

24.2.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.558 at 44.34N 42.37W while operating as Royal Fleet Auxiliary on passage Londonderry to Trinidad via Halifax, NS.

War Haida - 2345 250 43.4 C11 4.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managed by Easton, Greig & Co;

1919 RODOSTO, Soc di Nav Roma, Genoa;

22.1.27 on fire and foundered Isle di Molara, Sardinia.

War Halifax - 2335 250 43.5 C22 9.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managed by Hansen Bros;

22.10.19 damaged by fire at Cardiff;

1920 converted to hulk and sold to Spain.

War Halton - 2096 251 43.6 C08 10.19 Shipping Controller, managed by Tyzack & Branfoot;

1919 SAINT TROPEZ, Soc. Francaise d'Armements Maritimes, Nantes;

1934 Cie. Generale d'Armements Maritimes, Nantes;

1937 LATYMER, Finchley SS Co, Gibraltar,

2.10.40 bombed and sunk by German aircraft at 51.20N 10.30W.

War Hamilton - 2251 251 43.6 C08 5.19 Shipping Controller, managed by Tyzack & Branfoot;

1919 BELCHERS, Mount Royal SS Co, Montreal;

1924 Belchers SS Co (Ocean Carriers Inc), Montreal;

1927 KORYU MARU, Yeguchi Kisen KK, Takasago, Japan;

10.10.44 bombed and sunk by US Navy aircraft at 25.51N 126.30E.

War Hamlet C 3114 331 46.7 B36 8.18 Shipping Controller, managed by W.H.Cockerline & Co;

1919 NEWASTER, Aster Shipping Co, London (E.R.Brown & Co, Cardiff);

1933 KURIKKA, Vaasan Laiva O/Y, Wasa, Finland;

1941 requisitioned at New York r/n CHENANGO, US Maritime Commission, managed by Moore-McCormack Lines;

21.2.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.84 at 36.25N 74.55W.

War Harbour (1) - 7597 440 56.0 A09 11.18 Completed as INDEPENDENCE, US Shipping Board, San Francisco;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1921 converted to turbo-electric drive;

1931 CITY OF NORFOLK, Baltimore Mail SS Co, rebuilt to 8,424 g.t. passenger/cargo ship; 1938 transferred to Panama Pacific Line;

1941 NEVILLE, US Navy transport;

1946 CITY OF NORFOLK, US Maritime Commission, Baltimore;

1948 NEVILLE, US Department of Commerce, Baltimore;

1957 scrapped Fieldsbro' N.J..

War Harbour (2) C 3054 331 46.7 B08 6.19 Completed as DUNMAIL, Sharp SS Co, Newcastle;

1924 WOOSUNG MARU, Kawasaki Kisen KK, Kobe;

17.5.43 reported sunk at approx. 35.00N 140.00E.

War Harp - 2293 253 43.5 A24 8.18 Completed as LAKE SILVER, US Shipping Board, Detroit;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1925 sold to Ford Motor Co;

1927 scrapped Detroit.

War Hathor - 2264 251 43.8 C09 8.18 Shipping Controller, managed by R.B.Chellew;

1920 WARLA, British India SN Co, London;

1934 YUAN CHAN, Chung Wei SS Co, Shanghai;

1937 sunk as blockship at Kiangyin, Yangtze River.

War Haven (1) - 7597 440 56.0 A09 10.18 Completed as VICTORIOUS for US Shipping Board;

1918-1919 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1931 CITY OF HAVRE, Baltimore Mail S.S. Co, lengthened to 493ft, passenger accommodation added;

1938 CITY OF LOS ANGELES, Panama Pacific Line;

1940 GEORGE F. ELLIOT (AP-13), US Navy;

8.8.42 struck by crippled Japanese bomber, sank off Guadalcanal.

War Haven (2) C 3112 331 46.6 B08 11.18 Shipping Controller, managed by W.Balls & Son;

1918 SHEAF LANCE, Sheaf SS Co, Newcastle;

1936 DANYBRYN, Brynmor SS Co, Newcastle;

1936 JOHN, Rederi A/B A Th. Jonasson, Raa, Sweden;

1949 BALTICIA, Rederi A/B Falken, Jonstrop, Sweden;

1956 MONICA, Cia de Nav Isabella Ltda, Puerto Limon;

1958 scrapped Copenhagen.

War Heather A 5198 401 52.3 B33 12.17 Shipping Controller managed by Glen & Co;

1919 MENAPIER, Lloyd Royal Belge, Antwerp;

1930 Cie Maritime Belge, Antwerp;

1933 BORIS, Soc Commerciale de Maritime Vlasov, Syra;

1935 Soc Commerciale de d'Armement, Piraeus;

3.6.43 torpedoed and sunk by U.180 at 07.14S 18.41W off Ascension Island.

War Hector - 5834 410 54.2 A01 1.19 Completed as WESTERN ALLY, US Shipping Board, Seattle;

1929 FORBES HAUPTMANN, McCormick SS Co, San Francisco;

1940 EMPIRE KITTIWAKE, M.O.W.T. managed by R.Ropner & Co, London;

1942 NORFALK, Norwegian Shipping & Trade Mission, Oslo;

20.7.44 mined and sunk at 49.39N 01.05E on way to Normandy beaches to be scuttled as blockship.

War Hecuba G2 7920 450 58.5 B61 6.19 Completed as ALBIONSTAR, Blue Star Line, London;

1920 Union Cold Storage Ltd;

1929 ALBION STAR, same owners;

1948 scrapped Briton Ferry.

War Helen - 5779 410 54.2 A01 4.19 Completed as WESTERN KNIGHT, US Shipping Board, Seattle;

1926 American South African Lines Inc, New York;

8.4.29 wrecked west of Cape Recife.

War Helmet - 8184 445 58.0 J01 11.17 Shipping Controller, managed by Royal Mail S.P.Co;

19.4.18 torpedoed and sunk by UC.75 3 miles off Owers Lightship on passage London to Barry Roads.

War Herald - 4837 380 53.0 A08 10.18 Completed as BELLINGHAM, US Shipping Board, Tacoma;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1930 NEVASTROI, Sovtorgflot, Leningrad, Odessa, Vladivostok, USSR;

1960 deleted from Lloyd's Register.

War Hermit AO 5236 401 52.3 B09 4.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co, London;

1919 Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co,

1921 ANATINA, same owner;

1927 Skibs A/S Anatina (M.C.Stray), Christiansand;

1938 MINDANAO, Fernandos Hermanos, Manila;

10.2.4 sunk by air attack at Manila, salved by Japanese.

1942 PALEMBANG MARU, Japanese Government;

4.3.45 torpedoed and sunk by USS BAYA at 12.52N 109.30E

War Hero - 5875 385 51.2 J03 10.17 Shipping Controller managed by Furness Withy & Co;

1919 HATKHOLA, British India SN Co,

1934 scrapped Japan.

War Heroine - 2585 299 44.0 A15 6.18 Completed as WAUKESHA, US Shipping Board, Wilmington, Del;

1929 Gulf Barge & Towing Co, New Orleans, converted to barge;

1934 Waukesha Transportation Vo, Mobile;

1948 dismantled.

War Highway C 3125 331 46.8 B07 5.18 Shipping Controller, managed by F & W.Ritson;

1919 SEATONIA, The Hartlepools Seatonia SS Co (Heasler & Co), West Hartlepool;

1927 BRACONDALE, Murrell SS Co, West Hartlepool;

1934 BERESINA, USSR, Leningrad;

1950 Sovromtransport, Constantza, Roumania;

1959 BEREZINA, "Navron", Constantza;

1962 EFORIE, same owner;

1979 scrapped Constantza.(1999 reported still existing in derelict condition near Braila, on the River Danube)

War Hind B 5263 400 52.4 B54 10.18 Shipping Controller, managed by R.Ropner & Co;

1919 GRECIAN PRINCE, Prince Line, Newcastle;

1924 SAVANNAH, Warren Line, Liverpool;

1926 NEVESINJE, Atlanska Plovidba Ivo Racic, Dubrovnik;

1930 COQUIMBO, Braun & Blanchard, Valparaiso;

1932 VALPARAISO, Cia Chilena Interoceanica, Valparaiso;

1935 PRINC PAVLE, A.Babarovic, Milna, Yugoslavia;

1942 FRANKA, same owner;

1946 KORDUN, Jugoslavenska Slobodna Plovidba, Milna;

1950 Jugoslavenska Linijska Plovidba, Milna;

1956 Jugoslavenska Oceanska Plovidba, Kotor;

1959 scrapped Hong Kong.

War Hindoo Z 5565 400 52.2 B28 10.19 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by Gow, Harrison & Co;

1921 transferred to Admiralty;

1936 Royal Fleet Auxiliary;

1939 Naval depot ship;

1949 hulk at Malta;

1958 scrapped Blyth.

War Honour (1) - 1949 251 43.8 A23 11.17 Completed as LAKEWOOD, US Shipping Board, New York;

1917-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service - mine carrier;

1920 CAMBRIER, Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

1924 CAP D'ALPRECHT, Soc Anon de Gerance et d'Armement, Dunkerque;

1931 BIODD, D/S A/S Bestum 2,(K.T.Einersen), Oslo;

1934 YUNG CHI, Ta Chen Navigation Co, Shanghai;

1937 sunk as blockship Shanghai.

War Honour (2) - - - - - - Order cancelled.

War Hope - 1949 251 43.8 A23 2.18 Completed as LAKE BUTLER, US Shipping Board, Detroit;

1926 PALATKA, Asa F. Davison, New York;

1927 New England, New York & Texas SS Corp, New York;

1928 UNGAVA, Job's Seal Fishery Co, St.John's, Nfld;

1942 BUNTING, US War Shipping Admin, Panama;

1944 BUNTING II, M.O.W.T London, managed by Chine Shipping Co;

1948 US Maritime Commission;

1949 scrapped Baltimore.

War Horizon C 3059 331 46.7 B26 6.19 Completed as CAMBRONNE, Soc.Anon. Chargeurs L'Ouest, Nantes;

1937 Cie Generale Transatlantique, Nantes;

1939 Cie Generale d'Armements Maritimes, Nantes;

1940 seized by Germany, managed by Dampfs Reed Hugo Ferdinand, Rostock;

11.3.45 bombed and sunk at Hamburg while in floating dock;

1950 salvaged;

1951 scrapped.

War Horse (1) - 8167 440 60.2 A14 5.19 Completed as HENRY CLAY, US Shipping Board, Philadelphia;

1933 scrapped Baltimore.

War Horse (2) B 5253 400 52.3 B17 4.19 Completed as MARY HORLOCK, F.W.Horlock, Harwich;

26.1.24 sank after machinery trouble and shifted cargo at 32.01N 153.45E.

War Horus - 2266 251 43.8 C09 10.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Furness Withy, London;

1919 EMMA, Filippo Baglietto, Genoa;

1923 GIUSEPPE SONCINO, Lloyd Marittimo Soc Italiana di Nav, Genoa;

1926 TOSHU MARU, Kudo Sukeo, Takasago;

1928 Abe Shokai KK, Kobe;

1938 TOSYU MARU, same owner;

1941 Abe Sinichi, Kobe;

194? Marutatsu Kaiun KK;

1949 Asahi Kisen KK, Kobe;

1955 Nippon Sempaku Kogyu KK, Tokyo;

1958 Nihon Senpaku KK, Tokyo;

1961 scrapped Osaka.

War Hostage AO 5181 401 52.3 B31 12.17 Tanker. Shipping Controller managed by Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co, London;

1919 MILAZZO, Soc Italiana di Nav Transoceanica, Naples, converted to dry cargo ship;

1922 Navigazione Generale Italiana, Naples;

1924 ALDERSGATE, City Gate Line (W.H.Dillon & Sons), London;

1925 MISTLEY HALL, Chas.G. Dunn Ltd, Liverpool;

1934 KUTAIS, Sovtorgflot, Odessa;

1935 DNESPROSTROI, Sovtorgflot, Odessa;

1938 ASHKHABAD, same owner;

30.4.42 torpedoed by U.402 at 34.21N 76.24W, south of Cape Hatteras;

3.5.42 sunk by Allied gunfire.

War Hound (1) - 2080 251 43.6 A22 11.17 Completed as LAKE HURON, US Shipping Board, Washington, D.C;

1917-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service - mine carrier;

1920 SERBIER, Lloyd Royal Belge, Antwerp;

1924 CAP LA HEVE, Soc.Anon.de Gerance et d'Armement, Dunkirk;

1932 BINAB, D/S A/S Bestum, Oslo;

1935 BENITO, Dansk Afrikansk D/S A/S, Copenhagen;

1936 ADVANCE, Algot Johansson, Mariehamm;

1941 seized by USA r/n TROJAN, US Maritime Commission, Panama;

1944 TROJAN III, M.O.W.T. (managed by Wm.Cory & Sons, London);

1947 returned to Finland r/n ADVANCE, Johansson, Mariehamm;

1963 MISTER STATHIS, I.Zisopoulos, Piraeus;

1965 AGIOS DIMITRIOS, G. Apostolopoulos, Piraeus;

1966 scrapped Piraeus.

War Hound (2) B 5261 400 52.3 B06 11.18 Shipping Controller, managed by E.C.Thin;

1920 ETNA, Navigazione Generale Italiana, Genoa;

1920 TIRSO, same owner;

1929 TITANIA, Ditta Luigi Pittaluga Vapori, Genoa;

1937 Soc.Anon.Cooperativa di Nav.'Garibaldi', Genoa;

20.10.42 torpedoed and sunk by HMS SAFARI at 34.45N 12.31E.

War Humber - 1950 290 42.5 B56 5.19 Coaster. Completed as POLO, Ellerman's Wilson Line, Hull;

17.1.43 on fire in Bougie harbour, wreck sunk by gunfire.

War Hunter AO 5222 400 52.3 B55 11.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co, London;

1919 TREVIER, Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp, converted to dry cargo ship;

1927 KASONGO, Cie Africaine de Nav.S.A, Antwerp;

1930 Cie Maritime Belge, Antwerp;

26.2.41 torpedoed and sunk by U.47 at 55.50N 14.20W.

War Huron - 2284 250 43.6 C11 7.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managed by Glover Bros;

1920 DINA ACCAME, Fratelli Accame, Genoa;

2.8.23 on fire at Genoa, sank and scrapped.

War Hussar AO 5222 400 52.4 B55 8.19 Tanker. Completed as MELPO, A.A.Capparis, Piraeus;

1923 Oriental Shipping Co, Piraeus;

1926 BEACHCLIFFE, Care & Marquand Shipping Co, Cardiff;

1933 Fawcett Shipping Co, Cardiff;

1934 TERESA SCHIAFFINO, S.A.di Nav.Vapore Assunta de Gregori, Genoa,

1962 scrapped Spezia.

War Hydra - 2251 251 43.6 C08 10.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Tyzack & Branfoot;

1919 BAFFIN, Mount Royal SS Co, Montreal;

1920 FRANQUETTE, Cie de Nav. Franco-Chinoise, Dunkerque;

1926 CAPO NOLI, Cie Genovese di Nav a Vapeur S.A, Genoa;

1936 MARCANTONIO BRAGADIN, Salvagno Anonima Navigazione, Venice,

1939 NINA BIANCHI, Raffaele Bianchi, Genoa;

4.10.40 sank after collision with s/s VELOCE off San Cataldo di Lecce at 40.27N 18.24E.


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War Icarus G2 8002 450 58.4 B30 11.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Booth SS Co;

1919 MESABA, Atlantic Transport Co, London;

1925 DELPHIC, White Star Line;

1933 CLAN FARQUHAR, Clan Line, Glasgow;

1948 scrapped Milford Haven.

War Idyll N 6565 412 55.8 B40 8.21 Shipping Controller;

1921 CONCORDIA, "Concordia" Soc.di Nav, Genoa;

1926 Soc.di Nav. Unione Italica, Rome;

1931 VALTELLINA, same owner;

1932 scrapped Monfalcone.

War Iliad N 6551 412 55.8 B40 7.20 Completed as SILE, Navigazione Generale Italiana, Genoa;

1926 PASSAT, Kauffahrtei A.G, Bremen;

1936 A.G.fur Handel & Verkehr, Emden;

1937 JANTJE FRITZEN, Lexzau, Scharbau & Co, Emden;

1939 Johs Fritzen & Sohn vorm Lexzau, Scharbau & Co, Emden;

1945 seized as prize by Allies, scuttled with ammunition in Skaggerak.

War Imp - 2308 254 43.8 A24 5.18 Completed as LAKE HOUGHTON, US Shipping Board, Detroit;

12.6.18 wrecked on Cranberry Island, near Canso NS.

War Indian - 7770 434 57.7 A18 5.18 Completed as RADNOR, US Shipping Board, Philadelphia;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1930 JACOB LUCKENBACH, Luckenbach SS Co, New York;

1947 TUNG PING, China Overseas Lines, Shanghai;

1950 PACIFIC DRAGON, Pacific Union Marine Corp, Panama,

1955 OCEANIC JUSTICE, Pacific Bulk Carrier Inc, Panama (C.Y.Tung);

1959 scrapped Tokyo.

War Irwell C1 432 142 25.1 B69 6.19 Coaster. Completed as MOYALLON, John Kelly Ltd, Belfast;

15.9.24 sprang a leak, taken in tow but sank following day off Strumble Head, Carnarvon.

War Isis - 2231 251 43.8 C09 5.18 Shipping Controller, managed by R.B.Chellew;

1920 CLAUDEGALLUS, Soc.du Pacifique, Marseilles;

1929 TORNI, Ravel Shipping Co, Estonia;

1940 M.O.W.T., Liverpool, managed by Rodney SS Co, Newcastle;

1947 Ministry of Transport, managed by Pelton SS Co;

1950 TREMA, Cia Maritima Trema, Panama;

1957 AVON, Cia Maritima Tees, Panama;

1963 scrapped Lubeck.

War Island C 3143 331 46.8 B14 9.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Gibbs & Co; 1919 COSMOS VOLGA, Watkin James Williams, Cardiff;

1920 TERRIFIC, same owner;

1922 GOLDENWAY, St.Mary SS Co (Williams Bros), Cardiff;

1928 MOMOHA MARU, Tatsuuma Kisen KK, Nishinomiya, Japan;

15.3.43 torpedoed and sunk by USS TRIGGER at 00.00N 145.00E

War Isthmus C 3089 331 46.8 B47 10.19 Completed as ALERGIAN PRINCE, Furness Withy & Co, Newcastle;

1937 LOUIS CHARLES SCHIAFFINO, Soc.Algerienne de Nav.pour l'Afrique du Nord, Algiers;

25.2.41 sunk by German air attack east of Collo, Algeria.



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War Jackdaw B 5214 400 52.3 B25 5.18 Shipping Controller, managed by H.Samman & Co;

1919 TARTAR PRINCE, Prince Line, Newcastle;

1922 Peareth SS Co, Newcastle;

1924 Prince Line, Newcastle;

1933 FOSTAT, Soc Misr de Navigation Maritime, Alexandria;

1939 STAR OF LUXOR, Alexandria Nav.Co, Alexandria;

10.12.41 torpedoed and sunk by U.130 at 56.57N 16.35W.

War Jandoli Z 5578 400 52.3 B56 3.19 Tanker. Shipping Controller, Lane & MacAndrew manager;

1920 Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co;

1921 CEPOLIS, same owners;

1926 Hadley Shipping Co, London;

1937 scrapped Yokohama.

War Jasmine A 5263 400 52.3 B31 1.19 Shipping Controller, managed by Field Line (Cardiff), Ltd;

1919 CROMARTY, Sutherland SS Co, Newcastle;

1920 HIGHMEAD, Western Counties Shipping Co, London;

1922 ASTOI-MENDI, Cia Naviera Sota & Aznar, Bilbao;

1939 MONTE NEGRO, Naviera Aznar SA, Bilbao;

22.12.50 wrecked Takoradi breakwater.

War Jasper F 6701 413 55.5 B18 9.19 Completed as COMERIC, Bank Line (A.Weir & Co), Glasgow;

1936 HAMPTON HILL, Middlesex SS Co (Counties Ship Management), London;

1937 MOUNT KYLLENE, Kulukundis & Pateras, Piraeus;

9.4.38 broke in two at 43.30N 28.00W, 20.4.38 wreck last reported at 43.09N 31.22W.

War Javelin D 2343 285 42.1 B60 9.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Richards Turpin Ltd;

1919 PINEWIN, Ashwin & Co, London;

1920 Essex Line Ltd, London;

1921 ARCOS, All-Russian Cooperative Soc.Ltd, London;

1923 Arcos Ltd, London;

1924 Arcos SS Co Ltd, London;

1925 Sovtorgflot, Archangel;

1960 deleted from Lloyds Register.

War Jemadar Z 5563 400 52.4 B37 9.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, Hunting & Son manager;

1919 Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co, London;

1922 CLIONA, same owner;

1927 Deutsche Tankreederi, Hamburg,

1928 CORATO, Hadley Shipping Co, London,

1938 scrapped Briton Ferry.

War Jonquil A 5243 401 52.3 B31 9.19 Completed as TREVEAL, Hain SS Co, St.Ives;

9.1.20 wrecked two miles west of St.Albans Head in gale.

War Joy _ 4331 381 49.3 C03 12.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Glover Bros;

1919 VITTORIO VENETO, La Veloce Navigazione Italiana a Vapore, Genoa;

1925 Navigazione Generale Italiana, Genoa;

1929 S.A.di Nav.La Camogliese, Genoa;

1941 seized by Argentina r/n RIO GUALEGUAY, Flota Mercante del Estado, Buenos Aires;

1946 returned to Italy r/n VITTORIO VENETO, La Camogliese Soc.An di Nav, Genoa;

1959 scrapped Spezia.

War Juno - 5794 410 54.2 A01 6.19 Completed as WESTERN GLEN, US Shipping Board, Seattle;

1927 WILLWELLO, American Intercoastal SS Corp.(Williams SS Co), New York;

1929 SAN FELIPE, Pacific-Atlantic SS Co.(States SS Co), Portland, Maine;

1940 EMPIRE GEMSBUCK, M.O.W.T. managed by W.A.Souter & Co;

3.11.41 torpedoed and sunk by U.203 at 52.18N 53.05W on voyage Philadelphia to Londonderry via Sydney. CB..

War Jupiter (1) - 6868 415 53.7 A11 11.18 Completed as WHEATON, US Shipping Board, Baltimore;

1928 ALASKAN, American- Hawaiian SS Co, New York;

28.11.42 torpedoed, shelled and sunk by U.172 at 03.58N 26.19W en route Cape Town to Paramaribo, Brazil.

War Jupiter (2) G2 7964 449 58.2 B05 2.20 Completed as OTAKI, New Zealand Shipping Co, Plymouth;

1934 CLAN ROBERTSON, Clan Line Steamers (Cayzer Irving & Co), Glasgow;

1938 STANFLEET, Stanhope SS Co (J.Billmeir), London;

1939 Zubi Shipping Co, London;

1939 PACIFIC STAR, Blue Star Line, London;

27.10.42 torpedoed by U.509 at 29.15N 20.57W; 30.10.42 last seen afloat on voyage Rosario to Liverpool via Freetown.

War Justice N 6509 413 55.8 B30 5.19 Completed as NEWTON, Liverpool, Brazil & River Plate Co.(Lamport & Holt), Liverpool;

1933 MOUNT OTHRYS, Rethymnis & Kulukundis, Panama;

1936 Kulukundis Bros, Syra;

1938 Emmanuel Marcou, Syra;

1939 same owner, Panama;

7.1.45 beached after collision with Dutch tanker ERRINA in River Thames, caught fire, broke in two, scrapped.



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War Karma - 2271 251 43.8 C09 11.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Furness Withy & Co;

1920 RAYMOND POINCARE, S.A de Nav."les Armateurs Francais", Rouen;

1926 P.A.Lapicque, Haiphong;

1929 SEIZAN MARU, Aoki Yeizo, Sasebo, Japan;

1935 Aoki Yotetsu Shoten KK, Sasebo;

14.6.45 torpedoed and sunk by USS SPADEFISH at 47.03N 142.01E.

War Keep F 5662 400 53.0 B43 7.19 Completed as SAINT DUNSTAN, Saint Line Ltd, Liverpool;

24.8.40 torpedoed by U.57 at 55.44N 08.10W, taken in tow but sank on 27.8.40 North of Ireland while on voyage Glasgow to Baltimore.

War Kennet C1 423 142 25.1 B69 7.19 Coaster. Completed as TYNAN, John Kelly Ltd, Belfast,

1951 BALLYBRYAN, John Kelly Ltd, Belfast;

1952 scrapped Port Glasgow.

War Kestrel B 5214 400 52.3 B14 7.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Harris & Dixon, London;

1919 ARGALIA, Donaldson Line, Glasgow;

1927 MIYADONO MARU, Tatsuuma Kisen KK, Nishinomiya, Japan;

19.6.43 torpedoed and sunk by USS GROWLER at 01.42N 148.23E.

War Khan Z 5574 400 52.4 B37 3.19 Tanker. Shipping Controller, Stephens, Sutton & Stephens managers;

1919 Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co, London;

1922 CAPSA, same owners;

1927 NORDHAV, Skibs A/S Nordhav (T.Lodding), Oslo;

1940 seized by Japan;

1941 DAISIN MARU, Oiwa Tokujiro, Kobe;

23.9.43 torpedoed and sunk by USS HARDER at 34.20N 137.05E.

War King - 9394 476 61.2 J03 3.17 Shipping Controller managed by Furness Withy & Co;

1919 M.S.DOLLAR, Dollar SS Lines, London / Vancouver;

1928 CHIEF MAQUILLA, Canadian American Nav.Co Ltd, Hong Kong;

2.12.28 foundered off Aleutian Islands.

War Kinsman AO 5249 401 52.3 B33 4.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by Anglo Saxon Petroleum Co, London;

1919 GRELDON, Gould Steamships & Industrials, London, converted to dry cargo ship;

1925 Derwen Shipping Co, London;

1932 MOUNT HYMETTUS, Rethymnis & Kulukundis, Panama;

1934 OLYMPOS, J.A.Coulouthros & N. Embiricos, Andros;

1940 A. Coulouthros, Andros;

1953 scrapped at Barrow.

War Kitimat - 2336 249 43.6 C18 8.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managed by J. Cook & Sons;

1919 SERBIER, Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

12.1.20 foundered in Bay of Biscay at 47.38N 06.10W.

War Knight - 7951 410 56.0 A09 1.17 Shipping Controller managed by Furness Withy & Co;

20.3.18 collided with US steamer O.B.JENNINGS, struck mine, caught fire and beached at Freshwater Bay, Isle of Wight, ammunition cargo exploded, ship broke up.

War Kochia A 5216 401 52.3 B38 10.19 Completed as LONDONIER, Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

1930 Cie.Maritime Belge, Antwerp;

1939 ILLENAO, Agencia Maritima Colon, Panama;

1940 SYOTO MARU, later SHOTO MARU, Matsuoka Kisen KK, Ashiya, Japan;

31.8.43 torpedoed and sunk by USS SEAWOLF at 28.27N 128.03E.

War Kookri Z 5582 400 52.3 B56 7.19 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by Lane & MacAndrew Ltd;

1920 SAN ZOTICO, Eagle Oil Transport Co, London;

1950 scrapped at Milford Haven.

War Krishna Z 5730 400 52.3 B56 11.19 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by Lane & MacAndrew Ltd;

1921 transferred to Admiralty;

1936 Royal Fleet Auxiliary;

1946 Bulk Storage Co.(P.Bauer), London;

1948 Basinghall Shipping Co;

1949 scrapped Karachi.



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War Lance - 8182 445 58.0 J01 2.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Royal Mail SP Co, London;

1919 HATIPARA, British India SN Co, London;

1939 scrapped Rotterdam.

War Lapwing B 5167 400 52.4 B13 5.19 Completed as BOGOTA, Pacific Steam Nav.Co, Liverpool;

1933 MADDA, G. & F. Fratelli Bozzo, Genoa;

1945 MONTE NAFARRATE, Cia Nav.Sota y Aznar, Bilbao;

1956 RIVA DE LUNA, Angel Riva Suardiaz, Bilbao;

1958 RIVADELUNA, same owner;

1970 Naviera Rivadeluna, Bilbao;

1973 scrapped..

War Lark B 5203 400 52.2 B22 8.18 Shipping Controller, managed by J.H.Welsford & Co, Liverpool;

1919 TURKISTAN, F.C.Strick & Co, Swansea;

1925 GREY COUNTY, D/S A/S Grey County (W.Gilbert), Bergen;

1929 L.W.Hansen, Bergen;

1936 D/S A/S Songa, Bergen;

1947 TITANIA, Rederi A/B Svenska Lloyd, Goteborg;

1951 TOLKEN, Rederi A/B Transatlantica, Goteborg;

1951 RESARO, Rederi A/B Rex, Stockholm;

1955 GEOWILKA, Cia de Nav.Miramar, Monrovia;

1960 scrapped Osaka.

War Laurel (1) - 2055 247 43.5 A22 5.18 Completed as LAKE CLEAR, US Shipping Board, Chicago;

1923 SANDCRAFT, Construction Materials Co, Chicago, converted to dredger;

1931 Sensibar Transportation Co, Gary, Ind;

1935 Midwest Vessel Corp, Wilmington, Del;

1942 Construction Aggregates Corp, Wilmington, Del;

2.7.50 sunk in collision with s/s MELROSE in New York Harbour.

War Laurel (2) A 5270 400 52.3 B33 6.19 Completed as TREVARRACK, Hain SS Co, St.Ives;

8.6.41 torpedoed and sunk by U.46 at 48.46N 29.14W on voyage Glasgow to Montreal.

War Lea C5 1193 240 35.7 B38 4.20 Coaster. Completed as DALMATIER, Lloyd Royal Belge, Antwerp;

1922 HELENE, A/S Dampsk. Selsk. Vesterhavet (J.Lauritzen), Esbjerg, Denmark;

8.12.29 ashore near Brest after breaking tow after heavy weather damage, total loss.

War Leader - 2364 253 43.5 A24 11.17 Completed as LAKELAND, US Shipping Board, Washington, D.C;

1922 M.& J. TRACY, M & J.Tracy Inc, New York;

1947 US Maritime Commission, New York; 1948 scrapped Brunswick, Ga.

War Legate AO 5188 400 52.3 B31 6.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by Anglo Saxon Petroleum Co, London;

1919 GRELBANK, J.C.Gould & Co, Cardiff, converted to dry cargo ship;

1925 The Derwen Shipping Co, London;

1932 MOUNT OSSA, J.A.Cosmetto & Kulukundis Bros, Panama;

1935 same owner, Piraeus;

1937 HEINRICH SCHULTE, "Atlas" Reederi A.G, Emden;

28.1.44 torpedoed and sunk off Tromso by Russian submarine..

War Lemon H 2555 303 42.9 B21 9.19 Completed as COATSWORTH, Robert Stanley Shipping Co (R.S.Dalgliesh), Newcastle;

1929 Dalgliesh Steam Shipping Co;

1938 DINARIC, Kvarner Brodarsko D.D, Bakar, Yugoslavia;

1941 M.O.W.T, managed by Stone & Rolfe Ltd;

6.7.42 torpedoed by U.132 at 49.30N 66.30W in the St. Lawrence River while on voyage Rimouski to the UK.

9.7.42 sank at 49.15N 66.43W

War Lemur B 5185 400 52.3 B30 5.18 Shipping Controller, managed by T.Dunlop & Son;

1919 VERENTIA, Cunard SS Co, London;

1926 FORERIC, Andrew Weir & Co, Glasgow;

1927 GALVAN, Buenos Aires & Great Southern Railway Co, London;

1935 Kaye, Son & Co, London;

1937 PEI TAI, Chang Shu Chang, Tsingtao;

1938 HOKUTAI MARU, Kitagawa Sangyo Kaiun, Osaka;

30.3.44 bombed and sunk by US aircraft off Pelew Islands.

War Leopard (1) _ 5657 410 54.2 A03 1.18 Completed as WEST POINT for US Shipping Board, Seattle;

1918-1919 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1937 US Maritime Commission, Seattle;

1938 scrapped Hamburg.

War Leopard (2) B 5177 400 52.3 B61 7.18 Shipping Controller, managed by T.Dunlop & Sons;

1919 FRATELLI BIANCHI, Fratelli Bianchi di S, Genoa;

1925 VILLA ADA, Soc di Nav per Trasporti Refrigeranti "La Polare", Genoa;

1927 ZERIBA, Zinal SS Co, London;

1933 MOUNT CYNTHOS, Theseus SS Co (Rethymnis & Kulukundis), Syra;

1935 Kulukundis Shipping Co, Syra;

1939 MOMOYAMA MARU, Yamashita Kisen KK, Kobe;

13.3.43 bombed and sunk by US aircraft at 02.45S 143.20E.

War Leven C7 1390 271 38.1 B12 3.19 Coaster. Shipping Controller, managed by J.Moss & Co;

1919 LIMOGES, Moss SS Co, Liverpool;

1922 WESTERN COAST, Coast Lines Ltd, Liverpool;

1941 Burns & Laird Lines, Liverpool;

1946 MEATH, same owner;

1948 British & Irish Steam Packet Co, Liverpool;

1952 LAIRDSCASTLE, Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow;

1958 scrapped Holland.

War Leveret 2057 251 43.5 C06 6.19 Shipping Controller, London;

1919 SAVERNE, S.A.de Nav."Les Armateurs Francaise", Rouen;

1927 Cicero de Figueiredo, Rio de Janeiro;

1933 ARARIBA, Pedro Brandao, Rio de Janeiro;

1956 Cia Nacional de Nav.Costeira Patrimonio Nacional, Rio de Janeiro;

1965 scrapped Rio de Janeiro.

War Liffey C5 1561 240 36.3 B19 4.19 Coaster. Completed as BERMONDSEY, South Metropolitan Gas Co, London;

1928 NUTFIELD, Edward T.Lindley, London;

1943 EMPIRE NUTFIELD, M.O.W.T, managed by E.T.Lindley;

3.9.46 scuttled with chemical ammunition at 48.03N 08.09W.

War Liberty N 6529 413 55.8 B30 6.19 Completed as NEW BRUNSWICK, Elder Dempster & Co, Liverpool;

21.5.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.159 at 36.53N 22.55W on passage Glasgow to Lagos.

War Lilac A 5272 400 52.3 B33 8.19 Completed as TRECARRELL, Hain SS Co, St.Ives;

4.6.41 torpedoed and sunk by U.101 at 47.10N 31.00W en route Hull to Father Point, NB.

War Lily (1) - 2010 252 43.5 A28 6.18 Completed as LAKE CAYUGA, US Shipping Board, Toledo; chartered to United Fruit Co.

1923 Moore Drydock Co;

1923 DOROTHY WINTERMOTE, Frank Paramino, San Francisco;

17.9.38 ashore near Point Arena, Calif., refloated but sank in tow on 20.9.38.

War Lily (2) A 5202 400 52.3 B33 10.19 Completed as TREMATON, Hain SS Co, St.Ives;

1937 JURKO TOPIC, Slobodna Plovidba Topic, Susak, Yugoslavia;

1946 KORENICA, Jugoslavenska Slobodna Plovidba, Rijeka, Yugoslavia;

1956 Atlanska Plovidba, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia;

1960 scrapped Osaka.

War Linnet B 5267 400 52.3 B14 12.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Miller & Richards Ltd;

1919 MONCALIERI, Lloyd Sabaudo S.A. per Azione, Genoa;

1932 'Italia', Genoa;

1934 Lloyd Triestino, Trieste;

13.2.41 bombed and scuttled at Massawa, refloated and scrapped.

War Lion - 5875 385 51.2 J03 9.17 Shipping Controller managed by Furness Withy & Co;

1919 JEBBA, African SS Co (Elder Dempster & Co);

1933 Tramp Shipping Development Co, London;

1933 THALIA, Xilas & Constantinidis, Syra;

19.10.40 torpedoed and sunk by U.99 at 57.00N 11.30W.

War Llama B 5255 400 52.2 B45 2.20 Completed as GAMARIA, British India S.N.Co, Glasgow;

1949 scrapped Rosyth.

War Lobelia A 5187 400 52.4 B18 3.20 Completed as PANAGHIS, N.Lykiardopulo, Argostoli, Greece;

1951 PANTELIS, Pantelis C.Laimos & Aristidis P.Lemos, Piraeus;

1956 PALMITA, Cia Naviera Palma, Puerto Limon, Costa Rica;

1958 PALO, South East Asiatic Transportation, Panama;

1959 scrapped Hirao.

War Loch C 3120 331 46.8 B14 5.18 Shipping Controller, managed by J.Chadwick & Sons;

1919 WARINA, British India SN Co, London;

1950 scrapped Bombay.

War Lodge F 5658 400 53.0 B43 4.20 Completed as CAMILLA GILBERT, A/S Gilberts Dampsk.Selsk.(W.Gilbert), Bergen;

1928 EIR, A/S D/S Eir (O.Grolle Olsen & I. Hysing Olsen), Bergen;

1937 MABUHAY III, Far Eastern SS Co (Johan Gran), Bergen;

1938 EASTERN STAR, Johan Gran's Rederi A/S, Bergen;

7.5.41 torpedoed and sunk by U.94 at 61.29N 22.40W.

War Logan H 2405 303 43.0 B60 10.19 Completed as ORION, A/S D/S Orion (C.P.Jensen), Copenhagen;

1957 ARIKA, Cia de Nav.y Financera Navicox S.A, Panama;

1965 scrapped Spezia.

War Lupin B 5369 400 52.3 B33 1.20 Completed as BALFE, Liverpool, Brazil & River Plate S.N.Co (Lamport & Holt Ltd), Liverpool;

1934 Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool;

1950 STAR OF ADEN, Ali A.Horoby (James Norris & Co), Liverpool;

1955 SYDNEY BREEZE, China Shipping Co (J.Manners & Co, Hong Kong), Liverpool;

1956 GOLDEN BETA, Marine Navigation Co (World Wide SS Co), Hong Kong;

1959 scrapped Osaka.

War Lurcher B 6326 400 52.3 B25 10.19 Completed as BONDOWOSO, N.V. Rotterdamsche Lloyd, Rotterdam;

1936 KASSANDRA LOULOUDIS, Goulandris Bros, Andros;

17.3.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.124 at 35.05N 75.25W.

War Lynx (1) - 1949 251 43.8 A23 5.18 Completed as LAKE FELICITY, US Shipping Board, Detroit;

1920 IBERIER, Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

1925 NORTE, S.A.de Nav.Sud Atlantica, Buenos Aires;

1931 Cia Argentina de Nav.Mihanovich, Buenos Aires;

1934 TIETE, Cia Carbonifera Rio Grandense, Rio de Janeiro;

1943 Cia Commercio e Navegacao, Rio de Janeiro;

7.8.44 sunk in collision with Brazilian s/s CHUILOIDE at 28.05S 48.30W.

War Lynx (2) B 5278 400 52.4 B56 3.19 Completed as DACRE CASTLE, Lancashire Shipping Co.(J.Chambers & Co), Liverpool;

1937 CEFN-Y-BRYN, Brynymor SS Co (Ambrose, Davies & Matthews), Swansea;

1938 KOBAC, Jugoslavenska Ploviba d.d, Susak, Yugoslavia;

1938 LIKA, Prekomorska Plovidba, Susak;

1939 MILCREST, Crest Shipping Co, London;

7.10.42 sunk in collision with s/s EMPIRE LIGHTNING at 43.53N 62.25W.



Back to Index



War Magic - 2324 252 43.6 C02 1.20 Shipping Controller, managed by J.Cook & Son;

1920 CITTA DI PALERMO, Soc. Italiana di Armamento e Nav, Rome;

1921 ISIDE, same owner;

1923 Soc.di Nav.Unione Italica, Rome;

1929 SIREN, Chr.B.Torps Rederi A/S, Bergen;

1931 D/S A/S Saima (D. Martens-Nielsen), Porsgrunn, Norway;

1931 Rederi A/S Henneseid (Thoralf Holta), Porsgrunn;

1935 MEMPHIS, A.Klat, Alexandria, Egypt;

28.2.41 reported in distress at 56.08N 09.28W, went missing.

War Magpie B 5205 400 52.2 B22 6.18 Shipping Controller, managed by H.Samman & Co;

1919 ARABISTAN, Strick Line, London; 1923 Serbistan SS Co, London;

1926 KOHRYU MARU, Kobe Sanbashi KK, Kobe;

10.3.28 wrecked north of Cape Inuboye.

War Maid - 4366 345 49.8 J05 7.18 Shipping Controller, managed by A.Holt & Co;

1919 MONTE CRISTO, Lloyd Sabaudo S.A per Azione, Genoa;

1923 MESSICANO, Pellegro Gennaro, Genoa;

1926 A.D'Esposito & G. Longobardo, Naples;

23.11.28 last reported, subsequently went missing, Aguilas to Rotterdam.

War Major - 1902 251 43.7 A23 6.17 Shipping Controller, managers France, Fenwick & Co, London;

1918 NINFA, Vincenzo de Luca, Naples;

1927 ARGIA, Soc di Nav Unione Italica, Naples;

1928 PUGLIOLA, Ing Gio Batt Bibolini, Genoa / Spezia;

12.9.43 mined and sunk off Gallipoli.

War Maker AO 5496 400 52.2 B56 3.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by Anglo Saxon Petroleum Co, London;

1919 ROSARIO, Soc.de Nav.Roma, Genoa;

1925 Lloyd Adriatico Soc.di Nav, Venice;

1929 Soc.Anon.Cooperativa di Nav."Garibaldi", Genoa;

1940 converted to dry cargo ship;

10.3.43 torpedoed and sunk by HMS TROOPER near Punta Milazzo.

War Malayan AO 5223 400 52.3 B11 6.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by A.Weir & Co,

1919 MICHAEL M. EMBIRICOS, S.G.Embiricos, Andros, converted to dry cargo ship;

1952 DIMITRIS, Bogeazides Bros, Andros;

14.12.53 ashore near Redcar, total loss.

War Mallard B 5244 400 52.4 B49 11.19 Completed as TREKIEVE, Hain SS Co, St.Ives;

4.11.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.178 at 25.46S 33.48E on passage Bombay and Mahe, Seychelles to the UK via Durban.

War Mallow A 5263 400 52.3 B51 1.19 Shipping Controller, managed by Stamp, Mann & Co;

1919 BRIARWOOD, J. Constantine, Middlesborough;

1920 Woodfield SS Co, London,

1921 HEATHFIELD, same owner;

1933 NEDON, A.Callinicos, Ithaca, Greece;

1938 FAUSTO, Hugo Trumpy, Genoa;

1942 seized by Uruguay r/n MALDONADO, Uruguayan Government, managed by Adm. Nacional de Puertos, Montevideo;

2.8.42 torpedoed, shelled and sunk by U.510 at 28.20N 63.10W.

War Mammoth B 5228 400 52.3 B32 5.19 Completed as TYMERIC, Bank Line (Andrew Weir & Co), Glasgow;

23.11.40 torpedoed and sunk by U.123 at 57.00N 20.30W on voyage Hull to Buenos Aires.

War Mango H 2499 303 43.0 B25 9.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Alexander & Mair;

1919 WARCUTA, British India SN Co, London;

1926 LOONG HWA, Chun Yung Zan, Shanghai;

1935 ISOBEL MOLLER, Moller Line, Hong Kong;

1943 TRABZON, Turkish Government;

1946 TRIPOLI, Adel M.Hammad, Alexandria;

1948 Cie Lebano-Syrienne de Nav.Maritime, Beirut;

1950 EREGLI, Faik Zeren, Istanbul;

1961 scrapped Greece.

War Manor C 3106 331 46.8 B59 5.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Steel,Young & Co, London,

1919 CONDE DE ABASOLO, Cia. Nav.Vascongada, Bilbao;

13.8.37 torpedoed and sunk by Italian destroyer OSTRO off Pantellaria during Spanish Civil War.

War Mansion C 3135 331 46.8 B02 7.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Japp, Hatch & Co, London;

1919 WARIALDA, British India SN Co, London;

1948 BASINGDALE, Salvedor Co, London;

1949 ANGELICA, Soc.di Nav. Tomei, Genoa;

1969 scrapped Spezia.

War Maple (1) - 2014 251 43.5 A21 4.18 Completed as LAKE OGDEN, US Shipping Board, Cleveland;

1925 TRUJILLO, Atlantic & Caribbean S.N.Co, Wilmington, Del;

1932 Rebuilt as passenger ship;

1937 EMANCIPACION, Transportes Maritimos y Vias Fluviales, Vera Cruz, Mexico;

1945 Soc. Co-operitava de Transportes Maritimos y Fluviales, Vera Cruz;

1959 scrapped Tampico.

War Maple (2) - - - - - - See WAR AIRMAN.

War March - 8289 440 60.2 A14 11.19 Completed as ANDREW JACKSON, US Shipping Board, Philadelphia;

1937 US Maritime Commission, Philadelphia;

1937 National Bulk Carriers Inc, New York;

1939 PAN-GEORGIA, same owner, converted to 8197 g.t. tanker;

1946 US Maritime Commission, Wilmington, Del;

1946 scrapped at Mobile.

War Marten B 5332 401 52.2 B39 9.19 Completed as BROWNING, Liverpool, Brazil & River Plate S.N.Co (Lamport & Holt), Liverpool;

12.11.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.595 at 35.52N 00.45W en route Barrow to Oran.

War Martin - 1949 251 43.8 A23 12.17 Completed as LAKE DUANE, US Shipping Board, Washington, D.C;

1920 ROUMANIER, Lloyd Royal Belge S.S, Antwerp;

1925 GIRASOL, O de G.Fontoura, Rio de Janeiro;

1927 VALE, D/S A/S Vale (H.N.Hartmark), Oslo;

1929 HENG-SHAN, San Peh S.N.Co, Shanghai;

1938 FURIERE CONSOLINI, Cia Italiana di Nav.S.A.1, Shanghai;

26.12.41 requisitioned by Japan;

1943 KONEI MARU, Japanese Government;

2.8.44 torpedoed and sunk by USS TAUTOG at 33.57N 136.20E.

War Marvel - 3507 296 49.5 A29 1.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managed by Wm.Roberts & Son;

3.1.19 sprang a leak and 5.1.19 sank at 47.31N 21.17W.

War Masset - 2273 250 43.4 C12 4.18 Wooden Hull. Shipping Controller, managed by Easton, Greig & Co;

1919 GALLACIER, Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

29.2.20 sank at 36.22N 07.08W.

War Master AO 5199 400 52.4 B75 7.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by Anglo Saxon Petroleum Co, London;

1919 ELCANO, Soc.Comercial de Oriente, San Sebastian;

1928 Cia Arrendataria del Monopolio de Petroleos, San Sebastian;

28.8.37 bombed and beached at Dijon in Spanish Civil War;

1938 refloated and scrapped.

War Mastiff B 5298 400 52.4 B54 9.18 Shipping Controller, managed by J.& C. Harrison, London;

1919 BIELA, Lamport & Holt Ltd, Liverpool;

15.2.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.98 at 42.55N 45.40W on voyage Liverpool to Buenos Aires.

War Matane - 2259 250 43.6 C21 9.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managed by Glover Bros;

1919 ITONIA, Credito Industriale di Venezia, Venice;

1921 Giulia S.A. di Armamento, Trieste;

1924 scrapped Trieste.

War Matron AO 5259 400 52.4 B37 6.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co managers.

1919 Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co;

1921 ACASTA, same owners;

1927 A/S Mosvolds Rederi, Farsund;

1948 Cia di Nav.San Sirio, Genoa;

1953 scrapped Dunston-on-Tyne.

War Mavis B 5306 400 52.4 B73 10.19 Completed as GHARINDA, British India SN Co, Glasgow;

5.5.43 torpedoed and sunk by U.266 at 53.10N 44.40W on passage Glasgow to Portland, Maine..

War Maxim D 2353 285 42.1 B56 8.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Balls & Stansfield;

1919 SIERRA MORENA, Soc Transoceanique de Transports, Antwerp;

1922 Soc de Cabotage International;

1925 SAINT PAUL, Soc.Anon Hauts Fourneaux de Noumea, Noumea;

1927 COMMANDANT DESTREMAU, same owner;

1929 Soc.Anon Caledonia, Noumea;

1933 CHINA TRADER, China Trading Corp, Shanghai;

18.8.37 sunk as blockship in River Yangtse in Sino-Japanese War.

War Medina - - - - - - Order cancelled.

War Medlar - - - - - - Order cancelled.

War Medway C1 366 136 23.6 B64 10.19 Coaster. Completed as CHELSHAM, John Harrison Ltd, London;

1920 JOLLY NORMAN, Walford Lines Ltd, London;

1931 BRAZMOR, Cie Nantaise de Navigation a Vapeur, Nantes;

1936 Soc.Auxiliare de Port de Caen, Nantes;

1942 seized by Germany;

1944 returned to France, Soc.Aux du Port de Caen, Nantes;

1951 BURLAMACCA, Giuseppi Genorali, Viareggio, converted to motor ship;

1956 Soc.Industriale Marittima di Nav, Genoa;

1958 Piccolo Cabottagio Soc, Venice;

1962 SANGIORGINA, Coccolo Scordino, Monfalcone;

1963 NIKOLAOS K, Kavvadas Bros, Piraeus;

1970 ARCHON MICHAIL, George Karamis, Piraeus;

1982 deleted from Lloyds Register - fate unknown..

War Mehtar Z 5502 400 52.4 B02 3.20 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by Hunting & Son;

1921 The Admiralty as fleet oiler.

20.11.41 torpedoed and sunk by German E-Boat off Great Yarmouth at 52.35N 02.09E.

War Melody N 6498 412 55.8 B30 11.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Glen Line;

1919 GRACE DOLLAR, Dollar SS Line Ltd, San Francisco;

1924 HAKUTATSU MARU, Tatsuuma Kisen KK, Dairen;

1927 Tatsuuma Shokai Goshi Kaisha, Dairen;

1937 RYUUN MARU, Ryuun Kisen KK, Dairen;

1942 NIKKYU MARU, Nissan Kisen KK, Tokyo;

4.7.1943 torpedoed and sunk by USS JACK at 34.31N 138.35E.

War Melon H 2470 303 43.0 B24 7.19 Shipping Controller, managed by J.Hopper;

1919 BARON GARIOCH for H.Hogarth & Sons, Ardrossan,

1935 MACGREGOR, Guardian Line, Cardiff;

1941 Ohlsson Line, Ardrossan;

27.2.42 sunk by gunfire from U.156 at 19.50N 69.40W on passage Tyne to Tampa, Fla..

War Memory N 6521 412 55.6 B74 7.20 Shipping Controller;

1920 M.T.CICERONE, Soc.Armatrice Ing.Carlo Carnuzzi & Co, Genoa;

1925 Soc.Anon.Armatrice Carbone, Genoa;

6.2.27 wrecked at Ponta Delgada.

War Mercury - 4951 376 52.3 A11 6.18 Completed as CAPE ROMAIN, US Shipping Board, Baltimore;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1929 EMILIA, A.H.Bull SS Co, New York,

1951 ISABEL, Basile Shipping Co, Honduras;

1953 ROSALIND, Cia Comercial y Financiera Sudamericana, Panama;

1956 Overseas Enterprise Inc, Panama;

3.2.56 foundered in bad weather at 33.21N 27.50E.

War Merlin B 5257 400 52.4 B54 1.19 Shipping Controller, managed by E.C.Thin;

1919 GAMBHIRA, British India SN Co, London;

1939 sold to Hughes Bolckow for scrapping, resold to Admiralty and sunk as blockship at Scapa Flow;

1943 refloated and sunk off Llandudno as Asdic target.

War Mersey - 2436 265 41.2 B62 1.19 Coaster. Shipping Controller, managed by Brown, Jenkinson & Co;

1919 CLEMENCEAU, London Transport Co, London;

1921 Le Coq SS Co (Lane & Macandrew), London;

1931 Cie Havraise de Magasinage et de Transport, Havre, converted to tanker;

1938 RIGNY, Cie Havraise de Navigation, Havre;

1939 GOTHIC, Gothic SS Co, London;

12.9.40 mined and sunk off Spurn Point.

War Metal - 2585 299 44.0 A15 7.18 Completed as MIDDLEBURY, US Shipping Board, Wilmington, Del;

1929 scrapped Baltimore.

War Meteor - 2151 251 43.7 A25 8.18 Completed as LAKE WINTHROP, US Shipping Board, Milwaukee;

1925 BARBARA, A.H.Bull S.S Co, New York;

1929 C.A.J. Naess, Oslo;

1929 R.Bekmans, Riga, Latvia;

1930 NORNA, Norna Reederei G.m.b.H, Danzig;

16.9.31 ashore south of Roervik, Norway, total loss, later scrapped.

War Midge B 5157 400 52.3 B25 6.19 Completed as ROMEO, Ellerman's Hall Line, Liverpool;

1928 CITY OF GUILDFORD, Ellerman Lines Ltd;

27.3.43 torpedoed and sunk by U.593 at 33.00N 22.50E en route Alexandria to Tripoli..

War Minaret C 3096 331 46.7 B08 3.20 Completed as NOTTON, Atlantic Shipping & Trading Co (W.J.Tatem), London;

1922 W.J.Tatem Ltd, London;

1923 ROSE SCHIAFFINO, Soc.Algerienne de Navigation pour l'Afrique du Nord (Ch.Schiaffino), Algiers;

1941 captured by British warships;

1941 M.O.W.T. managed by Mark Whitwell & Son;

3.11.41 torpedoed and sunk by U.569 at approx.50.50N 52.30W on passage Wabana, Conception Bay to Cardiff.

War Miner B 5127 400 52.3 H02 10.19 Completed as STATHIS, N.E.Ambatielos, Argostoli, Greece;

1921 CEPHALONIA, same owner;

1923 KING HOWEL, King Line Ltd (Dodd, Thomson & Co), London;

1937 ROWANBANK, Bank Line (Andrew Weir & Co), London,

31.1.41 bombed and sunk with all hands at 57.00N 16.30W.

War Minerva - - - - - - See PORT CURTIS

War Mingan - 2217 251 43.5 C16 10.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managed by Anning Bros;

1919 CANDIOPE, Credito Industriale di Venezia, Venice;

1921 Giulia S.A di Armamento, Trieste;

1924 scrapped Trieste.

War Mink J 4663 385 52.0 B52 7.19 Completed as SAINT BEDE, Saint Line Ltd (Rankin, Gilmour & Co), Liverpool;

1924 MUSICIAN, Charente SS Co (T.& J. Harrison), Liverpool;

1938 AFRICAN EXPORTER, African & Continental SS Co, London;

1939 CAPO ROSA, Cia Genovese di Nav.a Vap., Genoa;

1941 seized by Argentina r/n RIO DULCE, Flota Mercante del Estado, Buenos Aires;

1956 AUSTRAL, "La Austral", S.A. Commercial, Industrial y Maritima, Buenos Aires;

1961 scrapped Spezia.

War Mirage C 3044 331 46.8 B36 10.19 Completed as RIPOSTO, J.Glynn & Son, Liverpool;

1923 CULEBRA, Royal Mail SP Co, Liverpool,

1932 Royal Mail Lines Ltd, Liverpool;

25.1.42 sunk by submarine gunfire from U.123 at 35.30N 53.25W on passage London to Bermuda and Kingston.

War Mist (1) - 2139 251 43.7 A25 7.18 Completed as LAKE GREENWOOD, US Shipping Board, Milwaukee;

1920 CATHERINE, same owner;

1921 Bull Insular S.S Co, New York, passenger accommodation added;

1941 STRATFORD (AP-41), US Navy;

1946 CATHERINE, US Maritime Commission;

1947 GRANTON GLEN, Culliford Shipping Co, London;

1948 E.T.Radcliffe & Co, London;

1951 ANNE DE BRETAGNE, Soc. Franco-Belge de Commerce & d'Armement, Marseilles;

1954 Cie Marit. Intercontinentale & Commerciale, Marseilles;

1956 scrapped Vado Ligure.

War Mist (2) C 3021 331 46.7 B42 1.20 Completed as ONEGA, W. Thomson & Co, Leith;

1923 Petrograd Steamers Ltd (W.Thomson & Co), Leith;

1927 YASUKUNI MARU, Hamane Shoten KK, Takasago;

21.1.44 torpedoed and sunk by USS SEAHORSE at 03.19N 137.02E.

War Mogul Z 5548 400 52.2 B20 8.19 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by Anglo-American Oil Co;

1920 KENNEBEC, Anglo-American Oil Co, London;

8.9.39 torpedo attack by U.34 at 49.18N 08.13W on passage Aruba to Avonmouth. Wreck sunk by HMS VERITY

War Mohawk - 2266 250 43.5 C21 5.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managed by Glover Bros;

1919 IDRA, Soc.Sicula di Imprese Marittime, Rome;

1921 Soc.Italiana di Armemento e di Navigazione, Venice;

1923 scrapped Italy.

War Mole B 5335 401 52.3 B39 12.19 Completed as BRUYERE, Liverpool, Brazil & River Plate S.N.Co (Lamport & Holt Ltd), Liverpool;

23.9.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.125 at 04.55N 17.16W on passage Rio de Janeiro to the UK via Freetown..

War Monarch - 7887 410 56.0 A09 7.17 Shipping Controller, managed by Cunard SS Co, Liverpool;

14.2.18 torpedoed and sunk by UB.57 at 50.46N 00.43E on passage Hull to Italy.

War Moncton - 2320 241 43.5 C14 5.19 Wooden Hull. Shipping Controller, managed by Hansen Bros. Ltd;

1920 VACUNA, Credito Industriale di Venezia (Soc.Maritimi Esercizi), Venice;

1921 Giulia S.A.di Armamento, Trieste;

1923 Dott.G. Calcavara, Venice;

1924 scrapped Italy.

War Monsoon C 3119 331 46.8 B51 7.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Rickinson, Sons & Co;

1919 TIBERMEDE, Mede Line Ltd, Newcastle;

10.5.20 wrecked near Cabo Carvoeiro lighthouse.

War Moon (1) - 5747 410 54.2 A03 4.18 Completed as WESTBORO, US Shipping Board, Seattle;

1927 JANE CHRISTENSON, Christenson SS Co, San Francisco;

1943 STALINGRAD, U.S.S.R. (lend lease);

1944 JANE CHRISTENSON, US War Shipping Admin, San Francisco;

1945 KHARKOV, U.S.S.R, Leningrad;

1970 deleted from Lloyd's Register.

War Moon (2) C 3052 331 46.8 B07 4.19 Completed as CRAMOND, W.Thomson & Co, Leith;

1921 TOM, Cia Naviera Bachi, Bilbao;

1937 captured by Spanish Nationalist forces;

1954 ARCHANDA, Cia Naviera Vascongada, Bilbao;

19.1.60 wrecked Cape Verde Islands.

War Moorhen B 5294 400 52.4 B49 5.19 Completed as DENNISTOUN, Shankland, Russell & Co, Newcastle;

1919 HALIARTUS, British & South American S.N.Co (R.P.Houston), Liverpool;

4.5.32 wrecked west of Mossel Bay.

War Moose B 5305 400 52.4 B56 9.19 Completed as PUNDIT, Asiatic Steam Navigation Co, London;

1950 scrapped Bombay.

War Mortar D 2334 286 41.9 B29 8.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Allen, Adams & Co;

1919 SIERRA GRANDE, Soc Transoceanique de Transports, Antwerp;

1922 Soc.de Cabotage International, Antwerp;

5.4.24 sunk after collision in River Schelde with US steamer WEST INSKIP.

War Mosque C 3045 331 46.7 B08 8.19 Completed as HAZELSIDE, Charlton Steam Shipping Co, Newcastle;

1925 TAKAHAMA MARU, Itaya Shosen Kaisha, Kobe;

11.8.27 ashore and wrecked Karafuto, Japan.

War Moth B 5318 400 52.3 B25 5.20 Completed as JEYPORE for Peninsular & Oriental S.N.Co, Sunderland;

3.11.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.89 at 55.30N 40.16W on passage New York to Hull..

War Music (1) - 2303 254 43.8 A24 5.18 Completed as LAKE OWENS for US Shipping Board, Detroit;

2.9.18 torpedoed and sunk by UB.125 off Trevose Head, Cornwall.

War Music (2) N 6498 412 55.8 B30 12.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Clyde Shipping Co;

1919 GLENSPEY, Glen Line Ltd;

1921 KING BLEDDYN, King Line Ltd;

1937 STAD MAASSLUIS, Halcyon Lijn NV, Rotterdam;

1950 FRANSESCU, Francescu Pittaluga fu Giacomo, Genoa;

6.4.54 stranded in River Schelde, broke in two and scrapped.

War Musket D 2345 285 42.0 B34 7.18 Shipping Controller, managed by A.Adams & Co;

1919 SIERRA LEONE, Soc Transoceanique de Transports, Antwerp;

1924 Soc de Cabotage International, Antwerp;

1925 JANINE, Union Industrielle et Maritime, Rouen;

1949 Rederi A/S Trampservice, Copenhagen;

1950 THOR, Seereederei "Frigga" A.G, Hamburg;

1958 scrapped Bremerhaven..

War Mystery - 3484 296 49.5 A29 2.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managed by Cunard SS Co;

1919 TAFFARI, Cie des Cargoes Francais, Marseilles;

23.2.19 burned at Oran.

War Myrtle A 5161 400 52.4 B13 12.17 Shipping Controller, managed by R.Nicholson & Sons;

1919 CALEDONIER, Lloyd Royal Belge, Antwerp;

1927 KABALO, Cie Africaine de Nav Soc Anon, Antwerp;

1930 Cie Maritime Belge, Antwerp;

15.10.40 shelled and sunk by Italian submarine COMMANDANTE ALFREDO CAPPELLINI at 32.00N 31.20W.



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War Naiad - 2308 254 43.8 A24 5.18 Completed as LAKE HEMLOCK, US Shipping Board, Detroit;

1925 sold to Ford Motor Co;

1927 converted to barge;

1942 US War Shipping Admin, Detroit;

1946 Lake Hemlock Corp, New York;

1954 Tug New York Co, Philadelphia;

13.12.57 sank in tow Long Island Sound.

War Nanoose - 2227 250 42.0 C12 9.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managed by Easton, Greig & Co;

1919 ROUMAINIER, Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

2.1.1920 on fire at Antwerp, laid up,

1923 scrapped Hamburg.

War Nawab Z 5577 400 52.3 B45 8.19 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by British Tanker Co;

1921 transferred to Admiralty;

1936 Royal Fleet Auxiliary;

1939 depot ship at Plymouth;

1946 storage service;

1958 scrapped Troon.

War Nemesia A 5196 400 52.2 B57 5.19 Completed as AYMERIC, Bank Line Ltd (Andrew Weir & Co), London;

17.5.43 torpedoed and sunk by U.657 at 59.42N 41.39W on voyage Middlesbrough to New York via the Clyde.

War Neptune - 4297 339 49.1 A10 12.18 Completed as POLAR BEAR, US Shipping Board, Baltimore;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1930 scrapped Baltimore.

War Ness - 2178 280 40.5 B44 9.19 Coaster. Completed as DAGENHAM, Hudson SS Co, London;

1956 NIKITAS K, Minos Cia Maritima S.A, Panama;

29.11.57 sank in gale in Black Sea.

War Niagara - 2319 250 43.0 C13 9.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managed by Glover Bros;

1920 HAUSSMANN, S.A di Nav. "Les Armateurs Francais", Dunkerque;

1923 scrapped Hamburg.

War Nicola - 2330 250 43.4 C17 6.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managed by J.Hardie & Co;

1920 ILARIA, Credito Industriale di Venezia, Venice;

1921 Giulia S.A di Armamento, Trieste;

1923 scrapped Trieste.

War Nicolet - - - - - - Listed in early registers but ship never existed.

War Nidd C4 874 198 30.6 B67 1.20 Coaster. Completed as AFON GWILI, Afon SS Co (W.Coombs & Sons), Llanelly;

1928 Afon Lliedi SS Co, Llanelly;

1956 HOLDERVINE, Holderness SS Co, Hull;

1960 scrapped Dordrecht.

War Nipigon - 2290 250 43.5 C15 9.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managed by Anning Bros;

1920 QUENTIN-BAUCHART, S.A de Nav."Les Armateurs Francais", Dunkerque;

1923 scrapped Germany.

War Nizam Z 5592 400 52.3 B45 10.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by British Tanker Co;

1921 transferred to Admiralty;

1937 Royal Fleet Auxiliary;

1939 depot ship at Devonport,

1947 BASINGHALL, Basinghall Shipping Co, London;

1949 scrapped Antwerp.

War Noble - 5446 411 54.1 C05 3.19 Shipping Controller, managed by Raeburn & Verel, Glasgow;

1920 MARYLAND, Cie Generale Transatlantique, Havre;

1935 ATLANTICOS, Atlanticos SS Co (Kulukundis Bros), Piraeus;

21.2.42 mined and sunk off Sheerness.

War Nootka - 2332 241 43.4 C25 1.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managed by H.Fernie & Sons;

1920 MONFENERA, Lloyd Adriatico, Venice;

1923 'Carnaro' Soc di Nav, Venice;

1924 scrapped Trieste.

War Norman AO 5269 401 52.3 B05 4.19 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by A.Holland & Co;

1920 PIAVE, Navigazione Generale Italiana, Genoa, converted to dry cargo ship;

1925 MARIA STATHATOU, Stathatos SS Co, Ithaca;

1938 MADDALENA G, Giuseppe Gavarone, Genoa;

1.3.45 sunk as blockship at Venice, later scrapped.

War Nurse - 2585 299 44.0 A15 5.18 Completed as PIQUA, US Shipping Board, Wilmington, Del;

1920 MARCONIER, Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

1930 GANDA, La Maritime Gantoise S.A, Ghent;

1932 HELLE, Rederi A/S Henneseid, Porsgrunn, Norway;

3.4.41 torpedoed and sunk by U.98 at 59.00N 24.30W.

War Nymph - 7352 445 58.0 J04 1.18 Shipping Controller, managed by A.Holt & Co, Liverpool;

1919 PILAR DE LARRINAGA, Larrinaga SS Co, Liverpool;

1949 DELIA, I.N.S.A Soc.di Nav, Genoa,

1952 HONESTAS, 'Ausonia' del Fratelli Ravano di Alberto, Genoa;

1955 RUSSULA, Soc.Armamento Marittimo NC, Genoa;

1958 scrapped Spezia.



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War Oak (1) - 2015 251 43.5 A20 2.18 Completed as LAKE OTISCO, US Shipping Board, Cleveland;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1921 International Coal Transport Corp, New York;

1923 FLOREAL, Cie Nationale de Nav, Havre;

1929 NIVAA, D/S Hetland A/S, Copenhagen;

1933 USKO, Hoyrylaiva O/Y "Usko", Raumo, Finland;

1939 MEERO, Laevauhing "Meero", Tallinn, Estonia;

1940 seized by U.S.S.R;

3.9.41 torpedoed and sunk by Finnish torpedo boat SJOKSI near Kolvisto.

War Oak (2) - - - - - - Order cancelled.

War Oasis C 3099 331 46.8 B25 2.19 Shipping Controller, managed by A.J.Ashwin;

1919 OAKWIN, Ashwin & Co, London;

1920 Oakwin SS Co (Reardon Smith), Cardiff;

1923 GENERAL LUKIN, Reardon Smith, London;

1928 SHOYEI MARU, Shoyei Kisen KK, Tarumi;

1936 Towa Kisen KK, Tarumi;

1938 SYOEI MARU, same owner;

22.6.39 wrecked near Gensan, Korea.

War Obelisk C 3071 331 46.7 B08 9.20 Completed as BACHI, Hijos de Astigarraga, Bilbao;

1931 Cia Naviera "Bachi" (Hijos de Astigarraga);

1937 BOLOGNA, Soc.Anon. Cooperitava di Nav.'Garibaldi', Genoa;

1938 BACHI, Cia Naviera "Bachi", Bilbao;

1951 ALEJANDRO ZUBIZARRETA, Cia Naviera Vascongada, Bilbao;

1957 ABASOLO, same owners;

1959 Ramon Garzon Gonzalez, Bilbao;

1970 NOGALES, same owner;

1976 scrapped Spain.

War Ocean (1) - 7611 440 56.0 A09 9.18 Completed as DEFIANCE, US Shipping Board, San Francisco;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1929 lengthened to 456ft,

1937 US Maritime Commission;

1938 PAN DELAWARE, National Bulk Carriers Inc, New York, converted to tanker;

1947 INGRID, Partrederiet Ingrid, Oslo;

1949 GIACINTA FASSIO, Fassio Soc.Anon di Navigazione, Genoa;

1959 EMMA FASSIO, same owner;

1960 scrapped Spezia.

War Ocean (2) C 3067 331 46.8 B16 8.19 Completed as CASTILIAN, Westcott & Laurance Line (Ellerman Lines Ltd), London;

12.2.43 wrecked on East Platters, Anglesey.

War Odyssey N 6547 413 55.8 B40 9.20 Completed as MONTE SAN MICHELE, Armatori Riuniti Soc.di Nav, Genoa;

8.2.21 last reported at 36.00N 49.40W, went missing.

War Olive H 2579 303 43.0 B01 10.19 Completed as HUNSTANWORTH, Robert Stanley Shipping Co, (R.S.Dalgliesh), Newcastle;

1929 Dalgliesh Steam Shipping Co, Newcastle;

1937 SEVEN SEAS SOUND, Anglo-Canadian Shipping Co, Cardiff;

1937 BERNLEF, Emder Dampferkompagnie A.G (Wilh.Nubel), Hamburg;

14.8.45 sank after explosion at 56.10N 12.07E.

War Ontario - 2293 250 43.6 C24 6.18 Wooden Hull. Shipping Controller, managed by Hansen Bros & Co;

1919 TRASIMENO, Soc Italiana di Servizi Marittimi, Naples;

1925 scrapped Italy.

War Opal F 6666 413 55.5 B57 12.18 Shipping Controller, managed by T.Law & Co;

1919 HATIMURA, British India SN Co, London;

4.11.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.132 and U.442 at 55.38N 39.52W on voyage New York to Manchester.

War Orange H 2481 303 42.9 B21 8.19 Completed as BACKWORTH, Robert Stanley Shipping Co (R.S.Dalgliesh), Newcastle;

1929 Dalgliesh Steam Shipping Co, Newcastle;

1939 OGMORE CASTLE, Branch SS Co, Cardiff;

1946 BOKKEVELD, Arden Hall SS Co, Cape Town;

1951 ROODEWAL, South African National SS Co, Cape Town;

1955 Aliwal SS Co, Cape Town;

1956 S.M.Pettersen, Cape Town;

23.9.61 caught fire at Capetown, abandoned,

1962 scrapped South Africa.

War Orestes G1 8283 450 58.2 B55 12.20 Completed as PIAKO, New Zealand Shipping Co, Plymouth;

18.5.41 torpedoed and sunk by U.107 at 07.52N 14.57W on voyage Albany to Liverpool via Freetown.

War Oriole B 5295 400 52.4 B73 4.19 Completed as CAIRNGOWAN, Cairn Line Ltd (Cairns, Noble & Co), Newcastle;

1935 BRIGHTCOMET, Bright Navigation Co, London;

1936 CHI SING, H.C.Wan, Tsingtao;

1938 YAMAHAGI MARU, Yamashita Kisen KK, Kobe;

12.10.44 bombed and sunk by US Navy aircraft at 22.37N 120.15E.

War Osiris - 2264 251 43.8 C09 7.18 Shipping Controller, managed by R.B.Chellew;

1920 COLMAR, S.A di Nav "Les Armateurs Francais", Rouen;

1929 LISTO, Herlof Andersens Rederi A/S, Kristiansand;

16.2.43 mined and sunk off Spodsbjerg, Denmark.

War Ostrich B 5264 400 52.4 B50 8.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Donaldson Bros, Glasgow;

1919 CUTCOMBE, Maritime Shipping & Trading, London;

1928 BENNEVIS, Ben Line Steamers, Leith;

9.12.41 captured by Japan off Hong Kong r/n GYOKUYO MARU, Japanese Government;

14.11.44 torpedoed and sunk by USS SPADEFISH at 31.04N 123.56E.

War Ottawa - 2306 251 43.8 C13 7.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managed by Glover Bros;

1920 VIBILIA, Credito Industriale di Venezia, Venice;

1921 Giulia Soc Anon di Armamento, Trieste;

1923 Dott G.Calzavara, Venice;

1924 scrapped Italy.

War Otter (1) - 2027 253 43.7 A27 5.18 Completed as LAKE CAPENS, US Shipping Board, Duluth;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1925 Mobile, Miami & Gulf SS Corp, Mobile;

1929 Tennessee Coal, Iron & RR Co, Mobile, converted to barge;

1941 Moran Towing & Transportation Co, New York;

1944 Atwacoal Co, New York;

1948 D.T. Sheridan, Philadelphia;

1957 scrapped USA.

War Otter (2) B 5116 400 52.3 B36 3.20 Completed as BOLIVIAN, Frederick Leyland & Co, Liverpool;

1933 ALFIOS, N.G.Livanos, Chios;

1935 Theofano Maritime Co. (N.G.Livanos), Chios;

25.4.46 ashore at Sable Island, total loss.

War Ouse C5 1517 240 36.1 B70 3.20 Coaster. Completed as SHERBURN, Aldershot SS Co (W.Fletcher & Son), London;

1928 ISLINGTON, H.Harrison Ltd, London;

1933 Sir Samuel Kelly, Belfast;

1935 MARY II, N.G.Livanos, Piraeus;

1937 RIVER TYNE, Jenny Steamship Co (S.Livanos & Co), London;

10.6.40 damaged by mine, sold to Admiralty and sunk as blockship at Dieppe.

War Owl B 5316 400 52.3 B25 9.19 Completed as GOLCONDA, British India SN Co, Glasgow;

24.2.40 grounded near Chittagong, total loss.


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War Pageant N 6574 413 55.8 B30 6.20 Completed as NEW COLUMBIA, African SS Co (Elder Dempster & Co), London;

1933 Elder Dempster Lines, Liverpool;

31.10.43 torpedoed and sunk by U.68 at 04.25N 05.03W on passage Matadi and Libreville to Lagos..

War Pagoda - - - - - - Order cancelled

War Painter AO 5214 400 52.4 B13 6.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by Anglo Saxon Petroleum Co, London;

1919 GRELISLE, J.C.Gould & Co, London, converted to dry cargo ship;

1925 The Derwen Shipping Co, London;

1933 MOUNT PERA, J.A.Cosmetto & Kulukundis Bros, Panama;

1935 same owner, Piraeus;

20.9.42 aground Lourenco Marques, total loss.

War Palace C 3112 331 46.8 B16 11.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Japp, Hatch & Co;

1919 CAPE COLONY, British Africa Shipping & Coaling Co, London;

1920 KAITOKE, Union SS Co of New Zealand, Wellington;

1935 KONG HO, Fan Shien Ho, Tsingtao;

1937 TAI YANG, Chou Jen Chen, Tsingtao;

1938 SEITAI MARU, Sakamoto Shoji KK, Osaka;

20.8.43 torpedoed and sunk by USS PLUNGER at 41.43N 139.55E.

War Palm (1) - 1949 251 43.8 A23 3.18 Completed as LAKE ARTHUR, US Shipping Board, Philadelphia;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1923 VIRGINIA LIMITED, Richmond-New York SS Co, Newport News;

1925 Eastern Steamship Lines, Newport News;

1930 VALENTINE, Helmsing & Grimm, Riga, Latvia;

1931 Schiffahrts A.G.Nord Ost, Riga;

1932 SESOSTRIS, Albert Klat, Alexandria, Egypt;

1934 Hanseatische Reed A.G, Hamburg;

1937 Hanseatische Reederei Emil Offen, Hamburg;

1945 seized by British at Kiel;

1946 scuttled with chemical ammunition in Skagerrak.

War Palm (2) A 5270 400 52.3 B33 4.19 Completed as TREMORVAH, Hain SS Co, St.Ives;

1938 NIRVO, Nivose Soc.di Navigazione, Naples;

1939 Angelo Scinicariello, Naples;

1943 bombed and sunk at Olbia, later salvaged;

1952 MAR GLAUCO, Franco Maresca fu Mariano, Genoa;

1958 scrapped Spezia.

War Pampas A 5265 401 52.3 B31 6.19 Completed as TRELISSICK, Hain SS Co, St.Ives;

23.6.41 bombed and sunk off Cromer.


War Pansy (1) - 2010 252 43.5 A28 6.18 Completed as LAKE CHELAN, US Shipping Board, Cleveland;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1926 Consolidated Navigation Co, Baltimore;

1928 Lake Chelan SS Corp, New York;

1942 Bison SS Co, Buffalo, NY;

1945 M.O.W.T, managed by France Fenwick & Co, London;

1946 Ministry of Transport, managed by John Tyrell Ltd;

1948 US Maritime Commission;

1949 scrapped Penarth.


War Pansy (2) A 5295 400 52.4 B50 2.19 Shipping Controller, managed by Weidner, Hopkind & Co;

1919 SEGURA, Royal Mail S.P Co, London;

1921 Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway Co, London;

1935 LANGTON GRANGE, Houlder Line Ltd, London;

1937 NICOLAOS M. EMBIRICOS, J.A.Coulouthros & N.N.Embiricos, Andros;

4.11.39 mined and sunk off Goodwin Sands.

War Panther B 5241 400 52.4 B51 5.18 Shipping Controller, managed by R.Nicholson & Son;

1919 BRADBOYNE, Reardon Smith & Sons, Cardiff;

6.2.20 abandoned in N.Atlantic after cargo shifted at 42.50N 41.20W.

War Paris G2 7995 450 58.4 B30 4.19 Completed as OTIRA, Shaw, Savill & Albion Line, Southampton;

1937 scrapped Pola, Italy.

War Parrot B 5240 400 52.4 B37 7.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Bell, Symonds & Co;

1919 YOSERIC, Andrew Weir & Co;

1936 ENA G, Glenfield Syndicate Ltd, London;

1937 scrapped Newport, Mon.

War Parsee J 4606 385 52.0 B52 8.20 Laid down as tanker, but completed as cargo ship BOGSTAD, D/S A/S Aker (Fearnley & Eger), Christiania;

1922 A/S Glittre;

1924 KUROHIME MARU, Kurohime Kisen Goshi Kaisha, Dairen;

30.3.43 torpedoed and sunk by USS TUNA at 00.22S 147.46E.

War Passion N 6586 413 55.8 B30 2.20 Completed as PHILADELPHIAN, Frederick Leyland & Co, Liverpool;

1933 scrapped at Lelant.

War Path - 2535 251 43.8 A23 9.17 Completed as LAKE PLACID, US Shipping Board, Washington, D.C;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service, mine carrier;

20.5.19 mined and sunk off Gothenburg.

War Pathan Z 5581 400 52.4 B37 5.19 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by A.Weir & Co;

1921 transferred to Admiralty;

1936 Royal Fleet Auxiliary;

1947 BASINGBANK, Bulk Storage Co (P.Bauer), London;

1948 Basinghall Shipping Co, London;

1950 scrapped Antwerp.

War Patriot AO 5197 401 52.3 B76 4.18 Tanker.Shipping Controller, Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co manager;

1919 Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co, London;

1921 ADNA, same owners;

1927 sold Hansen-Tangens Rederi, Christiansand;

1937 DENTICE, Polena Soc.di Nav, Genoa; 1940 seized by Venezuela;

1940 FAIRENO, Venezuelan Government;

1943 US War Shipping Admin, Panama, managed by Cities Service Oil Co;

1944 ARAYAT, US Navy, storage tanker (IX-34);

1946 FAIRENO, US Maritime Commission, Panama (laid up);

1949 returned to Italy r/n DENTICE, Polena Soc.di Navigazione, Genoa;

1954 scrapped Savona.

War Patrol - 1884 251 43.8 A23 4.17 Shipping Controller managed by J.Chambers & Co, Liverpool;

10.8.17 mined and sunk off Penmarch near Lorient.

War Peacock B 5242 400 52.3 B14 8.19 Completed as PORTFIELD, Portfield SS Co (W.E.Hinde & Co), Cardiff;

1929 FORT LAMY, Chargeurs Reunis, Havre;

1940 seized by Britain, M.O.W.T., managed by J,Cory & Sons;

8.3.43 torpedoed and sunk by U.527 at 58.30N 31.00W on passage Philadelphia and New York to Liverpool.

War Peahen B 5281 400 52.4 B14 10.19 Completed as GANDARA, British India SN Co, Glasgow;

6.4.42 sunk by Japanese warships at 16.00N 82.20E.

War Pearl - 5832 410 54.2 A06 5.18 Completed as WESTHAMPTON, US Shipping Board, Portland, Ore;

1930 scrapped Baltimore.

War Peewit B 5179 400 52.3 B61 6.19 Completed as BALLYGALLY HEAD, Ulster SS Co, Belfast;

1924 KEPWICKHALL, West Hartlepool S.N.Co, West Hartlepool;

1930 TOMBOUCTOU, Cie Marseillaise de Nav.a Vap., Marseille;

1936 Cie de Navigation Fraissinet, Marseille;

1940 M.O.W.T. managed by Elder Dempster Lines;

1943 M.O.W.T. managed by Moxey, Saxon & Co;

1946 Cie de Nav. Fraissinet, Marseilles;

1948 ISPAHAN, Cia Maritime Atychides, Panama;

1949 MONIKA WIARDS, Adolf Wiards, Bremen;

1959 RHODA, Bowring & Curry, Hamburg;

1959 scrapped Osaka.

War Pelican B 5246 400 52.4 B54 5.19 Completed as SEVERN, Royal Mail SP Co, London;

1932 LEONIDAS II, A.Vestarhis, Piraeus;

1934 scrapped at Cork.


War Penguin (1) - 2028 251 43.5 A20 10.17 Completed as LAKEPORT for US Shipping Board, Washington, D.C;

1918 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service, mine carrier;

1920 DANUBIER, Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

1925 HOUTHANDEL, Armement Gylsen S.A, Antwerp;

1927 KOSHIN MARU, Mansei Kisen KK, Tokyo;

1933 Kuribayashi Shosen KK, Tokyo;

1938 KOSIN MARU, same owner;

11.12.45 wrecked at Kawasaki in storm.


War Penguin (2) B 5242 400 52.3 B17 9.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Turner, Brightman & Co;

1919 BERNINI, Lamport & Holt Ltd, Liverpool;

1933 MOUNT DIRFYS, Atlanticos SS Co, Panama;

1935 Kulukundis Bros, Piraeus,

26.12.36 wrecked on Frying Pan Shoals, Norfolk, Virginia.

War Peony A 6445 400 52.3 B41 11.19 Completed as LUSIADA, Blue Star Line, Rio de Janeiro;

1920 VIKINGSTAR, Blue Star Line, London;

1929 VIKING STAR, same owner;

25.8.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.130 at approx. 06.00N 14.00W on voyage Montevideo to the UK via Freetown.

War Perce - - - - - - Although listed in early registers, ship never existed.

War Perch B 5226 400 52.2 B06 5.18 Shipping Controller, managed by J.Westoll, Sunderland;

1919 TROJAN PRINCE, Prince Line, Newcastle;

1924 HOOSAC, Warren Line, Liverpool;

1926 NEMANJA, Atlanska Plovidba Ivo Racic, Dubrovnik;

1928 Yugoslav Lloyd, Dubrovnik;

8.4.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.84 at 40.30N 64.50W.

War Peridot F 6661 413 55.5 B57 3.19 Shipping Controller, managed by Canadian Pacific SS Ltd, London;

1919 Canadian Pacific Rly Co, London;

1920 BOSWORTH, same owners;

1928 H.M.Thomson, London;

1944 sunk as breakwater at Normandy beachead;

1949 refloated and scrapped Troon.

War Persian AO 5234 400 52.3 B41 3.19 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by Anglo American Oil Co;

1919 VALDARNO, Lloyd Mediterraneo, Genoa, converted to dry cargo ship;

24.10.24 burnt out at Panama City, Fla.


War Peshwa J 4588 385 52.0 B52 9.20 Laid down as tanker, completed as whale oil carrier MAUDIE, A/S Hvalen (N.Bugge), Tonsberg, Norway;

1929 A/S Hektor;

1937 ANGRA, Rederi A/B Atlanta Helsingfors, Finland, dry cargo ship;

1942 MERCATOR, A/B Finland-Amerika Linjen, Helsingfors;

1943 seized by Germany, managed by Schulte & Bruns, Emden;

1945 seized by Britain r/n EMPIRE CROUCH, M.O.W.T. managed by Gibbs & Co;

1946 returned to Finland, MERCATOR, A/B Finland-Amerika Linjen, Helsingfors;

1952 Finska Angfartygs A/B, Helsingfors;

1956 RUTH NURMINEN, John Nurminen O/Y, Helsingfors;

1959 scrapped Yokohama.

War Petunia A 5260 400 52.4 B50 5.19 Completed as PEEBLES, Isles Steam Shipping Co (B.J.Sutherland), Newcastle;

1923 Sutherland SS Co, Newcastle;

1933 HELENI D, D.J.Dambassis, Andros;

1939 CULEBRA, Cia de Vapores Portobello, Panama;

1948 RENATA, E.Szabados, Venice,

1955 VALCERUSA, Angelo Ravano, Genoa; 1958 Raffaele Romano, Naples;

1959 scrapped Yokohama.

War Phlox A 5212 401 52.4 B50 7.19 Completed as WENTWORTH, Dalgliesh Steam Shipping Co (R.S. Dalgliesh), Newcastle;

5.5.43 torpedoed and sunk by U.358 and U.628 at 53.59N 43.55W on voyage Middlesbrough to Cuba.

War Pibroch D 2330 286 41.9 B24 6.18 Shipping Controller, managed by R.Mackie & Co;

1919 SAINT PALAIS, Chemins de Fer de l'Etat Francais, Havre;

1920 Soc Maritime Nationale, Havre;

1940 scuttled at Brest,

1941 salvaged by Germany r/n ADOLF WINTER, managed by Atlantische Industrie G.m.b.H, Berlin;

1946 returned to France r/n SAINT PALAIS, Soc.Mar.Nationale, Havre;

1959 scrapped La Seyne.

War Picotee A 5302 400 52.2 B33 3.19 Shipping Controller, managed by Federal S.N. Co, London;

1919 TREMEADOW, Hain SS Co, St.Ives;

1938 SAGITTA, Biagio Borriello, Torre del Greco, Italy;

9.11.41 sunk by Allied warship at 37.08N 18.09E.

War Picture N 6520 412 55.6 B74 9.20 Completed as DALMAZIA, La Veloce Nav. Italiana, Genoa;

1924 S.A Parodi & Corrado, Genoa;

1929 S.A.em V.Parodi, Genoa;

1934 scrapped Spezia.

War Pigeon B 5272 400 52.4 B51 9.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Bell, Symondsen & Co;

1919 CARIGNANO, Soc Anon Lloyd Sabaudo, Genoa;

1932 Italia, Genoa;

1934 Lloyd Triestino, Trieste;

1942 TEIYU MARU, Japanese Government;

13.11.44 sunk by air attack in Manila Bay.

War Pike B 5220 400 52.3 B25 4.18 Intended to be renamed GOZARIA, British India SN Co;

1919 ammunition cargo exploded at Novorossisk, towed to sea and sunk.

War Pink - - - - - - Order cancelled.

War Pilot - 5875 385 51.2 J03 11.17 Shipping Controller managed by Furness Withy & Co;

1919 JEKRI, British & African SN Co (Elder Dempster & Co);

1933 Tramp Shipping Development Co;

1934 scrapped Genoa.

War Pindari Z 5548 400 52.2 B72 3.20 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by C.T. Bowring & Co;

1921 The Admiralty;

1947 DEEPDALE H, Wentbridge Shipping Co (John Harker Ltd), London;

1952 CARIGNANO, Soc.di Nav.Ligure Toscana, Genoa;

1954 scrapped at Blyth.

War Pintail E 4449 376 51.7 B22 11.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Headlam & Rowland;

1919 VITELLIA, Cunard SS Co, London; 1919 Anchor Line, Glasgow;

1923 Scindia SN Co, Bombay;

1924 JALARASHMI, same owner;

1953 ASHA, Jhajharia Trading Co, Bombay,

1955 ASHA MARU, scrapped Hirohata, Japan.

War Pioneer AO 5256 400 52.3 B76 5.19 Tanker. Completed as BRAZILIER, Lloyd Royal Belge (Great Britain), London;

1923 Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

1926 LOMAS, Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway Co, London;

1935 Kaye, Son & Co, London;

1936 AVON CLIFF, Severn SS Co (M.Whitwill), Bristol;

1937 ITALO BALBO, S.A.Emanuele V.Parodi, Genoa;

9.9.41 torpedoed and sunk off Elba by Dutch submarine O.24.

War Piper B 5138 400 52.2 H01 7.20 Completed as STATHIS, Shipping Controller, managed by Turnbull, Scott & Co, Hong Kong;

1922 same owner, managed by Glover Bros;

1923 KING CADWALLON, King Line (Dodd Thompson & Co), London;

12.7.1929 abandoned on fire at 32.01S 40.41E, salvaged;

12.9.29 broke from moorings at East London and wrecked.

War Plane - 2388 264 42.2 A17 11.17 Completed as SNUG HARBOR, US Shipping Board, New York;

17.8.20 sank after collision with barge POTTSVILLE off Montauk Point.

War Planet C 3071 331 46.8 B07 9.19 Completed as CYPRIAN PRINCE, Prince Line (Furness Withy & Co), Newcastle;

1936 GLOUCESTER CITY, same owner - time chartered;

1939 Bristol City Line, Bristol;

1949 NAMAQUALAND, South African Lines Ltd, Cape Town;

1951 KADERBAKSH, United Oriental SS Co, Karachi;

1961 scrapped at Karachi.


War Platoon (1) - 2585 299 44.0 A15 11.18 Completed as LYNCHBURG for US Shipping Board, Wilmington, Del;

1920 FUSILIER, Lloyd Royal Belge S.A., Antwerp;

1925 ERSTHANDEL, Armement Gylsen S.A, Antwerp;

1928 SKRUNDA, Seeborg Bros, Riga;

1940 seized by U.S.S.R;

30.8.41 bombed and sunk in Gulf of Finland at 59.59N 26.36E;

1941 salvaged by USSR, not reported since.


War Platoon (2) D 2325 286 41.9 B24 12.18 Shipping Controller, managed by J.Mitchell & Co, Dundee;

1919 GIUSEPPINA ILARDI, Ilardi & Figli, Messina;

1929 GORGONA, Soc Anon di Nav Unione Italica, Rome;

1930 GABRIEL GUIST'HAN, Soc Anon de Nav "Les Armateurs Francais", Rouen;

1934 Union Industrielle et Maritime, Rouen;

1936 Union Ind. & Maritime Soc Francais d'Arm.,Rouen;

1946 BOUDJMEL, same owner;

1951 CALLA, Rederi A/B Majviken, Gothenburg,

1955 Liberia Maritime Corp, Monrovia;

1956 MYRTO, Cia de Nav.Toza S.A, Monrovia;

1960 scrapped Piraeus.

War Plover B 5294 400 52.4 B49 11.19 Completed as TRELYON, Hain SS Co, St.Ives;

1938 HANS RICKMERS, Rickmers Rhederei, Hamburg;

30.11.42 mined and beached off Petsamo, destroyed by Russian artillery..

War Plum H 2498 303 43.0 B34 1.19 Shipping Controller, Gillespie & Nicol managers;

1919 BARON SEMPILL, H.Hogarth & Sons, Ardrossan;

1934 A.H.Smith, London;

1934 USSURI, (USSR, Leningrad);

1960 deleted from Lloyd's Register.

War Pointer B 5267 400 52.3 B02 3.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Cairns, Noble & Co;

1919 BASSA, African SS Co (Elder Dempster & Co), London;

29.9.40 torpedoed and sunk by U.32 at approx. 54.00N 21.00W on voyage Liverpool to New York.

War Pollux - - - - - - Order cancelled


War Poplar (1) - 2014 251 43.5 A21 7.18 Completed as LAKE WIMICO, US Shipping Board, Cleveland;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1926 E.L. Jahncke, New Orleans;

1927 Cowley Gulf Lines, New Orleans;

1928 Gulf Mail SS Co, New Orleans;

1929 CONTOY, same owner;

1936 sold for scrap but laid up;

1941 Martin Marine Transportation Co, Philadelphia, converted to barge;

1947 Sheridan Transportation Co, Philadelphia;

1948 BLANCHE SHERIDAN, same owner; 1960 scrapped USA.


War Poplar (2) B 5242 400 52.3 B31 11.19 Completed as DROMORE CASTLE, Union-Castle Mail SS Co, London;

12.12.41 mined and sunk at 53.29N 00.52E.

War Poppy A 5285 400 52.3 B41 10.19 Completed as KNOCKFIERNA, Limerick SS Co, Limerick;

1935 AEGEON, Aegeon SS Co, Argostoli;

11.4.41 torpedoed and sunk by U.124 at 06.55N 15.38W.

War Post - 2431 264 42.2 A17 6.18 Completed as MARINERS HARBOR, US Shipping Board, New York;

1928 United Navigation Co, New York;

1929 SAGN, Skibs A/S Sagn (Emil Stray), Kristiansand;

1933 SIREHAV, same owner;

1933 TEREK, Sovtorgflot, Odessa, U.S.S.R; 1945 lost in Sea of Okhotsk.

War Power - 3136 300 45.3 C10 7.18 Shipping Controller, managed by J.Chambers & Co, Liverpool;

1919 Achille Bayart et Fils;

1920 ANTOINETTE, Soc.Anon des Cargos Francais, Havre;

1922 MONNETTE, same owner;

1925 TRISTAN VIELJEUX, Cie Delmas freres & Vieljeux, La Rochelle;

1933 KETI CHANDRIS, J.D.Chandris, Piraeus;

1940 AGIOS VLASIOS, same owner;

1959 scrapped Hong Kong.

War Priest - 7660 440 60.2 A14 9.19 Completed as ABRAHAM LINCOLN, US Shipping Board, Philadelphia;

1933 scrapped Baltimore.

War Priam G2 8010 450 58.4 B30 12.18 Completed as BARDIC, White Star Line, Liverpool;

1926 HORATIUS, Aberdeen Line (G.Thompson & Co), Aberdeen;

1933 KUMARA, Shaw Savill & Albion Line, Southampton;

1937 MARATHON, M.Fatsis, Piraeus;

1940 Marathon SS Co, Piraeus;

9.3.41 sunk by German battleship SCHARNHORST at 21.40N 23.50 W.

War Pride - 4860 377 52.2 A16 11.18 Completed as HICKMAN, US Shipping Board, New York;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1932 scrapped Baltimore.

War Primula A 5384 400 52.3 B51 7.19 Completed as BAKANA, British & African SS Co (Elder Dempster & Co), Liverpool;

1920 Elder Dempster Line Ltd;

1929 HONOR, Fratelli Logorara, Genoa;

1943 seized by Germany,

1944 scuttled at San Remo;

1947 scrapped.

War Prince - 5870 386 51.3 J03 5.17 Shipping Controller, managed by Furness Withy & Co;

1920 COMMISSAIRE PIERRE LECOCQ, Messageries Maritimes, Dunkirk;

1933 MOUNT PELION, Theseus SS Co, Panama / Syra;

1936 Kulukundis Bros, Syra;

1937 E.G.Culucundis & S.C.Costomeni, Syra;

2.11.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.522 at 52.20N 45.30W

War Project N 6521 412 55.6 B74 8.20 Completed as ROBILANTE, Soc.di Nav. Latina, Naples;

1924 Soc.Anon.Marittima Industriale 'Janua', Genoa;

1925 ULISSE, Soc. Esercizio Navi Soc.Anon, Genoa;

1929 CONFIDENZA, "Corrado" S.A.di Nav, Genoa;

1941 seized by USA, r/n TROUBADOUR, US Maritime Commission, Panama;

1948 CONFIDENZA, "Corrado" S.A.di Nav, Genoa;

1957 PARIDA, Cia Armadora Victoria S.A, Panama;

1959 scrapped at Moji.

War Prophet AO 5222 400 52.3 B13 4.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by Anglo Saxon Petroleum Co, London;

1919 VALLARSA, Lloyd Mediterraneo Soc Italiana di Nav, Genoa, converted to dry cargo ship;

1935 MIRELLA, Industrie Navale Soc.Anon., Genoa;

1.3.40 torpedoed and sunk by U.20 at 52.24N 02.02E..

War Proteus G2 7928 450 58.2 B05 6.19 Completed as NUDDEA, British India SN Co, Glasgow;

1937 scrapped Osaka.

War Prune H 2508 303 43.0 B24 10.19 Completed as SUNPATH, Sun Shipping Co (Mitchell Cotts & Co), London;

1929 TAIKAI MARU, Shirasaka Kisen KK, Fuchu, Japan;

10.10.44 bombed and sunk by US Navy aircraft at 26.13N 127.39E.

War Puffin B 5205 400 52.3 B46 9.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Turner, Brightman & Co;

30.6.19 went aground Maulmein, Burma - total loss.

War Puget - 2328 250 43.5 C17 2.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managed by H.Fernie & Sons;

1919 PARIS, Cie des Cargos Francais, Havre;

1920 ALBERT HAUET, Soc Anon des Cargos Francais, Havre;

1925 scrapped.

War Puma B 5241 400 52.0 B56 5.18 Shipping Controller, managed by J.Warrack & Co;

1919 MOUNT BERWYN, Sefton SS Co (H.E.Moss & Co), London;

1925 MONT GENEVRE, Soc Generale de Transports Maritimes, Marseilles;

1934 NEION, A.D.Callinicos, Piraeus;

22.6.40 torpedoed and sunk by U.38 at 47.09N 04.17W.

War Pundit Z 5549 400 52.4 B37 12.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by Stephens, Sutton & Stephens;

1920 SCOTTISH BARD, Tankers Ltd (British Tanker Co), London;

1930 BACININ PADRE, "Corrado" Soc Anon di Nav, Genoa;

1940 seized by Venezuela r/n MANZANARES, Venezuelan Government;

1941 SWIVEL, US War Shipping Admin, Panama, managed by Standard Oil Co of N.J;

1944 ST.MARY, US Navy station tanker (IX-44);

1944 CLYDE, same owner;

1946 SWIVEL, US Maritime Commission, Panama;

1947 deleted from Lloyds Register, reported scrapped 1948.

War Punjabi J 4608 349 52.0 B52 5.20 Laid own as tanker, completed as cargo ship VIKEN, Rederi A/B Transatlantica, Goteborg, Sweden;

16.1.22 wrecked north of Carvoeiro.

War Pyramid C 3104 331 46.7 B51 3.19 Shipping Controller, managed by R.W.J. Sutherland & Co;

1919 R.W.J.Sutherland & Co;

1920 REES LLEWELLYN, D.R Llewellyn Merrett & Price Ltd, Cardiff;

1922 HOMESIDE, Charlton Steam Shipping Co, Newcastle;

1924 SUMA MARU, Shimatani Kisen KK, Kobe;

8.1.32 wrecked off Fukuyama, Hokkaido Island, Japan.

War Python B 5155 400 52.3 B30 1.18 Shipping Controller, managed by G.Heyn & Sons;

1919 ARIANO, Gulf Line (Furness Withy & Co), London;

1929 FORT ARCHAMBAULT, Chargeurs Reunis, Havre;

1951 SILVANO, Lauro & Montella, Naples, 1958 scrapped Spezia.



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War Quail B 5225 400 52.3 B43 8.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Federal SN Co, London;

1919 TREVEAN, Hain SS Co, St Ives;

25.2.31 ashore in Bosphorus, refloated but total loss, scrapped Trieste.

War Quarry C 3107 331 46.8 B20 8.19 Completed as GRANICOS, Embiricos Bros, Andros;

1923 LORD GUILFORD, Byron SS Co, London;

1932 JENNY MOLLER, Moller & Co, Shanghai;

4.1.43 damaged in gale at Benghazi, beached, total loss.

War Quebec - 2392 252 43.4 C20 6.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managed by Anning Bros;

1920 ARTURO, Alessandro Zappala, Catania;

10.6.21 on fire in Adriatic, towed to Brindisi, later scrapped.

War Queen - 5844 385 51.2 J03 4.17 Shipping Controller, managed by Furness Withy & Co;

1919 LIEUTENANT DE LA TOUR, Messageries Maritimes, Dunkerque;

1942 operated by US War Shipping Admin;

1951 CLEOPHIE IOANNA, Constantin Atychides, Costa Rica;

1954 scrapped Milford Haven.

War Quince H 2500 303 43.0 B34 7.19 Completed as TREVELYAN, Hain SS Co, St.Ives;

1932 BARON HERRIES, Hogarth & Sons, Ardrossan;

1934 NEATH ABBEY, Abbey Line (F.Jones & Co), Cardiff;

1939 LYMINGE, Constants Ltd, Cardiff;

1947 TUNG SHAN, San Peh S.N.Co, Shanghai;

1948 Hoong On SN Co, Shanghai;

14.8.49 bombed and sunk in Yangtze River;

1955 salvaged and repaired;

1956 HOPING 9, People's Republic of China;

1967 ZHAN DOU 9, same owner. (No later info)



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War Racoon - 1986 251 43.7 C01 10.19 Shipping Controller, managed by Tyzack & Branfoot;

1919 SHOURAGALLUS, Soc.du Pacifique, Marseille;

1924 PRAIRIAL, Cie National de Navigation, Bordeaux;

1930 SARA, Soc.Generale des Transactions Industrielles, Rouen;

1931 KAMSA, Cie Franco-Africaine de Nav, Casablanca / Rouen;

1936 ELISE, A.G. Pappadakis, Piraeus;

1940 seized by Vichy France r/n TROPIQUE, managed by Cie Nantaise des Chargeurs de l'Ouest;

1942 seized by Italy r/n FIRENZE, Italian Government;

1944 returned to Greece r/n ELISE, A.G.Pappadakis, Piraeus;

1947 EERO, Merivienti O/Y (Baltic Chartering), Helsinki;

1953 ROINE, Laiva O/Y Roine Merirahtus O/Y Seachartering), Helsinki;

1957 MOUNT DELPHI, Mount Olympus Shipping Corp, Monrovia;

1958 sank after striking rock near Mormugao.

War Radnor - 2319 251 44.0 C23 11.18 Wooden Hull. Shipping Controller, managed by Anning Bros;

1920 ADELE ACCAME, Flli. S.& E.Accame, Genoa;

1923 burned while scrapping at Spezia.

War Raisin H 2478 303 43.0 B35 10.20 Completed as ALVARADO, MacAndrews & Co, London;

1923 Pacific Steam Nav.Co;

1933 HERVAL, Cia Carbonifera Rio Grandense, Rio de Janeiro;

1943 Cia Commercio e Navegaceo' Rio de Janeiro;

1957 Navegaceo Mercantil S.A, Rio de Janeiro;

1960 Cia Metalurgica Austin, Rio de Janeiro;

1960 scrapped Brazil.

War Rajah Z 5576 400 52.3 B56 12.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by British Tanker Co, London;

1920 BRITISH SAILOR, British Tanker Co Ltd, London;

1951 VIVA, Vivalet Shipping Co, Panama;

1953 LEROS, Aron Romano, Piraeus;

3.1.54 aground in Elbe estuary, refloated and later scrapped at Blyth.

War Rajput Z 5562 400 52.4 B02 8.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, British Tanker Co manager;

1920 Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co, London;

1922 CONIA, same owner;

1925 ATHELBEACH, British Molasses Co;

1926 United Molasses Co, London;

1930 REALF, Odd Berg, Oslo;

1931 Ronneberg & Geltung, Oslo;

1936 ATHELMERE, United Molasses Co, London;

1951 ALEXANDROS, Mageolia Naviera SA, Panama;

1959 Myrrinella Naviera, Panama;

1964 scrapped Split.

War Rambler A 5495 400 52.4 B37 3.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Hall Bros;

1919 WAZIRISTAN, Hindustan SS Co, Newcastle;

1920 COYLET, Coylet SS Co(Thos Dunlop & Co), Glasgow, converted to tanker;

8.2.22 abandoned on fire at 24.16N 82.00W. 15.2.22 sunk by US Coast Guard.

War Rampart F1 5729 400 53.0 B43 5.19 Completed as WAITEMATA, Union SS Co of New Zealand, London;

1932 Wm.Crosby & Co, Melbourne;

1933 YUKI MARU, Dairen Kisen KK, Dairen;

16.6.44 torpedoed and sunk by USS BREAM at 02.23N 128.43E.

War Ranee Z 5559 400 52.3 B56 6.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, British Tanker Co managers;

1920 Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co, London;

1921 CORBIS, same owner;

1927 GRANLUND, A/S Granlund, Oslo;

1931 SOLNA, A/S Senita, Oslo;

1939 ARGO, Greek Ministry of Marine, Piraeus;

1952 Greek Government store ship;

1962 deleted from Greek Navy list.

War Rapier D 2340 285 42.0 B34 9.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Richards, Turpin Shipping;

1919 WAROONGA, British India SN Co, Glasgow;

1934 scrapped Osaka.


War Raven (1) - 2020 251 43.5 A20 1.18 Completed as LAKE LILLIAN, US Shipping Board, Cleveland;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1921 International Coal Transportation Corp, New York;

1923 BESTUM, Skibs A/S Manitowoc, Christiania, Norway;

1934 HAI JUI, China Merchants S.N.Co, Shanghai;

1939 Wm Hunt & Co, Shanghai;

8.12.41 bombed and sunk by Japanese at Ichang, later scrapped.


War Raven (2) B 5248 400 52.3 B36 10.19 Completed as BEREBY, African SS Co (Elder Dempster & Co), London;

1933 Elder Dempster Lines Ltd;

24.9.41 aground at entrance to Dundrum Bay, Ireland, total loss.

War Ravine C 3097 331 46.8 B58 7.19 Completed as MATADI, Elder Dempster & Co, Liverpool;

1921 Cie Africaine de Nav, Antwerp;

1930 Cie Maritime Belge, Antwerp;

1937 LYRAS N, M.N & P.G. Lyras, Piraeus;

1937 BRESTOIS, Cie Franco-Africaine, Rouen,

1942 seized by Italy r/n VERCELLI, Italian government;

30.1.43 sank after bombing off Cape Farina.

War Recruit - - - - - - Order cancelled.

War Redcap B 5192 400 52.3 B47 8.18 Shipping Controller, managed by H.Roberts & Son;

1919 INDIER, Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

1930 Cie Maritime Belge, Antwerp;

3.4.41 torpedoed and sunk by U.74 at 58.12N 27.40W.

War Redtail E 4514 376 51.9 B25 9.19 Completed as HOMAYUN, Bombay & Persia S.N.Co, Bombay;

1929 AGHIOS MARKOS, G.Trilivas & A.G.Vlassopoulos, Ithaca;

22.4.41 sunk by air attack at Chalkis, Salamis Island..

War Reef C 3104 331 46.8 B57 12.18 Shipping Controller, managed by R. S. Dalgleish;

1919 HARALD CASPER, Swift SS Co, Hartlepool;

11.2.26 wrecked Sable Island.

War Regalia C 3036 331 46.5 CH1 7.20 Completed as MELLON, Shipping Controller, managed by Royal Mail S.P.Co, Shanghai;

1922 Board of Trade, London;

1923 PENHILL, Pencisely SS Co (Hopkins, Saunders & Co), Cardiff;

1934 Penhill Shipping Co (W.S.Hinde), Cardiff;

1935 BRAESIDE, Braeside Shipping Co (W.S.Hinde), Cardiff;

1936 BURY, Cia Commercio e Navegaceo, Rio de Janeiro;

1957 Navegaceo Mercantil S.A, Rio de Janeiro;

1965 scrapped Brazil.

War Regent - 4839 380 53.1 A08 5.19 Completed as CASCADE, US Shipping Board, Tacoma;

1932 scrapped Baltimore.

War Relief N 6470 412 55.6 B74 4.20 Completed as POLLENZO, Lloyd Sabaudo S.A per Azioni, Genoa;

1927 S.A, Parodi & Corrado, Genoa;

1929 Corrado S.A.di Nav, Genoa;

1940 beached at Algeciras;

1946 refloated;

1946 ALCANTARA, Soc.di Nav. Oceanica Ltda, Panama;

1950 F.H.de Oliveira & Co, Panama;

1950 ashore in River Scheldte, total loss, refloated and 1951 scrapped Briton Ferry.

War Reynard B 5254 400 52.3 B45 5.20 Completed as GARMULA, British India S.N.Co, Glasgow;

23.7.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.752 at 05.32N 14.45W on passage Melbourne to the UK via Capetown..

War Riddle N 6600 413 55.8 B30 3.20 Completed as MAINE, Atlantic Transport Co, Belfast;

1932 SKALA, Sojusriba, Vladivostok;

1935 USSR, Vladivostok;

1978 deleted from Lloyd's Register.

War Rider BO 5131 400 52.3 B09 1.19 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by Gow, Harrison & Co;

1919 F.W.Horlock, converted to dry cargo ship;

1919 FORT DE TROYON, Chargeurs Reunis, Havre;

1940 seized by Britain, M.O.W.T, managed by H. Gonneville;

1944 returned to France;

1949 Cie Maritime des Chargeurs Reunis, Dunkerque;

1951 ERIDANO, Ave Societa Anon di Nav, Genoa;

1957 AL KUWAIT, Linea Adriatico Gulfo Persa, Puerto Limon, Costa Rica;

1958 SPETSAI SAILOR, Cia Maritima di Isola Spetsai, Puerto Limon;

11.10.58 sprang leak and sank at 12.25N 49.30E.

War Rifle - 1977 251 43.8 A28 11.17 Completed as LAKE BRIDGE for US Shipping Board, New York;

1918-1919 US Navy mine carrier;

1923 CASCADE, E.K.Wood Lumber Co, San Francisco;

1941 Cia Escandinava de Vapores SA, Panama;

22.8.41 sank 37 miles from Sandheads after catching fire.

War Ripple C 3108 331 46.7 B38 3.19 Completed as ROGIER, Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

1926 MARINGA, Cie Belge Maritime du Congo, Antwerp;

1927 Cie Africaine de Navigation, Antwerp;

1930 Cie Maritime Belge, Antwerp;

1934 FOSCOLO, 'Adria' S.A.de Nav. Marittima, Fiume;

1937 'Tirrenia' S.A.di Nav, Fiume;

15.5.40 bombed and sunk by German aircraft off Zeebrugge.

War River C 3014 331 46.5 B38 9.20 Completed as ASIER, Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

1925 MAMBIKA, Cie Africaine de Nav.S.A, Antwerp;

1930 Cie Maritime Belge, Antwerp;

1937 STANMORE, Stanhope SS Co (J.A.Billmeir & Co), London;

1937 GUILVINEC, Cie France-Navigation, Bordeaux;

19.2.41 torpedoed and sunk by HMS TIGRIS off Cape Ferrat.

War Roach B 5215 401 52.2 B12 7.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Ben Line (W.Thomson & Co);

1919 KIELDRECHT, NV Stoomvaart Maatschappij 'De Maas', Rotterdam;

1920 RIDDERKERK, Vereenigde Nederlandsche Scheepvaartmaarts, The Hague;

1933 MOSCHA L. GOULANDRIS, Goulandris Bros, Andros;

21.4.41 bombed and sunk off Chalkis Islands;

1951 scrapped Trieste.

War Robin B 5307 400 52.4 B49 7.18 Shipping Controller, managed by H.Roberts & Son;

1919 GAMBADA, British India SN Co, London;

1938 scrapped Holland.


War Rock (1) - 7889 440 56.0 A09 10.18 Completed as INVINCIBLE, US Shipping Board, San Francisco;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1937 US Maritime Commission, S.F;

1940 National Bulk Cariers, S.F;

1941 EMPIRE PORPOISE, M.O.W.T; managed by Cunard-White Star Line;

1946 CHRYSANTHEMUM, Marine Enterprises, London;

1950 CHRYSS, Cia Maritima Neptune SA, Puerto Limon, Costa Rica;

1952 ATLIT, Israel America Line Ltd, Haifa,

1954 scrapped Trieste.


War Rock (2) C 3072 331 46.8 B57 11.19 Completed as SYRIAN PRINCE, Prince Line (Furness Withy & Co), Newcastle;

1936 WELSH PRINCE, same owner;

1936 DEA MAZZELLA, Pasquale Mazzela, Naples;

1943 seized by Germany;

30.9.43 shelled by Yugoslav partisans south of Sebenico;

4.10.43 wreck torpedoed by Polish submarine SOKOL.

War Roebuck B 5237 399 52.2 B45 10.19 Completed as GAIRSOPPA, British India SN Co, Glasgow;

16.2.41 torpedoed and sunk by U.101, 300 miles SW of Galway, Ireland on passage Calcutta to London via Freetown.

War Roman AO 5240 401 52.3 B33 4.19 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by J.I.Jacobs & Co;

14.7.19 wrecked on Somali coast.

War Romance N 6546 413 55.8 B30 3.20 Completed as NEW BROOKLYN, British & African S.N.Co (Elder Dempster & Co), Liverpool;

1933 Elder Dempster Lines, Liverpool;

1954 MARIANNA, Mageolia Nav. S.A, Panama;

1955 John Latsis, Piraeus;

1959 scrapped Spezia.

War Rose A 5205 400 52.2 B56 10.17 Shipping Controller, managed by Hall Bros, London;

1919 GALLIER, Lloyd Royal Belge, Antwerp; 1930 Cie Maritime Belge;

1933 BALTIQUE, Cie Baltique-Ocean-Mediterranee, Havre;

1934 KERAMIAI, P.N & G.N. Lykiardopulo, Argostoli;

1937 Cephalonian Maritime Co (Lykiardopulo), Argostoli;

3.1.40 torpedoed and sunk by U.55 at 48.37N 07.46W.

War Rother - 1368 230 35.8 B66 3.19 Coaster. Shipping Controller, managed by J.Hay & Sons;

1919 CONSETT, Consett Iron Co, Newcastle;

1938 RALOO, Shamrock Shipping Co, Newcastle / Belfast;

1945 Austin Friars Steam Shipping Co, Belfast;

1950 ALPHA, Christian F.Ahrenkiel, Hamburg,

1953 CARL KIEHN, J.C & H.C. Kiehn, Hamburg;

1955 scrapped Hamburg.


War Ruby (1) - 5754 410 54.2 A03 9.18 Completed as WESTERN HOPE, US Shipping Board, Seattle;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1933 scrapped Baltimore.


War Ruby (2) F 6630 413 55.5 B57 6.19 Completed as CITY OF MELBOURNE, Ellerman Lines (Hall Line), Liverpool;

13.5.42 torpedoed, shelled and sunk by U.156 at 15.00N 54.40W on voyage Beira and Capetown to New York.

War Ruler AO 5175 400 52.4 B75 5.19 Tanker. Completed as GASCONIER, L:loyd Royal Belge (Great Britain), London;

1923 Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

1926 SUTHERLAND, Sutherland SS Co, Newcastle;

1934 NIKOS T, E.M.Tricoglu, Andros, Greece;

1948 Kaphireus Maritime Co, Andros;

1950 ERNESTO, Verde Linea, Panama;

1951 NITTAI MARU, Nissan Kisen KK, Tokyo;

1956 MEITAI MARU, Nagoya Kisen KK, Nagoya;

1959 scrapped Japan.



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War Sable J 4565 385 52.0 B52 5.19 Completed as GALTYMORE, Johnston Line (Furness Withy & Co), Liverpool;

1929 LISA, Deutsche Tankreederei (M.Morck), Hamburg;

1929 TAUNUS, Hamburg America Line, Hamburg;

1937 CORDOBA, Hamburg Sudamerik Dampfs.Ges, Hamburg;

11.9.40 mined and beached off Havre;

1944 wreck scuttled Le Havre.

War Sailor - 7522 445 58.0 J03 8.17 Shipping Controller managed by Furness Withy & Co;

1919 HATARANA, British India SN Co, Glasgow;

18.8.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.214 at 41.07N 20.32W on passage Karachi and Capetown to Glasgow via Freetown..

War Sapper - - - - - - Order cancelled.

War Saturn - 6847 415 53.7 A11 10.18 Completed as CAPE MAY, US Shipping Board, Baltimore;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1926 MALIKO, Matson Navigation Co, San Francisco;

1947 SHAHIN, Wallem & Co, Panama;

1948 BHARATRATNA, Bharat Line Ltd, Bombay,

1953 scrapped Japan.

War Satyr - 2308 254 43.8 A24 5.18 Completed as LAKE WINONA, US Shipping Board, New York;

1925 sold to Ford Motor Co;

1927 scrapped Detroit.

War Sceptre B 5163 400 52.2 H01 3.20 Completed as TRIALOS, N.E.Ambatielos, Argostoli, Greece;

1923 KING FREDERICK, King Line Ltd (Dodd, Thomson), London;

19.7.44 torpedoed and sunk by U.181 at 09.29N 71.45E on voyage Haifa - Aden - Colombo..

War Scilla A 5276 400 52.3 B51 8.19 Completed as INNERTON, Carlton SS Co (R.Chapman & Son), Newcastle;

1944 M.O.W.T. managed by J.& J.Denholm;

9.6.44 sunk as blockship at Normandy beachhead.

War Scot AO 5100 400 52.3 B05 11.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by Anglo Mexican Petroleum Co;

1919 CHILIER, Lloyd Royal Belge (Great Britain), converted to dry cargo ship;

1923 Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

19.1.24 last reported at 50N 21W, went missing.

War Sea - 7593 440 56.0 A09 12.18 Completed as COURAGEOUS, US Shipping Board, San Francisco;

1928 lengthened to 456ft;

1937 US Maritime Commission;

8.6.44 sunk as blockship at Normandy beachhead.

War Seagull B 5217 400 52.4 B54 3.19 Completed as HINDUSTAN, Hindustan Steam Shipping Co (Common Bros), Newcastle;

1939 ZINZAN MARU, Kohoku Kisen KK, Tokyo;

16.7.44 torpedoed and sunk by USS GUARDFISH at 19.17N 120.15E.

War Seal B 5220 400 52.2 B22 6.19 Completed as URBINO, Ellerman's Wilson Line, Hull;

1934 Ellerman & Bucknall management,

1954 scrapped Faslane.

War Selkirk - 2318 250 43.5 C25 3.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managed by H. Fernie & Sons;

1919 GEORGES CLEMENCEAU, Cie des Cargos Francais, Marseilles;

1920 S.A des Cargos Francais, Havre;

1925 scrapped Belgium.

War Seneca - 2284 250 43.4 C21 6.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managed by Glover Bros;

1920 ASIAGO, Lloyd Adriatico, Venice;

1922 "Carnaro" Soc di Nav, Venice;

1924 scrapped Venice.

War Sentry - 2167 251 43.7 A25 4.18 Completed as LAKE PEWAUKEE, US Shipping Board, Milwaukee;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1925 sold Ford Motor Co;

1928 scrapped Detroit.

War Sepoy Z 5557 400 52.3 B25 2.19 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by Anglo-Mexican Petroleum Co, London;

1921 transferred to Admiralty;

1936 Royal Fleet Auxiliary;

1940 sunk as blockship at Dover.


War Serpent (1) - 8134 440 60.2 A14 12.18 Completed as INDIANAPOLIS, US Shipping Board, Philadelphia;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1933 scrapped Baltimore.

War Serpent (2) - - - - - - Order cancelled

War Server AO 5219 400 52.3 B39 7.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by Anglo Saxon Petroleum Co, London;

1919 KALYPSO VERGOTTI, Panaghis Vergottis, Argostoli, converted to dry cargo ship;

29.6.41 torpedoed and sunk by U.66 at approx. 29N 25W.

War Setter B 5272 400 52.3 B02 6.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Cairns, Noble & Co;

1919 VELLAVIA for Cunard SS Co, Liverpool;

1926 RIVER TIGRIS, America-Levant Line, London;

1931 INES CORRADO, "Corrado" Soc.Anon.di Nav, Genoa;

1941 seized by Argentina r/n RIO DIAMANTE, Flota Mercante del Estado, Buenos Aires;

1946 returned to Italy r/n INES CORRADO, "Corrado" Soc.di Nav, Genoa;

1959 scrapped Tokio.

War Severn C6 1369 236 36.2 B24 10.19 Coaster. Completed as ALLIE, Stone & Rolfe, Llanelly;

1931 TRSAT, Kvarner Brodarsko D.D, Susak, Yugoslavia;

1941 M.O.W.T. managed by Stone & Rolfe;

7.9.41 bombed and sunk off Kinneard head.

War Shamrock A 5174 400 52.3 B30 8.17 Shipping Controller managed by T.Dixon & Sons, London;

1919 BELGIER, Lloyd Royal Belge, Antwerp;

1927 KABINDA, Cie Africaine de Nav, Antwerp;

1930 Cie Maritime Belge, Antwerp;

8.12.39 wrecked on Goodwin Sands.

War Shannon - 1940 290 42.5 B56 7.19 Coaster. Completed as BRITISH COAST, Coast Lines Ltd, Liverpool;

1923 ETRIB, Moss SS Co (J.Moss & Co), Liverpool;

1934 Moss Hutchinson Line, Liverpool;

14.6.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.552 at 43.18N 17.38W on voyage Cartagena and Gibraltar to Liverpool.

War Shark (1) - 4986 376 52.3 A11 7.18 Completed as CAPE LOOKOUT, US Shipping Board, Baltimore;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1919 KOSKIUSZKO, Polish American Navigation Corp, New York;

1929 JEAN, A.H.Bull SS Co, New York,

1954 scrapped Baltimore.

War Shark (2) B 5247 400 52.2 B22 1.19 Shipping Controller, managed by Jenneson Taylor & Co;

1919 SPARTAN PRINCE, Prince Line (Furness Withy & Co), Newcastle;,

1924 BAY STATE, Warren Line (Furness Withy & Co), Liverpool;

1928 ELENI STATHATOU, D.A.Stathatos SS Co, Ithaca;

28.10.29 wrecked Fernando Noronha.

War Shell (1) - 1977 251 43.8 A28 10.17 Completed as LAKESHORE, US Shipping Board, New York;

1918 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service, mine carrier;

1923 OLYMPIC, E.K.Wood Lumber Co, San Francisco;

1942 USS TAGANAK (AG-45), US Navy;

1946 OLYMPIC, Pillsbury & Martigneni Co, San Francisco;

1947 GLENTO, Caribbean Land & Shipping Corp, Panama;

1948 PILHAMN, Redereit for S/S Pilhamn, Stockholm;

1954 LULU, Levant Shipping Co, Beirut;

1961 scrapped Piraeus.

War Shell (2) D 2346 285 42.0 B25 7.18 Shipping Controller, managed by S.Hogg & Co;

1919 BRENTA, Navigazione Generale Italiana, Genoa;

1923 ISEO, Soc Italiana di Servizi Marittimi, Genoa;

1932 Lloyd Triestino, Trieste;

1937 Adriatica S.A. di Nav, Trieste;

29.12.42 torpedoed and sunk by British aircraft at 37.12N 11.27E off Cape Bon.

War Shield - 2966 300 44.1 A15 7.19 Completed as ROCK ISLAND, US Shipping Board, Wilmington, Del;

1925 FALCON, Atlantic & Caribbean S.N.Co, Wilmington;

1937 Grace Line Inc, Wilmington;

1946 US Maritime Commission, Wilmington;

1948 scrapped Philadelphia.

War Shikari Z 5540 400 52.2 B72 5.19 Tanker. Shipping Controller, Hunting & Son manager;

1920 Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co, London;

1921 CHITON, same owners;

1927 HERON, S.Herlofsen A/S, Moss, Norway;

1928 S.H.Smith Sorensen, Arendal;

1939 REKUM, E. Glassel, Bremen,

1939 taken over by German Navy;

21.3.44 sunk off Boulogne by gunfire from Dover shore battery.

War Signal - 2045 251 43.8 A27 10.17 Completed as LAKESIDE, US Shipping Board, New York;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service, mine carrier;

1920 SICILIER, Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

1925 KOFFIEHANDEL, Armement Gylsen

S.A, Antwerp;

1925 CAP FEDHALA, Soc.Anon.de Gerance & d'Armement, Dunkerque;

1932 VIRGINIA, A.G.Pappadakis, Piraeus;

1946 Trans Mediterranean Nav.Co, Panama;

24.12.52 ashore Isle of Wight;

1953 refloated, total loss, scrapped.

War Sikh Z 5564 400 52.3 B25 11.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by T.W. Tamplin & Co;

1919 BRITISH SOLDIER, British Tanker Co Ltd, London;

1952 MARINA, Vivalet Shipping Co, Panama;

1954 RODOS, A.Romano, Piraeus;

1959 MENORA, Menora Cia.Maritima, Panama;

1959 scrapped Savona.

War Simoom C 3118 331 46.8 B36 10.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Hessler & Co;

1919 DIBBLE BRIDGE, Swift SS Co, West Hartlepool;

1921 TUNISIA, La Tunisienne S.N.Co (F.C.Strick & Co), Swansea;

1926 AKASHI MARU, Shimatani Kisen KK, Kobe;

1938 AKASI MARU, same owner;

28.9.43 torpedoed and sunk by USS BLUEFISH at 06.11S 126.00E.

War Singer AO 5277 401 52.3 B13 6.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co managers;

1919 Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co, London;

1921 AKERA, same owner;

1927 J. Prebensen, Risor, Norway;

1939 MEDICEO, Merino Querci, Genoa, converted to cargo ship,

1943 seized by Germany, Mittelmeer Reederei G.m.b.H;

31.1.45 bombed and sunk off Tagliamento, Italy.

War Sioux - 2312 250 43.5 C15 5.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managed by Anning Bros;

1919 ANTIOCO ACCAME, S.& E. Flli Accame, Genoa;

1924 scrapped Genoa.

War Sirdar (1) - 5643 410 54.2 A02 3.18 Completed as WESTWARD HO, US Shipping Board, Portland, Ore;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1937 US Maritime Commission r/n WESTWARD HO MARU (for delivery);

1938 IZAN MARU, Kokoku Kisen KK, Kobe;

24.10.39 ashore Sakhalin Island, Japan,

1941 refloated but total loss.

War Sirdar (2) Z 5518 400 52.4 B37 2.20 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by Anglo-Mexican Petroleum Co;

1921 The Admiralty;

1942 stranded in Sunda Strait after air attack, salvaged by Japanese r/n HONAN MARU (or KONAN MARU);

28.3.45 torpedoed and sunk by USS BLUEGILL at 12.39N 109.27E.

War Sirocco C 3103 341 46.8 B36 1.19 Shipping Controller, managed by J.E.Murrell;

1919 SALAZAR, Cia Cantabrica de Navegaceon, Bilbao;

1927 MIRAFLORES, Cia.Nav.Vascongada, Bilbao;

1966 scrapped Bilbao.

War Skeena - 2342 250 43.5 C11 6.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managed by Easton, Greig & Co;

1919 NIPPONIER, Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

2.1.20 sank in storm in Bay of Biscay at 44.24N 09.03W.

War Sky (1) - 2139 251 43.7 A25 9.18 Completed as LAKE WILSON for US Shipping Board, Milwaukee;

1925 sold to Ford Motor Co;

1928 scrapped River Rouge, Mich..

War Sky (2) C 3116 331 46.8 B07 10.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Hessler & Co;

1919 VERA KATHLEEN, The Hartlepools Seatonia SS Co, West Hartlepool;

1927 THURSTON, Murrell SS Co, West Hartlepool;

4.3.40 torpedoed and sunk by U.29 off Trevose Head on passage Takoradi to Workington.

War Smilax A 5227 400 52.3 B46 2.20 Completed as SOMERTON, Atlantic Shipping & Trading Co (W.J.Tatem Ltd), London;

1922 W.J.Tatem Ltd, London;

1935 MINA L. CAMBANIS, L.Z.Cambanis, Andros, Greece;

1954 AIS NIKOLAS, Maritsa Navegaceon, Puerto Limon, Costa Rica;

1959 scrapped Holland.

War Snake B 5222 400 52.3 B30 8.18 Shipping Controller, managed by G.Heyn & Sons;

1919 VENUSIA, Cunard SS Co, Liverpool;

1923 RIVER DELAWARE, American Levant Line, London;

1931 RINA CORRADO, "Corrado" Soc.Anon di Nav, Genoa;

9.11.41 sunk by British naval gunfire at 37.08N 18.09E.

War Sniper B 5176 400 52.2 H01 8.19 Completed as MEANDROS, S.H.Iossifoglu, Piraeus;

1920 IOLCOS, Hellenic Transport SS Co, Piraeus;

1924 ILVINGTON COURT, United British SS Co (Haldin & Co), London;

1936 Court Line Ltd, London;

26.8.40 torpedoed and sunk by Italian submarine DANDOLO at 37.14N 21.52W on passage Pepel to Glasgow..

War Soldier - 7521 446 58.4 J03 6.17 Shipping Controller managed by Furness Withy & Co;

1919 RIPLEY CASTLE, Union-Castle Mail SS Co;

1932 scrapped Savona.

War Song - 2535 251 43.8 A23 9.17 Shipping Controller, managers France, Fenwick & Co, London;

15.1.18 captured and sunk by submarine U.84 in Bay of Biscay en route Bilbao to Brest.

War Songhee - 2325 242 43.4 C12 12.17 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managed by H.Fernie & Sons;

1920 ZENSON, Lloyd Adriatico, Venice; 1922 'Camaro' Soc di Nav, Venice;

1924 scrapped Italy.

War Sorel - 2377 252 43.6 C20 9.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managers Anning Bros;

1920 VERANIA, S.A.di Nav. Apuania, Viareggio;

1920 MANLIO, same owner, Rome;

1923 scrapped Italy.

War Spaniel B 5227 400 52.4 B54 7.18 Shipping Controller, managers J.& C.Harrison, London;

1919 CASTELLANO, Gulf Line (Furness Withy), London;

1922 HOKKOH MARU, Yamashita Kisen Goshi Kaisha, Dairen;

1938 HOKKO MARU, same owner;

28.11.43 torpedoed and sunk by USS RATON at 01.40N 141.51E.

War Sparrow B 5238 399 52.2 B45 11.18 Shipping Controller, managers Charlton, McAllum & Co;

1919 HALERIC, Andrew Weir & Co, Glasgow;

4.4.33 sank after striking reef at 34.43S 17.52E.

War Spartan AO 5242 400 52.3 B16 10.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managers Anglo American Oil Co;

1919 TAXANDRIER, Lloyd Royal Belge (Great Britain), London; converted to dry cargo ship;

1923 Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

1927 KINROSS, Sutherland SS Co, Newcastle,

1934 CARRAS, Carras Bros, Chios;

19.3.43 torpedoed and sunk by U.666 at 54.05N 24.19W.

War Spear - 5689 410 54.2 A02 8.18 Completed as WESTERN PRIDE, US Shipping Board, Portland, Ore;

1931 scrapped Baltimore.

War Speed - 4773 377 52.0 A16 7.18 Completed as MONTCLAIR, US Shipping Board, New York;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1936 scrapped Baltimore.

War Spey C7 1391 271 38.1 B12 4.19 Coaster. Completed as LADY PATRICIA, British & Irish S.P.Co, London / Dublin;

1936 British & Irish S.P.Co, Dublin;

1938 KERRY, same owner;

1939 KERRY COAST, Coast Lines Ltd, Liverpool;

1941 Burns & Laird Lines, Liverpool;

1944 sunk in collision with s/s MOSDALE, salvaged and sold;

1945 BANGOR BAY, H.P.Lenaghan, Belfast;

1945 Burns & Laird, Liverpool;

1946 KERRY, same owner;

1948 British & Irish Steam Packet Co, Liverpool;

1959 scrapped at Cork.

War Sphere C 3094 331 46.8 B16 6.19 Completed as TAIKOO WAN YI, Taikoo Sugar Refining Co, London;

1928 NIKKO MARU, Okazaki Kisen KK, Kobe;

1.7.44 mined and sunk at 05.39S 119.28E.

War Sphinx - 2308 254 43.8 A24 5.18 Completed as LAKE CRYSTAL, US Shipping Board, Detroit;

1925 sold to Ford Motor Co;

1927 converted to barge;

14.2.46 sank in tow off Rhode Island.

War Spider B 5146 400 52.3 B61 6.19 Completed as MUNERIC, Crossburn SS Co (Clark & Service), Glasgow;

1930 Munson Steamship Line, Mobile;

1936 Putney Hill SS Co (Counties Ship Management), London;

1939 Bright Nav.Co, London;

9.9.41 torpedoed and sunk by U.432 at 61.38N 40.40W on voyage Rio de Janeiro to Middlesbrough via Sydney, CB.

War Spirea A 5227 400 52.3 B46 4.20 Completed as ASHWORTH, Dalgliesh Steam Shipping Co (R.S.Dalgliesh), Newcastle;

1940 Watergate Steam Shipping Co (R.S.Dalgliesh & R.I.James), Newcastle;

13.10.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.221 at 53.05N 44.06W on passage Trinidad to Belfast via Halifax, NS.

War Spray C 3121 331 46.8 B58 6.18 Shipping Controller, managers G.B.Harland & Co;

1919 R.W.J.Sutherland & Co, Cardiff;

1920 General Maritime Trust Ltd, London;

1922 James Bell & Co, Melbourne;

1925 Bell Steamships Ltd, Melbourne;

1929 H.C.Sleigh, Melbourne;

1929 TAMAHINE MARU, Hamane Shoten KK, Tarumi, Japan;

5.6.44 torpedoed and sunk by USS SHARK at 18.40N 140.35E.

War Sprite - 2222 253 43.5 A24 8.18 Completed as LAKE PLEASANT, US Shipping Board, Cleveland;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1925 sold to Ford Motor Co, laid up;

1930 converted to barge lengthened to 316ft;

1943 US War Shipping Admin, re-engined and converted to steamer;

1946 STAMO, A.P. Anastassatos, Panama; 1947 Cia Punta Alta, Panama;

1950 ADRIATICA, A.P.Anastassatos, Cephalonia, Greece;

1956 aground near Tennholmen, Norway, total loss;

1957 scrapped Bo'ness.

War Stag B 5249 400 52.3 B18 5.18 Shipping Controller, managers Watts, Watts & Co;

1919 TREGONELL, Hain SS Co, St.Ives;

1935 IRIS, Achille Lauro, Naples;

25.6.43 bombed and sunk at Naples; later salvaged;

1958 scrapped Spezia.

War Star C 3051 331 46.8 B07 7.19 Completed as KAIWARRA, Union SS Co of New Zealand;

4.12.42 ashore north of Lyttelton, total loss.

War Stikine - 2335 250 43.4 C11 7.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managers Easton, Greig & Co;

1919 SCAMPOLO, Soc. Marittima Italiana, Genoa;

1922 Lloyd Sabaudo, Genoa;

1925 scrapped Spezia.

War Stoat B 5173 400 52.3 B36 4.19 Completed as BONNY, British & African SN Co (Elder Dempster & Co), Liverpool;

10.4.28 wrecked east of Cape Palmas, Liberia.

War Stock A 4538 400 52.5 B39 5.20 Completed as DALWORTH, Dalgliesh SS Co (R.S.Dalgliesh), Newcastle;

1935 SIMONSIDE, The Side Shipping Co (Connell & Grace), Newcastle;

1937 AEGEUS, Pateras Bros, Piraeus;

9.10.42 sailed from Trinidad, went missing in Atlantic.(possibly torpedoed and sunk on 2.11.42 by U.177 at 32.30S 16.00E.

War Storm - 3145 300 45.0 C10 12.18 Shipping Controller, managers Raeburn & Verel;

1919 LAURA, Vincenzo di Luca, Naples;

13.12.24 sank after collision with British s/s LORENZO off West Hinder Lightship.

War Stour C7 1383 270 38.2 B41 11.19 Coaster. Completed as HAWORTH, Robert Stanley Shipping Co (R.S.Dalgliesh), Newcastle;

1929 Dalgliesh SS Co, Newcastle;

1929 KINDIA, Cie de Transports Mar.de l'Afrique Orientale Francais, Havre;

25.7.42 seized by Japan r/n TEIKUN MARU, Japanese Government;

27.7.43 mined and sunk at 19.57N 109.05E.

War Subadar Z 5563 400 52.3 B25 8.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, Hunting & Son manager;

1919 Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co,

1921 CRENATULA, same owner;

1927 Anglo-Colonial Shipping Co, London;

1930 MARIT, J.P.Jensen, Arendel, Norway;

4.10.43 torpedoed and sunk by U.596 at 32.57N 21.11E while Royal Fleet Auxiliary.

War Succour N 6561 412 55.6 B74 2.20 Completed as ASTER, Edoardo Mazza, Savona;

1932 scrapped Savona.

War Sudra Z 5599 400 52.4 B45 5.20 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managed by British Tanker Co;

1921 The Admiralty;

1946 depot ship at Hong Kong,

1948 Oak Shipping Co, London;

1951 GERMAINE, Cia Maritima Iguana, Panama;

1954 scrapped Holland.

War Sumas - 2305 249 43.6 C19 7.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managers J.Cook & Sons;

1920 CASPERIA, Creditio Industriale di Venezia, Venice;

1921 Giulia S.A. di Armamento, Trieste;

1924 scrapped Trieste.

War Summit C 3082 331 46.9 B60 8.19 Shipping Controller, managed by J.Coull;

1919 SAN MARCO, S.A.di Nav.Adriatica, Venice;

1924 Lloyd Adriatico Soc.di Nav, Venice;

1929 S.A.Cooperativa di Nav.'Garibaldi', Venice / Genoa;

1.6.41 torpedoed and sunk by HMS CLYDE off Serpentara Island.

War Sun (1) - 5769 410 54.0 A03 4.18 Completed as WESTOVER, US Shipping Board, Seattle;

1918 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

11.7.18 torpedoed and sunk by U.92 at 46.36N 12.21W.

War Sun (2) C 3050 331 46.8 B07 1.19 Completed as SHEAF SPEAR, Sheaf Steam Shipping Co (W.A.Souter), Newcastle,

1937 BOUGARONI, Cie France-Navigation, Rouen;

1942 seized by Italy r/n MODENA, Italian Government;

22.3.43 bombed and sunk at Palermo,

1948 scrapped.

War Suquash - 2334 250 43.4 C17 7.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managers J.Hardie & Co;

1920 CAPE SILE, Lloyd Adriatico, Venice;

1922 "Carnaro"Soc di Nav, Venice;

1923 scrapped Trieste.

War Surf (1) - 7589 440 56.0 A09 2.19 Completed as ECLIPSE, US Shipping Board, San Francisco;

1931 CITY OF HAMBURG, Baltimore Mail SS Co, lengthened to 493ft, passenger accommodation added;

1938 CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO, same owner;

1940 WILLIAM P. BIDDLE (AP-15), US Navy;

1946 CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO, US Dep't of Commerce, Baltimore;

1957 scrapped Baltimore as WILLIAM P. BIDDLE.

War Surf (2) C 3072 331 46.8 B16 10.19 Completed as SERBISTAN, Strick Line Ltd, Swansea;

1926 URAJIO MARU, Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Kobe;

1938 URAZIO MARU, same owner;

30.12.42 bombed and sunk at 51.58N 177.33E.

War Swale C5 1559 240 36.2 B19 9.20 Coaster. Completed as BROCKLEY, South Metropolitan Gas Co, London;

1949 South Eastern Gas Board, London,

1958 scrapped Rotterdam.

War Swallow B 5216 400 52.3 B49 6.18 Shipping Controller, managers Charlton, McAllum & Co, Newcastle;

16.7.18 torpedoed and sunk by UB.50 at 34.35N 15.00E on voyage Tyne to Port Said.

War Swan B 5275 400 52.4 B73 12.18 Shipping Controller, managers E.Bigland & Co, London;

1920 BURUTU, British & African S.N.Co (Elder Dempster & Co);

1934 DIMITRIOS INGLESSIS, D.Inglessi Fils, Samos;

1949 laid up;

1959 scrapped Osaka.

War Swell C 3077 331 46.8 B16 12.19 Completed as CILURNUM, Hall Bros SS Co, Newcastle;

1929 Antonio Menchaca, Bilbao;

1936 BRESCIA, S.A.Cooperativa di Nav. 'Garibaldi', Genoa;

1938 CILURNUM, Antonio Menchaca, Bilbao;

1971 scrapped at Santander.

War Swift (1) - 1949 251 43.8 A23 3.18 Completed as LAKE WESTON, US Shipping Board, Detroit;

1918 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

12.18 ashore and abandoned in Bristol Channel, refloated and sold;

1919 PANAGHIS VERGOTTIS, Panaghis Vergottis, Argostoli, Greece;

1925 STRAND, A/S Utsire, Skien, Norway; 1935 RONDO, Rederi A/S Rondo, Oslo;

1938 SALT, Rederi A/S Salt, Kragero, Norway;

1939 SOLBRITT, A/B Wasa Rederi, Wasa, Finland;

1941 seized by Britain, M.O.W.T, managed by Harper, Hopps & Co;

1946 returned to Finland A/B Vasa Rederi, Vasa;

1953 Rederi A/B Angus, Mariehamn;

1955 FIDELIA, Rederi A/B Fidelia Lava O/Y, Helsingfors, Finland;

1959 scrapped Denmark.

War Swift (2) B 5260 400 52.4 B54 11.19 Completed as SAMBRE, Royal Mail SP Co, London;

1932 Royal Mail Lines Ltd, London;

27.7.40 torpedoed and sunk by U.34 at 56.37N 17.53W on voyage Manchester to Philadelphia.

War Sword - 7956 410 56.0 A09 9.17 Shipping Controller managed by Cunard SS Co;

1919 CAPRERA, Navigazione Generale Italiana, Genoa;

1932 Italia, Genoa;

1.6.32 total loss after grounding near Rio de Janeiro, salvaged and laid up at Rio de Janeiro;

1941 ARABUTAN, P.Brandao, Rio de Janeiro;

7.3.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.155 at 35.15N 73.55W.

War Sybil G2 7951 450 58.2 B05 9.19 Completed as NARDANA, British India S.N. Co, Glasgow;

1929 fitted to carry 39 cadets;

8.3.41 torpedoed and sunk by U.124 at 20.51N 20.32W on voyage Bombay and Capetown to London.

War Syren - 4731 360 51.0 J06 8.17 Shipping Controller, managed by A.Holt & Co;

1920 SYRIA, Cie Francaise de Nav a Vapeur (Cyp.Fabre), Marseilles;

1927 CALAFATIS, C.D.Calafatis, Syra;

1935 executors of late C.D.Calafatis (P.M.Nomikos, managers);

1940 same owners (D.A.Psychoyos, managers)

4.2.41 bombed and sunk at 55.40N 14.35W.


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War Tabard D 2357 285 42.0 B30 6.18 Shipping Controller, managers J.& J. Denholm;

1919 JURA, Cie Generale d'Armements Maritimes, Havre;

1927 Cie des Armateurs Nantais, Havre;

1929 RADYR, Rupert Phillips SS Co, Cardiff;

7.12.29 sank off Hartland Point.

War Taff - 2008 281 40.5 B44 5.20 Coaster. Completed as GAP, Soc.Nationale d'Affretements, Havre;

24.2.28 wrecked Coverack, Cornwall.

War Tamar - 469 158 26.1 B56 4.19 Coaster. Shipping Controller, managed by W.A.Savage;

1919 Latus, Linsley & Co, London;

1920 Devon Shipping Co (B.C.Ridd), London;

1922 CHALLACOMBE, same owner;

1923 BORDER FIRTH, Border Shipping Co. (G.T.Gillie), London;

1939 EAST COASTER, British Isles Coasters Ltd, Cardigan;

1946 HUNG SING, Barretto Shipping & Trading Co, Singapore;

1947 Cheng Chiang Shipping Co, Singapore;

1948 CHAMPADAH, Rua Lumliang, Bangkok;

1961 SINAR-DJAJA, P.T.Pelajaran Sinar Segara, Djakarta;

1990 deleted from Lloyd's Register.

War Tank D 2353 285 42.1 B56 10.18 Shipping Controller, managers Rennie & Watson;

1919 MARZOCCO, Soc di Nav. Etruria, Leghorn;

1925 R.Ginoro Venturi, Leghorn;

1926 TRIPOLITANIA, Cia Italiana Transatlantica, Genoa;

1932 "Tirrenia", Genoa;

1937 Lloyd Triestino, Naples;

1941 scuttled in Red Sea;

1942 salvaged, M.O.W.T. managed by British India S.N.Co, London;

1949 Lloyd Triestino, Naples;

1962 scrapped Vado, Italy.

War Tanoo - 2326 250 43.5 C25 8.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managers J.Hardie & Co, Vancouver, B.C;

1920 BAILLY, S.A de Nav "Les Armateurs Francais", Dunkerque;

1924 scrapped at Dordrecht.

War Tapir B 5289 400 52.4 B56 5.19 Completed as BARBADIAN, F.Leyland & Co, Liverpool;

1933 AXIOS, N.G.Livanos, Chios; Greece.

28.3.44 ashore off Sandheads, River Hooghli, India - total loss.

War Tatla - 2334 250 43.3 C25 5.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managers J.Hardie & Co, Vancouver, B.C;

1919 LE POILU, Cie des Cargos Francais, Marseilles;

1920 POILU, S.A des Cargos Francais, Marseilles;

1925 Soc. Commerciale d'Affret et de Commis, Havre;

1925 scrapped Stavanger.

War Taurus - 2240 251 43.5 C08 1.19 Shipping Controller, managers Tyzack & Branfoot;

1920 CORMOUNT, Cory Colliers, London;

1924 FEMUND, Rederi A/S Crisco, Christiania;

1928 RENDAL, A/S Rendal Oslo;

1934 EINVIK, Skibs A/S Einvil, Trondheim;

5.9.41 torpedoed, shelled and sunk by U.501 at 60.38N 31.18W.

War Tay C5 1480 240 36.1 B38 4.19 Coaster. Completed as LOMBARDIER, Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

1923 CHISWICK MANOR, Manor Line Ltd (C.Angel & Co), London;

1930 Henley SS Co, London;

1934 KOBAC, Jugoslavenska Plovidba D.D, Susak, Yugoslavia;

1936 ANTON, Ant.Babarovic, Milna, Yugoslavia;

1941 seized by Italy r/n SANT' ANTONIO, Italian Navy auxiliary (L.8);

23.6.42 torpedoed and sunk by HMS THRASHER at 31.53N 16.35E.

War Teasel A 5241 400 52.4 B41 5.19 Completed as TARANSAY, Isles SS Co (A.M.Sutherland), Newcastle;

1923 Sutherland SS Co, Newcastle;

1933 MARIETTA NOMIKOS, Petros Nomikos, Piraeus;

1939 E.A.Karavias, Piraeus;

1939 seized by Germany r/n DRAU, managed by Leth & Co, Hamburg;

1945 seized by Allies, scuttled in Skaggerak with cargo of chemical ammunition.

War Tees C4 871 198 30.6 B29 3.20 Coaster. Completed as GOODWILL OF BRISTOL, Main Colliery Co, Bristol;

1929 GLEN TILT, South Georgia Co Ltd (Chr. Salveson & Co), Bristol;

1942 Culliford & Clark Ltd, Bristol;

12.12.42 torpedoed and sunk by E-Boat off Lowestoft.

War Tempest C 3122 331 46.8 B58 9.18 Shipping Controller, managers Herskind & Co;

1919 WYE TEMPEST, Wye Shipping Co, London;

1924 FLORA, Cia Naviera Vascongada, Bilbao;

27.8.34 ashore, refloated and sank off Cape St.Vincent.

War Temple C 3102 331 46.7 B08 2.20 Completed as DAYBREAK, Claymore Shipping Co, Cardiff;

1924 AIKOKU MARU, Oiya Shoji KK, Oh Harima, Japan;

12.1.37 sank off Hokkaido after going ashore.

War Terrace F1 5625 400 53.0 B43 8.19 Completed as LANCASTER CASTLE, Lancashire Shipping Co (J.Chambers), Liverpool;

1936 SEAPHARER, Seafarers Steamships Ltd (Stathatos & Co), London;

1938 ELENI STATHATOU, D.D. Stathatos, Ithaca;

28.1.40 torpedoed and sunk by U.34, 200 miles west of Scilly Isles.

War Terrier B 5521 400 52.3 B61 9.19 Completed as GORALA, British India S.N. Co, Glasgow;

1924 KING EDWARD, King Line Ltd (Dodd, Thomson & Co), London;

27.12.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.356 at 47.25N 25.20W on voyage Hull and Loch Ewe to New York.

War Thalia - - - - - - Name not used.

War Thames - 1914 268 37.9 B15 10.19 Coaster. Completed as DEERWOOD, Wm.France, Fenwick & Co, London;

6.8.41 wrecked on Haisbro' Sands 52.54N 01.43E.

War Theseus G2 7897 450 58.5 B61 7.19 Completed as WANGARATTA, British India S.N.Co, Glasgow;

1929 TACOMA STAR, Blue Star Line Ltd, London;

1933 Union Cold Storage Co, London;

1935 Frederick Leyland & Co;

1.2.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.109 at 37.33N 69.21W on passage Buenos Aires and Hampton Roads, Va. to Liverpool.

War Thistle A 5166 401 52.2 B09 10.17 Shipping Controller managed by Glen & Co;

1920 EMILIE L.D, Louis Dreyfus & Cie, Dunkerque;

7.10.27 wrecked on rocks near Finisterre.

War Thrush (1) - 1949 251 43.8 A23 4.18 Completed as LAKE STIRLING, US Shipping Board, Detroit;

1921 Richmond (New York) SS Co, New York;

1923 VIRGINIA EXPRESS, Richmond-New York SS Co, Newport News;

1925 Eastern Steamship Lines, Newport News;

1930 VERA, Helmsing & Grimm, Riga, Latvia;

1932 Schiffahrts A.G.Nord-Ost, Riga;

1932 MEMPHIS, A.Klat, Alexandria, Egypt;

1935 Hanseatische Reederei, Hamburg;

1945 seized by Allies;

1947 Greek Government;

1949 CIMBRIA, Werner Peters, Flensburg, Germany;

1957 scrapped Hamburg.

War Thrush (2) B 5314 400 52.4 B73 8.19 Completed as GOALPARA, British India S.N.Co, Glasgow;

15.4.41 bombed and sunk at Eleusis Bay, Greece.

War Tiara C 3059 331 46.5 CH1 6.20 Completed as YANNIS, N.E.Ambatielos, Argostoli, Greece;

1921 MAUSANG, Indo China S.N.Co, London;

1943 MARAS, T.C.Munakalat Vekaketi Devlet Denizyollari Isletme, Istanbul;

1945 MAUSANG, Indo China S.N.Co, London;

1950 SHUN LEE, Jebshun Shipping Co, Hong Kong;

1952 HIPPOPOTAMUS, Wallem & Co, Hong Kong;

1955 SHUN LEE, Shun Kee Navigation Co, Hong Kong;

8.6.60 aground in South China Sea, 20.08N 116.07E, total loss.

War Tiger - 5875 385 51.2 J03 10.17 Shipping Controller managed by Furness Withy & Co;

1919 CAPODIMONTE, Soc Anon Marittima Italiana, Genoa;

1932 Lloyd Triestino, Genoa;

1933 scrapped at Spezia.

War Timiskaming - 2085 251 43.5 C08 6.19 Shipping Controller, managed by Tyzack & Bransfoot;

1920 OISE, Cie Generale Transatlantique, St.Nazaire;

1929 KOTKAS, Kronstrom & Kowamees, Tallinn, Estonia;

1940 seized by USA;

1941 FARIDA, same owners, Panama;

1946 NIDAROS, Rederi A/S Nidaros, Oslo;

1948 KIEN YUAN, Kien Yuan SS Co, Shanghai;

27.1.49 sunk in collision with s/s TAI PING at 30.37N 122.25E.

War Toiler - 2431 264 42.2 A17 8.18 Completed as SAG HARBOR, US Shipping Board, New York;

1930 J.F.O'Boyle, New York;

1934 US Shipping Board, New York;

1937 scrapped Philadelphia.

War Tolka C 3108 332 46.7 B10 2.20 Completed as SUNFIELD, Sun Shipping Co (Mitchell Cotts & Co), London;

1924 TENZAN MARU, Kinkai Yusen KK, Tokyo;

1939 Nippon Yusen KK, Tokyo;

11.11.42 sunk in collision with s/s KOBE MARU near Yangtsze estuary.

War Tomtit B 5181 400 52.3 B61 8.19 Launched as GORISSA, completed as GOGRA, British India S.N.Co, Glasgow;

2.4.43 torpedoed and sunk by U.124 at 41.02N 15.39W on voyage Glasgow and Capetown to Karachi.

War Topaz - 5799 410 54.2 A03 5.18 Completed as WEST BRIDGE, US Shipping Board, Seattle;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1929 BARBARA CATES, Christenson SS Co, San Francisco;

1939 PAN GULF, Waterman Steamship Corp, Mobile;

1940 Pan-Atlantic SS Corp, Wilmington, Del;

1944 US War Shipping Admin, Wilmington, Del;

1945 LERMONTOV, U.S.S.R. lend lease;

1966 scrapped Split.

War Torpedo D 2337 285 41.9 B25 6.18 Shipping Controller, managers S.Hogg & Co;

1919 SIERRA NEGRA, Soc. Transoceanique de Transports, Antwerp; 1922 Soc de Cabotage International, Antwerp;

1925 PARAME, Soc. Marit. Nationale, Havre;

1956 HOLSTEN, Holsten Reederei Lenth & Co, Hamburg;

1959 scrapped Hamburg.

War Toronto - 2328 250 43.5 C24 10.18 Wooden Hull. Shipping Controller, managers Hansen Bros & Co;

19.9.19 ashore at Jutland,

11.19 refloated but destroyed by fire during repairs.

War Torrent C 3107 331 46.8 B25 12.18 Shipping Controller, managers R.Chapman & Sons;

1920 COSMOS DON, Watkin James Williams, London;

1920 TORRENT, same owner;

1921 St.Mary SS Co, London;

1922 EASTWAY, same owner;

15.3.23 wrecked on Danae Shoal, Lourenco Marques.

War Toucan B 5265 400 52.4 B54 8.19 Completed as SOMME, Royal Mail S.P. Co, London;

1932 Royal Mail Lines Ltd, London; 18.2.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.108 at approx. 40N 55W on passage London to Bermuda and Curacao..

War Trader - 2420 264 42.2 A17 12.18 Completed as BAR HARBOR, US Shipping Board, New York;

1930 STRAUM, Skibs A/S Straum (Emil Stray), Kristiansand, Norway;

1934 BALKHASH, Sovtorgflot, Leningrad;

1941 mined and sunk off Cape Juminda.

War Tramp - 2427 264 42.2 A17 6.19 Launched as GEORGE HARBOR, completed as YORK HARBOR , US Shipping Board, New York;

1930 ASTRA, Skibs A/S Astra (Chr Stray), Kristiansand;

1933 A/S Alfa, Kristiansand;

1946 RINGEN, Ekerholts Rederi, Oslo;

1960 scrapped Grimstad, Norway.

War Trefoil A 5166 400 52.3 B30 10.17 Shipping Controller managed by T.Dixon & Sons;

1919 SAN GIUSEPPE, Ravano & Corado, Genoa;

1929 Soc Anon per l'Industria ed il Commercio Marittimo 'Nova Genuensis', Genoa;

1941 seized by USA, r/n ANEROID, US Maritime Commission, managed by South Atlantic SS Co, Panama;

2.10.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.175 at 08.24N 59.12W.

War Trench C 3080 331 46.8 B23 12.19 Completed as MAR CASPIO, Cia Maritima del Nervion (Urquijo y Aldecoa), Bilbao;

29.3.37 damaged by gunfire, went ashore River Adour in Spanish Civil War, total loss.

War Trent C5 1563 240 36.3 B19 12.20 Coaster. Completed as ORLOCK HEAD, Ulster Steamship Co, Belfast;

28.7.40 sank after air attack at 58.44N 04.21W.

War Trojan - 5871 434 57.7 A18 6.18 Completed as LANCASTER, US Shipping Board, Philadelphia;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1920 Green Star Steamship Corp, New York;

1921 Imperial Shipping Corp, New York;

1922 Lancaster SS Corp, New York;

1935 Argonaut Line, New York;

1940 American South African Line, New York;

30.12.42 ashore off Casablanca, total loss.

War Triumph N 6566 413 55.8 B30 8.19 Completed as NEW GEORGIA, British & African S.N.Co (Elder Dempster & Co), Liverpool;

1933 PENELOPE, Spyridon Paramythiotis, Panama;

1935 Nausicaa Shipping Co, Piraeus;

1939 PENELOPI, Polar Cia de Nav, Panama;

1956 PACIFIC CARRIER, Pacific Bulk Carriers Inc (C.Y.Tung), Panama;

1956 ATLANTIC CARRIER, Atlantic Bulk Carriers, (C.Y.Tung), Panama;

1959 scrapped Mukaishima.

War Trooper B 5085 400 52.2 H01 12.19 Completed as AMBATIELOS, N.E. Ambatielos, Argostoli, Greece;

1923 KING GRUFFYDD, King Line Ltd (Dodd, Thompson & Co), London;

1939 taken over by Admiralty became 'Q' ship r/n MAUNDER X28;

1941 converted to Armed Merchant Cruiser HMS MAUNDER;

1941 KING GRUFFYDD, reverted to cargo ship;

17.3.43 torpedoed and sunk by U.338 at 51.55N 32.41W on voyage New York to Loch Ewe and Hull.

War Trumpet - 2308 254 43.8 A24 5.18 Completed as LAKE ALLEN, US Shipping Board, Detroit;

1926 sold to Ford Motor Co;

1927 converted to barge;

3.12.42 broke tow and went aground at 45.32N 60.35W, total loss.

War Tulip A 5283 400 52.3 B57 9.18 Shipping Controller, managers West Hartlepool S.N.Co;

1919 ETHELFREDA, Harrowing SS Co, Whitby;

1933 EVROS, Livanos Bros, Chios;

17.10.41 torpedoed and sunk by U.432 at 57.00N 24.30W.

War Tummel C4 842 200 30.2 B01 6.19 Coaster.

Completed as ARDGANTOCK, P.MacCallum & Sons, Greenock;

1955 KYLECASTLE, Kyle Shipping Co (Monroe Bros), Liverpool;

1958 scrapped Barrow.

War Tune - 2045 251 43.8 A23 7.17 Shipping Controller, managers France, Fenwick & Co, London;

9.12.17 torpedoed and sunk by U.53 off Black Head in English Channel on voyage from Barry.

War Turret F1 5616 400 53.0 B43 9.19 Completed as SAINT ANDREW, Rankin, Gilmour & Co, Liverpool;

1924 Saint Line Ltd, Liverpool;

1936 SAINT ANSELM, same owners;

30.6.41 torpedoed, shelled and sunk by U.66 at approx. 31N 26W on passage Calcutta to Hull via Freetown.

War Tweed C5 1481 240 36.1 B38 5.19 Coaster. Completed as HELVETIER, Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

1923 ACTON MANOR, Manor Line (C.Angel & Co), London;

1930 Henley SS Co, London;

1934 Drakelow SS Co, London;

1934 BRAMHALL, Bramhall SS Co (Angel, Dalling & Co), London;

27.9.35 wrecked near Quimper.

War Tyee - 2302 250 43.4 C19 4.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managers R.& J.H.Rea;

1919 Cie des Cargos Francais;

1920 CADMEA, Credito Industriale di Venezia, Genoa;

1921 Giulia S.A di Armamento, Trieste;

1924 scrapped Trieste.

War Typhoon C 3116 331 46.8 B16 10.18 Shipping Controller, managers Rickinson, Sons & Co;

1919 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, British Africa Shipping & Coaling Co, London;

1920 AROONA, The Adelaide SS Co, London;

1949 COLON, Union Enterprises Ltd, Puerto Cortes, Honduras;

1950 MEKO, Pacific Union SS Co, Honduras;

1955 transferred to Chinese flag;

1956 deleted from Lloyds Register..



WWI Standard Ships



War Unicorn B 5112 400 52.3 B36 4.20 Completed as EMLYNIAN, Dragon SS Co (Emlyn Jones & Co), Cardiff;

1933 BOLIVAR, N.Gauna Corral, Panama;

1935 BRIGHTORIAN, Bright Navigation Co, Panama;

1936 KAO SING, H.C. Wan, Tsingtao;

1938 YAMAGIKU MARU, Yamashita Kisen KK, Kobe;

28.6.44 torpedoed and sunk by USS PARGO at 06.50N 122.41E.

War Unit - 4737 377 52.0 A16 5.18 Launched as PASSAIC, US Shipping Board, New York; completed as ICE KING, same owner;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1928 GEORGIAN, Strachan's Southern SS Co, Savannah;

1935 South Atlantic SS Co of Delaware, Savannah;

1936 HILTON, A.H.Bull SS Co, New York;

1951 scrapped Fieldsbro' N.J.

War Usk C4 876 198 30.6 B29 6.20 Coaster. Completed as GLEN TANAR, J.Cook & Son, Aberdeen;

1928 South Georgia Co (Chr. Salveson & Co), Aberdeen;

2.1.37 ashore in Hardangerfjord, refloated but sank.


Ship Index



War Valour (1) - 2005 251 43.5 A27 4.18 Completed as LAKE TULARE, US Shipping Board, Duluth;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1921 International Coal Transport Corp, New York;

1923 BESTIK, Skibs A/S Manitowoc, Christiania, Norway;

1934 HAI HSIANG, China Merchants S.N.Co, Shanghai;

1939 Wm Hunt & Co, Shanghai;

1941 bombed and sunk at Szechuen, China;

1946 scrapped.

War Valour (2) N 6650 412 55.8 B02 4.21 Completed as MONTGOMERYSHIRE, Royal Mail S.P.Co;

1931 RIV, Soc.Commerciale di Nav, Genoa;

30.8.41 bombed and sunk at Tripoli.

War Valley C 3104 331 46.7 B25 7.18 Shipping Controller, managers W.H.Cockerline & Co;

16.2.19 wrecked on Scroby Sands, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk.

War Venus - 4297 340 49.1 A10 12.18 Completed as POLAR STAR, US Shipping Board, Baltimore;

1919 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1930 scrapped Baltimore.

War Verbena A 5332 400 52.3 B46 9.19 Completed as CRANFIELD, British India S.N.Co, Glasgow;

23.11.42 torpedoed and sunk by Japanese submarine I-166 at 08.26N 76.42E on voyage Calcutta and Madras to Suez.

War Veteran - - - - - - Order cancelled.

War Viceroy - 5764 410 54.2 A06 10.17 Shipping Controller managed by Cunard SS Co; 1919 VOLTURNO , Transoceanica Soc Italiana di Nav, Naples;

1921 Navigazione Generale Italiana, Naples;

1925 Soc Commerciale di Nav, Genoa;

1928 Angelo di Negri fu Filippo, Genoa;

1933 scrapped Genoa.

War Victor - 2003 251 43.7 A25 11.17 Completed as LAKEVIEW, US Shipping Board, New York;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service, mine carrier;

1925 sold to Ford Motor Co;

1928 scrapped Detroit.

War Vigil - 2014 251 43.5 A21 7.18 Completed as LAKE HARNEY, US Shipping Board, Cleveland;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1921 International Coal Transportation Corp, New York;

1923 GERMINAL, Cie Nationale de Nav, Calais;

1929 MALL, Reval Shipping Co, Reval, Estonia;

1942 IRISH ROSE, Irish Shipping Ltd, Dublin (charter);

1946 FLAMENCO, Cia Maritima Flamenco, Panama;

1952 NIZETI, "Katana" Soc.di Nav.Marittima, Catania, Italy;

1957 ATA, "Katana" Soc.di Nav.Marittima Mancuso, Catania;

21.2.58 stranded Zanzibar coast;

1959 scrapped Dar es Salaam.

War Vigour N 6548 413 55.6 B74 12.19 Shipping Controller, managed by J.Chambers & Co, Liverpool;

1920 ANDALUSIER, Lloyd Royal Belge (Great Britain), London;

1923 Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

1925 WOLFHANDEL, Armement Gylsen SA, Antwerp;

1927 BOIS-SOLEIL, Armament J. Leddet Chaix, Havre;

1937 AFRICAN MARINER, African & Continental SS Co, London;

1940 CASTILLO MONTJUICH, Spanish Government, managed by Domingo Mumbru), Cadiz;

1942 Empresa Nacional Elcano, Cadiz;

14.12.63 last reported at 43.12N 34.20W, went missing.

War Violet A 5279 400 52.2 B46 5.19 Completed as WINKFIELD, British India S.N.Co, Glasgow;

19.5.41 mined and sunk in Thames estuary.

War Viper B 5160 400 52.3 B30 3.18 Shipping Controller, managers G.Heyn & Sons, Belfast;

1919 CABOTIA, Donaldson Line, Glasgow;

1920 Anchor-Donaldson Line;

1925 CEDRINGTON COURT, Court Line Ltd, London;

7.1.40 mined and sunk near Goodwin Sands.

War Vision N 6509 413 55.8 B30 5.19 Completed as NASMYTH, Liverpool, Brazil & River Plate S.N.Co (Lamport & Holt Ltd), Liverpool;

1934 Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool;

1.5.38 ashore and badly damaged Grand Canary Island, refloated and scrapped Rotterdam.

War Visor D 2362 285 42.0 B03 5.18 Shipping Controller, managers Burnett & Co;

1919 SIERRA DE FUENTES, Soc. Transoceanique de Transports, Antwerp;

1922 ATHENEE, Cie de Nav Francais et Soc Navale du Nord, Marseilles;

1924 Cie Delmas Freres & Vieljeux, La Rochelle; reported renamed HELENE VIELJEUX, but not actually done;

1936 scrapped Spezia.

War Vixen - 2165 252 43.6 C02 9.19 Shipping Controller, managed by J.Cook & Son; 1920 HELENGALLUS , Sciete de Pacifique, Marseille;

1927 FRUCTIDOR, Cie Nationale de Nav., Bordeaux;

1928 IOANNIS LYRAS, Ioannis G. Lyras, Piraeus;

1930 THETIS, same owner;

1932 AGAMEMNON, Michalinos Maritime & Commercial Co, Piraeus;

4.12.33 wrecked near Constanza.

War Vulture B 5204 400 52.4 B50 6.18 Shipping Controller, managers Harris & Dixon;

1919 BRADAVON, Reardon Smith, Bideford;

1933 SHINKYO MARU, Dairen Kisen KK, Dairen;

1933 SINKYO MARU, same owner;

2.3.44 torpedoed and sunk by USS PICUDA at 06.25N 148.31E



WWI Standard Ships


War Wager AO 5230 400 52.3 B57 5.18 Tanker. Shipping Controller, managers Anglo Saxon Petroleum Co, London;

1919 ELSAZIER, Lloyd Royal Belge (Great Britain), London, converted to dry cargo ship;

1923 Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

1930 Cie Maritime Belge S.A, Antwerp;

1932 HUMANITAS, Mare Nostrum S.A di Nav, Genoa;

1934 KALLIOPI S, J.Stavrou & Co, Piraeus;

17.9.40 drifted ashore after being bombed off Ireland, total loss.

War Wagtail E 4340 376 51.9 B25 9.18 Shipping Controller, managers Lawther, Latta & Co;

1919 VINDELIA, Cunard SS Co, London;

1919 Anchor Line, Glasgow;

1924 JALAYOTI, Scindia S.N.Co, Bombay;

1950 scrapped Bombay.

War Wallaby - 2280 252 43.6 C02 8.20 Completed as NORTH AMERICAN, North American SS Co, Montreal;

1924 SHUNTAI MARU, Yamamoto Shoji KK, Amagasaki;

1938 SYUNTAI MARU, same owner;

1942 Taiwa Shosen KK, Fuchu;

29.1.44 torpedoed and sunk by USS TAMBOR at 27.22N 128.29E.

War Walrus B 5186 400 52.2 B22 10.19 Completed as KEELUNG, Ellerman & Bucknall SS Co, London;

1936 CITY OF KEELUNG, same owner;

1947 HELLENIC TRADER, China Hellenic Lines, Hong Kong;

1951 NICHIAN MARU, Nissan Kisen KK, Tokyo;

1956 Hoko Suisan KK, Tokyo;

1960 scrapped Shimizu, Japan.

War Wandle - 1926 268 38.1 B15 4.19 Coaster. Completed as WHITWOOD, Wm. France, Fenwick & Co, London;

1939 JOSEWYN, Dillwyn SS Co, Swansea;

1948 ASHGATE, Lowgate SS Co Ltd, Hull;

1953 IKLA, Liberian Steamship Corp, Monrovia;

1959 scrapped Antwerp.

War Warbler B 5293 400 52.4 B73 6.19 Completed as BRETWALDA, Hall Bros, Newcastle;

1937 START POINT, Gowan Shipping Co, Newcastle;

1938 Cereal Trade & Shipping Co, Newcastle;

1942 John Cory & Sons, Cardiff;

10.11.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.128 at 13.12N 27.27W on voyage Barry Dock to Freetown via Milford Haven.

War Wasp - 1422 220 35.1 C07 11.17 Shipping Controller, J.Chadwick & Co managers;

1919 CAPITAINE COULLON, Cie de Nav.Mixte, Marseilles,

1920 Cie Generale Transatlantique, Marseille;

1934 sold to French breakers; resold and

1936 scrapped at Haulbowline, Ireland.

War Wave (1) - 7610 440 56.0 A09 2.19 Completed as ARCHER, US Shipping Board, San Francisco;

1931 CITY OF NEWPORT NEWS, Baltimore Mail SS Co, lengthened to 493ft, passenger accommodation added;

1938 Panama Pacific Line;

1940 FULLER (AP-14), US Navy transport;

1946 CITY OF NEWPORT NEWS, US Maritime Commission, Baltimore;

1948 FULLER, US Dep't of Commerce, Baltimore;

1958 scrapped Seattle.

War Wave (2) - - - - - - Order cancelled.

War Waveney C7 1390 271 38.1 B12 8.19 Coaster. Completed as CORTES, MacAndrews & Co, London;

26.9.41 torpedoed and sunk by U.203 at 47.48N 23.45W on passage Lisbon to London.

War Wazir Z 5553 400 52.2 B20 6.19 Tanker. Shipping Controller;

1919 NOMA, Imperial Japanese Navy - oiler;

1929 NIPPON MARU, IinoShoji KK, Tokyo;

28.5.33 wrecked near San Pedro, Calif.

War Weapon D 2343 285 42.0 B15 10.18 Shipping Controller, managers J.Mitchell & Sons;

1919 DIVATTE, Cie Nantaise de Navigation a Vapeur, Nantes;

1939 Cie Nantais des Chargeurs de l'Ouest, Nantes;

18.10.41 ashore near Bizerta, total loss;

1946 scrapped

War Wear - 2538 290 42.5 B56 2.19 Coaster. Completed as SEA GLORY, Dover Navigation Co (Leach & Co), Dover;

6.7.40 Torpedoed and sunk south of Fastnet by U.99 on voyage Fowey to Philadelphia.

War Weasel - 2139 251 43.7 C01 5.18 Shipping Controller, managers R.B.Chellew; 1920 ORNE, Cie Generale Transatlantique, St.Nazaire;

1930 Soc.Commerciale de Nav. Maritime "Navmar", St.Nazaire;

1933 L.Lescurat;

1934 Caledonickel S.A, Noumea;

1938 Soc Anon "Le Nickel", Noumea;

1947 HUO FONG, T.Suen, Shanghai;

1948 AN HSING, Cheng An S.N.Co, Shanghai;

1956 deleted from Lloyds Register.

War Wensum C7 1381 271 38.1 B12 6.19 Coaster. Completed as DUNDEE, Dundee, Perth & London Shipping Co;

1933 ALCORA, Mossgiel SS Co (J.Bruce & Co), Glasgow;

30.10.40 ahore near Rattray Head, total loss.

War Wey C7 2022 271 38.1 B12 11.19 Coaster. Completed as MONTAZAH, Khedivial Mail SS & Graving Dock Co, London;

1923 FORELAND, Leith, Hull & Hamburg S.P.Co (J.Currie), London;

1940 Currie Line Ltd, London;

1953 Pandelis Shipping Co Ltd, London;

1954 KATERINA, Vivalet Shipping & Trading Co, Puerto Limon, Coasta Rica;

1955 KISHON, Traders & Shipping (Tankers), Haifa;

1957 RANGE, African Coasters Ltd, Durban;

1965 scrapped Durban.

War Whale (1) - 4153 339 49.1 A10 5.18 Completed as LUELLA, US Shipping Board, Baltimore;

1918-19 US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service;

1933 scrapped Baltimore.

War Whale (2) B 5212 400 52.2 B22 4.20 Completed as SABOR, Royal Mail S.P.Co, London;

1932 Royal Mail Lines, London;

7.3.43 torpedoed and sunk by U.506 at 34.30S 23.10E on passage Capetown to Rio de Janeiro.

War Wharfe - 484 150 25.7 B68 12.19 Coaster. Completed as ORLEIGH, R.Cock & Sons, Bideford;

1932 RACE FISHER, J.Fisher & Sons, Barrow;

1939 GUARAHU, Empreza Internacional de Transportes, Rio de Janeiro;

1960 Wilfred Penha Borges, Santos, Brazil; 1960 TAU, Empreza de Nav.Caillet, Paranagua;

1962 Oswaldo Pereira;

18.2.63 stranded Bahia at 16.52S 39.80W.

War Whippet B 5225 400 52.3 B61 11.19 Completed as KENBANE HEAD, Ulster SS Co (G.Heyn & Sons), Belfast;

5.11.40 sunk by surface raider ADMIRAL SCHEER at 52.18N 32.28W.

War Willow - - - - - - Order cancelled.

War Witch - 1961 251 43.8 C04 10.18 Shipping Controller, managers Furness Withy (Halifax);

1920 Alessandro Zappala, Rome;

1921 IGNAZIO, same owner;

1927 DINA, Soc di Nav Unione Italica, Rome;

1929 PALMAIOLA, S.A.di Miniere e Alti Forni Elba, Genoa;

1933 S.A.Ilva Alti Forni e Acciaiere d'Italia, Genoa;

3.12.42 torpedoed and sunk by aircraft at 34.01N 11.52E.

War Wizard - 1961 251 43.8 C04 7.18 Shipping Controller, managers E.C.Downing; 1920 CITTA DI LECCHE , S.A.di Nav.a Vap. Puglia, Bari;

1926 BRACCIANO, Soc Italiana di Servizi Marittimi, Genoa;

1930 ODDVAR II, A/S Oddvar, Sarpsborg, Norway;

1937 A/B Oddvar, Kotka, Finland;

1941 seized by Britain, M.O.W.T. St.John's, Nfld, managers Furness Withy & Co;

1946 returned to Finland, same owners;

1940 Miraflora SA, Panama;

1953 ROBELL, Cia de Nav.Robell, Panama;

1955 scrapped Baltimore.

War Wolf - 5875 385 51.2 J03 9.17 Shipping Controller, Furness Withy & Co managers;

1919 COMMANDANT MAGES, Messageries Maritimes, Dunkerque;

1933 SAINT MALO, Cie France Navigation, Dunkerque;

1940 seized by Canada, Canadian Government Merchant Marine Ltd, managers;

12.10.40 torpedoed and sunk by U.101 at 57.58N 16.32W.

War Wombat - 2272 252 43.6 C02 10.20 Completed as SOUTH AMERICAN, South American SS Co, Montreal;

1925 CHOKYU MARU, Oguma Shoten Gomei Kaisha, Kobe;

1927 J.Tanaka, Hashidate;

1928 Hinode Kisen KK, Tokyo;

1935 HOKUSEN MARU, Hokuriko Kisen KK, Tokyo;

1939 Kita Nippon Kisen KK, Tokyo;

1941 Nipponkai Kisen KK, Tokyo;

1955 SHORYU MARU, Marushio Kaiun KK, Kobe;

1960 Sanyo Kisen KK, Kobe;

1960 scrapped Tsuneishi.

War Wonder (1) - 2363 263 42.4 A19 9.18 Completed as LITHOPOLIS, US Shipping Board, Tampa, Fla;

1930 LAURIE, A/S Torsborg, Porsgrunn, Norway;

1934 RONDO, Rederi A/S Rondo, Oslo;

25.1.35 wrecked in Sound of Mull, Scotland.

War Wonder (2) - - - - - - Order cancelled.

War Work - 2362 263 42.4 A19 3.19 Completed as EVERGLADES, US Shipping Board, Tampa, Fla;

1921 Republic Navigation Co, Tampa;

1922 US Shipping Board, Tampa;

1930 LARGO, Skibs A/S Torsberg, Porsgrunn, Norway;

1934 KANARYA, Vapurculuk ve Kumurculuk Turk Limitet Sirketi ve Pehlivan Zade Cemal, Istanbul;

1936 Zonguldak Vapurculuk ve Kumurculuk Turk Limited Sirketi, Zonguldak, Turkey;

1940 Turkish Navy - collier;

1958 out of service..

War Wren (1) - 2018 251 43.5 A21 3.18 Completed as LAKE COMO, US Shipping Board, Philadelphia;

1918 chartered to Atlantic Fruit Co

1923 returned To U.S.S.B.

1925 BEOTHIC, Job's Seafishery Co, St.John's, Nfld;

1934 Bowring Bros Ltd, St.John's, Nfld;

8.12.40 ashore and wrecked off Griquet, Newfoundland.

War Wren (2) - - - - - - Order cancelled.

War Wryneck - - - - - - Order cancelled.



WWI Standard Ships


War Yare - 1698 265 41.2 B62 5.19 Coaster. Shipping Controller, managed by H.S.Reid;

1919 FULMAR, Cork SS Co, Cork;

1922 British & Continental SS Co, Liverpool;

28.3.27 sunk in collision with s/s RIO CLARO off Dungeness.

War Yew - - - - - - Order cancelled.

War Yukon - 2324 242 43.4 C11 1.18 Wooden hull. Shipping Controller, managers H.Fernie & Sons;

1919 RYCKETT, London Transport Co, London;

1923 RAGNHILD BRYDE, Leif Bryde A/S, Sandefjord, Norway;

1925 MEXICO, (whale oil refinery), Hvalfangerselsk Mexico A/S, Sandefjord;

1926 PORVENIR, Hvalfangerselsk Atlas A/S, Sandefjord;

1927 same owner, Guayaquil, Ecuador;

1927 CORONADO, Los Angeles Whaling Co, Panama;

1933 engines removed, converted to fish processing barge at Point Firmin;

1933 burnt out;

1937 scrapped.



WWI Standard Ships


War Zebra B 5248 399 52.2 B45 10.19 Completed as GURNA, British India S.N.Co, Glasgow;

1940 became naval auxiliary mine carrier;

1945 released to BISN Co;

1949 scrapped Rosyth.

War Zenith C 3097 331 46.7 B38 12.19 Completed as TUNISIER, Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

1930 Cie Maritime Belge, Antwerp;

1932 BOCCACCIO, Adria Soc.Anon.di Nav. Marittima, Fiume;

1937 'Tirrenia' S.A.di Navigazione Fiume;

18.11.37 sank after explosion at 48.12N 05.15W.

War Zephyr C 3118 331 46.8 B47 10.18 Shipping Controller, managers Herskind & Co;

1919 ALGORTA, W.H.Vernall & Co, London;

1920 La Tunisienne S.N.Co (F.C.Strick), London;

1925 BARTOLO, Cia Naviera Bachi, Bilbao;

6.3.43 torpedoed and sunk by HMS TAURUS near Marseilles.

War Zinnia - - - - - - Order cancelled


WWI Standard Ships














B01 Ardrossan Dockyard Co. Ltd.

B02 Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Ltd, Walker Shipyard, Newcastle.

B03 S. P. Austin & Son. Sunderland.

B04 Ayrshire Dockyard Co. Ltd, Irvine.

B05 Barclay, Curle & Co. Ltd, Whiteinch, Glasgow.

B06 Bartram & Sons Ltd, South Dock, Sunderland.

B07 J. Blumer & Co. Ltd, Sunderland.

B08 Blyth SB & DD Co. Ltd.

B09 J. Brown & Co. Ltd, Clydebank.

B10 Burntisland SB Co. Ltd, Burntisland, Fife.

B11 Caird & Co. Ltd, Greenock.

B12 Caledon SB & Engineering Co. Ltd, Dundee.

B13 Cammell Laird & Co. Ltd, Birkenhead.

B13 C. Connell & Co. Ltd, Glasgow

B14 Craig, Taylor & Co. Ltd, Stockton on Tees.

B15 J. Crown & Sons Ltd, Sunderland.

B16 Sir Raylton Dixon & Co. Ltd, Middlesborough.

B17 W. Dobson & Co. Ltd, Walker on Tyne.

B18 Wm Doxford & Sons Ltd, Sunderland.

B19 Dublin Dockyard Co. Ltd.

B20 R. Duncan & Co. Ltd, Port Glasgow.

B21 Dunlop, Bremner & Co. Ltd, Port Glasgow.

B22 Earles SB & Eng. Co. Ltd, Hull.

B23 E. Finch & Co Ltd, Chepstow.

B24 Forth SB & Eng. Co. Ltd, Alloa.

B25 Wm Gray & Co. Ltd, West Hartlepool.

B26 Greenock & Grangemouth Dockyard Co. Ltd.

B27 Greenock Dockyard Co. Ltd.

B28 Wm Hamilton & Co. Ltd, Port Glasgow.

B29 W. Harkess & Son Ltd, Middlesborough.

B30 Harland & Wolff Ltd, Belfast.

B31 Harland & Wolff Ltd, Govan, Glasgow.

B32 R & W. Hawthorn Leslie & Co. Ltd, Hebburn, Newcastle.

B33 D & W. Henderson & Co. Ltd, Meadowside, Glasgow.

B34 C. Hill & Son Ltd, Bristol.

B35 A & J. Inglis Ltd, Glasgow.

B36 Irvines SB & DD Co, Hartlepool.

B37 Sir J. Laing & Son, Ltd, Sunderland.

B38 Lloyd Royal Belge (Great Britain) Ltd, Whiteinch, Glasgow.

B39 A. McMillan & Son Ltd, Dumbarton.

B40 Monmouth Shipbuilding Co, Chepstow.

B41 Napier & Miller Ltd, Old Kilpatrick, Glasgow.

B42 North of Ireland SB Co. Ltd, Londonderry.

B43 Northumberland SB Co. Ltd, Howden on Tyne.

B44 Osborne, Graham & Co. Ltd, Hylton, Sunderland.

B45 Palmers SB & Iron Co. Ltd, Hebburn on Tyne and Jarrow.

B46 Wm Pickersgill & Sons Ltd, Southwick, Sunderland.

B47 Sir J. Priestman & Co. Ltd, Southwick, Sunderland.

B48 Ramage & Ferguson Ltd, Leith.

B49 J. Readhead & Sons Ltd, West Dock, South Shields.

B50 Richardson, Duck & Co. Ltd, Stockton on Tees.

B51 Ropner & Sons Ltd, Stockton on Tees.

B52 Russell & Co, Port Glasgow.

B53 Scotts SB & Eng, Co. Ltd, Greenock.

B54 Short Bros Ltd, Pallion, Sunderland.

B55 A. Stephen & Sons Ltd, Linthouse, Glasgow.

B56 Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd, Wallsend on Tyne and Sunderland.

B57 J. L. Thompson & Sons Ltd, North Sands Shipbuilding Yard, Sunderland.

B58 R. Thompson & Sons Ltd, Bridge Dockyard, Sunderland.

B59 Tyne Iron & SB Co. Ltd, Newcastle.

B60 Wood, Skinner & Co. Ltd, Bill Quay, Newcastle.

B61 Workman, Clark & Co. Ltd, Belfast.

B62 H. & C. Grayson Ltd, Garston, Liverpool.

B63 J. Lewis & Sons Ltd, Aberdeen.

B64 J. D. Morris Ltd, Newcastle.

B65 A. Jeffrey & Co. Ltd, Alloa.

B66 Campbeltown SB Co, Campbeltown, Argyll.

B67 Camper & Nicholsons Ltd, Southampton.

B68 R. Cock & Sons Ltd, Appledore.

B69 Fullerton & Co, Paisley.

B70 Ouse SB Co. Ltd, Goole.

B71 C. Rennoldson & Co, South Shields.

B72 Lithgows Ltd, Port Glasgow.

B73 Sunderland Shipbuilding Co, Sunderland.

B74 Furness Shipbuilding Co, Haverton Hill on Tees.

B75 Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd, Barrow.

B76 Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Glasgow.



WW1 Ships




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C01 British American Shipbuilding Co, Welland, Ontario.

C02 Canadian Allis Chalmers Ltd, Bridgeburg, Ontario.

C03 Canadian Vickers Ltd, Montreal, Quebec.

C04 Collingwood Shipbuilding Co. Ltd, Collingwood, Ontario.

C05 J. Coughlan & Sons, Vancouver, BC.

C06 Midland Shipbuilding Co, Midland, Ontario.

C07 Nova Scotia Steel & Coal Co, New Glasgow, NS.

C08 Polson Ironworks Co. Ltd, Toronto, Ontario.

C09 Port Arthur Shipbuilding Co. Ltd, Port Arthur, Ontario.

C10 Wallace Shipbuilding & Drydock Co. Ltd, North Vancouver, BC.

C11 Cameron Genoa Mills, Victoria, BC.*

C12 Foundation Co, Victoria BC.*

C13 Fraser, Brace & Co, Montreal, PQ.*

C14 Grant & Horne, Courtenay Bay, St John, NB.*

C15 Great Lakes Dredging Co, Fort William, Ontario.*

C16 T. M. Kirkwood, Three Rivers, Quebec.*

C17 W. Lyall SB Co, North Vancouver, BC.*

C18 New Westminster SB & Eng. Co, New Westminster, BC.*

C19 Pacific Construction Co, Coquitlam, BC.*

C20 Quebec SB & Rep. Co, Quebec, PQ.*

C21 Quinlan & Robertson, Quebec, PQ.*

C22 Southern Salvage Co, Liverpool, NS.*

C23 Three Rivers SB Co, Trois Rivieres, PQ.*

C24 Toronto SB & DD Co, Toronto, Ontario.*

C25 Western Canada Shipyard, False Creek, Vancouver, BC.*

  • Wooden hulled ships.




WW1 Ships




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H01 Hong Kong & Whampoa Dock Co. Ltd.

H02 Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering Co, Ltd.





CH1 Shanghai Dock & Engineering Co. Ltd.





J01 Asano Shipbuilding Co, Tsurumi.

J02 Harima Dockyard Co. Ltd, Kobe.

J03 Kawasaki Dockyard Co. Ltd, Kobe.

J04 Mitsubishi Zosen Kaisha, Nagasaki.

J05 Osaka Iron Works, Innoshima.

J06 Uraga Dockyard Co, Uraga.



WW1 Ships





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A - K








Admiral Hastings C 3054 331 46.8 B25 7.19 Byron S.S. Co, London;

1928 SUNION, M.A Embiricos,Andros; 1938 African & Continental S.S. Co, London

22.6.38 bombed and sunk off Valencia in Spanish Civil War.

Alaska - 5825 410 54.1 C05 1.18 Requisitioned by Shipping Controller, managed by Furness Withy & Co;

1920 returned to owners - Damps.A/S Alaska, Haugesund;

1930 PEEL COUNTY, same owner;

1933 ALASKA, same owner;

1950 REG III, Deutsche Seeverkehr AG Eric Lubbert & Co, Hamburg;

1953 EBBA BLUMENFELD, Bd. Blumenfeld G.m.b.H, Hamburg;

1956 MANFRED STANSFIELD, Nordatlantische Kohlen-Schiffahrts G.m.b.H, Hamburg;

1958 scrapped Hamburg.

Alipore B 5273 400 52.3 B45 7.20 P & O Steam Navigation Co., Newcastle; 30.9.42 Torpedoed, shelled and sunk by U.516 at 07.09N 54.23W

Almagro H 2464 303 43.0 B35 6.20 MacAndrews & Co, London;

1923 Pacific Steam Navigation Co, London; 1933 ITAQUY, Companhia Carbonifera Rio Grandense, Rio de Janeiro;

1934 TAQUY, same owner;

1943 Cia. Commercio e Navegacao, Rio de Janeiro;

1957 Navegaceo Mercantil S.A. Rio de Janeiro;

1963 ARTICO, Pedro A.de Carvalho, Santos;

1965 ROMA UM, Commissario Maritima Modesta Roma, Rio de Janeiro;

2.67 caught fire & beached at Belem, 10.67 refloated, capsized and sank.

Asp - 2234 251 43.6 C08 7.18 Requisitioned by Shipping Controller, managed by Furness Withy & Co;

1919 returned to A/S Vesterhav (K.M.Pedersen), Kristiansand;

1921 FRANCISCA, Compagnie de Navigation Franco-Chinoise, Dunkerque; 1926 CAPO MELE, Cia Genovese di Navigazione à Vapore S.A, Genoa;

1936 ETIOPIA, A.T. Rosasco, Genoa; 6.11.42 bombed and burnt out at Tobruk, later scrapped.

Assimina M. Embiricos A 5213 400 52.4 B19 6.20 S.G. Embiricos, Andros;

22.2.24 Wrecked in River Scheldt.

WWI Ships

Ballena B 5210 400 52.3 B17 2.20 Pacific Steam Navigation Co, Liverpool;

1933 MOUNT IDA, J.A. Cosmetto & Kulukundis Bros, Panama;

1935 same owners, Piraeus;

1937 MENDOZA, Hamburg-SudAmerik Damps. Ges, Hamburg;

22.3.45 sunk off Pillau in Russian air attack.

Baarn B 5248 400 52.3 B25 5.20 N.V.Koninkl. Nederl. Stoomboot Mij, Amsterdam;

1922 CAIRNAVON, Cairn Line of Steamships (Cairns, Noble & Co), Newcastle;

1.11.25 wrecked near Buchanness.

Balzac B 5372 400 52.3 B33 3.20 Liverpool, Brazil & River Plate S.N.Co (Lamport & Holt Ltd), Liverpool;

1934 Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool;

22.6.41 sunk by German surface raider ATLANTIS at.15.16S 27.43W.

Bampton Castle N 6698 412 55.8 B02 7.20 Union-Castle Mail S.S. Co, London;

1932 ATLANTIS, M. Kulukundis (Atlanticos S.S. Co.), Syra;

1932 MOUNT TAYGETUS, same owners, Panama;

23.12.33 ashore Memphis Rock, English Narrows;

1934 refloated, sold and scrapped at Rosyth.

Barracoo B 5234 400 52.3 B58 12.19 African S.S. Co. (Elder Dempster & Co.), London;

1933 MICHALAKIS, N. Eustathiou & Co, Syra;

1939 KUSUYAMA MARU, Yamashita Kisen K.K, Kobe;

9.2.43 torpedoed and sunk by USS TUNNY 22.40N 119.12E.

Bata B 5328 401 52.3 B09 10.19 African S.S. Co. (Elder Dempster & Co.), London;

1934 TOWER ABBEY, Tower S.S. Co, London;

1935 WILLANDRA, William Crosby & Co, London;

1938 UCHIDE MARU, Taihei Kisen K.K. (Yamashita Kisen K.K.), Kobe;

29.2.44 torpedoed and sunk by USS SARGO 08.57N 132.52E.

Belgian B 5287 400 52.4 B56 10.19 F. Leyland & Co, Liverpool;

1934 AMELIA LAURO, A. Lauro, Naples; 1940 seized by Britain, r/n EMPIRE ACTIVITY, M.O.W.T, managed by Galbraith, Pembroke & Co;

3.10.43 ashore Newfoundland and sank.

Benvorlich B 5193 401 52.2 B13 8.19 Ben Line Steamers Ltd. (W. Thomson & Co.), Leith;

19.3.41 bombed and sunk 54.48N 13.10W

Bittern - 1899 290 42.6 B56 9.20 Coaster. Cork SS Co, Cork;

1922 British & Continental S.S. Co, Liverpool; 1939 IMBER, same owner;

1954 scrapped Antwerp.

Bolivier B 4953 400 52.3 B06 3.20 Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

1920 Cie Maritime Belge (Lloyd Royal) S.A, Antwerp;

1932 TRAVIATA, I.N.S.A. Industrie Navili S.A, Genoa;

11.1.40 mined and sunk off Cromer.

Boma B 5408 401 52.3 B31 2.20 British & African Steam Navigation Co. (Elder Dempster & Co.), Liverpool;

4.8.40 torpedoed and sunk by U.56 at 55.44N 08.04W.

Bonheur B 5327 400 52.4 B30 10.20 Liverpool, Brazil & River Plate Steam Navigation Co. (Lamport & Holt), Liverpool; 1934 Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool; 15.10.40 torpedoed and sunk by U.138 at 57.10N 08.36W

Borga B 5075 400 52.3 B06 6.20 A./S. J. Ludwig Mowinckels Rederi, Bergen; 1921 ALTMARK, Hamburg-Amerika Linie, Hamburg;

1933 scrapped Hamburg.

Boswell B 5237 400 52.4 B30 7.20 Liverpool Brazil & River Plate Steam Navigation Co.(Lamport & Holt), Liverpool; 1934 ADDERSTONE, White Shipping Co, Newcastle;

1937 GERMA, Skibs.A/S Germa, Kristiansand;

1951 Wallem & Co, Panama;

1951 NORWAY MARU, Dai-ichi Kisen K.K., Kobe;

1960 Dai-ichi Chuo K.K, Kobe;

1965 Fujita Kaiji Kogyo K.K, Osaka;

1970 scrapped at Sakai.

Bratton Castle N 6696 412 55.8 B02 5.20 Union-Castle Mail S.S. Co, London;

1932 PROTEUS, Atlanticos S.S. Co, Syra; 1932 MOUNT TAURUS, Atlanticos S.S. Co, Panama;

1936 Atlanticos S.S. Co. & Tramp Shipping Development Co. (Kulukundis Shipping Co.), Syra;

17.11.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.264 at 54.30N 37.30W.

Brockley C5 1559 240 36.2 B19 9.20 Coaster. South Metropolitan Gas Co, London; 1949 South Eastern Gas Board, London;

1958 scrapped Utrecht.



WWI Standard Ships


Canonesa G1 8286 450 58.3 B61 11.20 Furness-Houlder Argentine Lines, Liverpool; 21.9.40 Torpedoed and sunk by U.100 at 54.55N 18.25W

Catalonier C5 1202 240 35.7 B38 10.20 Coaster. Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp; 1922 CARMEN, A/S D/S Vesterhanet (J. Lauritzen), Esbjerg, Denmark;

1941 KATJA, same owner;

1942 KATJA LAU; same owner;

1944 A/S Rederiet Ocean, Esbjerg;

1948 KATJA DAN, same owner;

1953 JAN, Rauman Meriliikenne O/Y (seppinen & Kemppi O/Y), Rauma, Finland;

1963 NIKOS, George & Maria Antonatos, Piraeus;

1966 LUISA, Ikaros Cia. de Nav. S.A.(G. Antonabol), Piraeus;

1968 seized in France for debt;

1969 scrapped.

Cervantes - 2436 265 41.2 B62 7.19 Coaster. MacAndrews & Co, London;

26.9.41 Torpedoed and sunk by U.124 at 48.37N 20.01W

Ciscar - 2436 265 41.2 B62 12.19 Coaster. MacAndrews & Co, London;

19.8.41 Torpedoed and sunk by U.201 at 49.10N 17.40W

Clan MacIndoe J 4635 385 52.0 B52 12.20 Clan Line (Cayzer, Irvine & Co.), Glasgow; 15.4.43 on fire Alexandria;

27.4.43 beached, total loss.

Clan McInnes J 4672 385 52.0 B52 1.20 Clan Line (Cayzer, Irvine & Co.), Glasgow; 1947 SAN GEORGE, Noemijulia S.S. Co. (S. Catsell & Co.), London;

1949 Kenfig SS Co;

1951 SIVA-SHAMBHU, Indian National S.S. Co, Calcutta;

1955 scrapped Calcutta.

Clearton B 5219 400 52.4 B50 9.19 Carlton S.S. Co. (R. Chapman & Son), Newcastle;

1.7.40 Torpedoed and sunk by U.30 at 47.53N 09.30W

Collooney - 577 165 27.0 B63 1.20 Coaster. Allied Steam Navigation Co. (Willmott, Buttle & Co.), Hull;

1922 TOPAZ, W. Robertson, Glasgow;

1956 scrapped Glasgow.

Colon - 2437 265 41.2 B62 9.19 Coaster. MacAndrews & Co, London;

1954 scrapped Glasgow.



WWI Standard Ships


Daybeam C 3024 331 46.8 B07 3.20 Claymore Shipping Co, Cardiff;

1929 SEBASTIAN, F. Sainz de Inchaustegui, Bilboa;

1934 Marques del Real Socorro, Bilbao;

1936 ITXAS-ALDE, Basque Government requisition;

1937 SEBASTIAN, Marques del Real, Socorro;

1941 Cia. Comercial Maritima de Transportes S.A, Bilboa;

1941 seized by Britain;

1943 EMPIRE TEES, M.O.W.T. managed by Euxine Shipping Co, Gibraltar;

1950 TEES, Cia. Maritima "Tees" S.A, Panama;

1951 CLONLEE, Shamrock Shipping Co. (C.S. Brown), Belfast;

1954 SELAMET, Muzaffer Taviloglu, Yakup Uzuner & Munittin Topcuogly, Istanbul;

1968 scrapped Istanbul.

Delfina C 3096 342 46.5 B08 1.21 F. Sainz é Inchaustigui, Bilboa;

16.12.28 Struck rock off Skerries, abandoned; 17.12.28 sank off Point Lynas.

Dundrum Castle B 5259 400 52.3 B11 12.19 Union-Castle Mail S.S. Co, London;

2.4.43 Sank after fire in Red Sea at 14.37N 42.23E.

Edenside C1 366 143 23.5 B64 6.21 Coaster. Wear Steam Shipping Co. (T. Rose), Sunderland;

1958 scrapped Nieuw Lekkerland, Holland.

Fabian C 3059 331 46.8 B25 6.19 Ellerman Lines, Liverpool;

1937 Ellerman & Papayanni Lines;

16.11.40 Torpedoed and sunk by U.65 at 02.49N 15.29W

Fantee F1 5663 400 53.0 B43 2.20 Elder, Dempster & Co, London;

1933 AKTI, Kassos Steam Nav. Co, Pnévmaticos, Rethymnis, Yannaghas, Syra; 4.12.38 sank in collision with s/s LA PLATA at 47.40N 06.20W.

Freeland - 574 165 27.0 B63 9.19 Coaster. Freeland Shipping Co. (J.W. Fisher & Co.), Liverpool;

1934 FIRTH FISHER, J. Fisher & Sons, Barrow;

21.5.40 Mined and sunk off Boulogne.

Gallicier C5 1214 240 35.7 B38 11.20 Coaster. Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

1923 BOGO, D/S Baltic A/S (C. Jensen), Copenhagen;

17.12.39 torpedoed and sunk by U.59 East of May Island, Scotland.

Gazana B 5284 400 52.4 B14 3.20 British India Steam Navigation Co, Glasgow; 1949 scrapped Blyth.

Glassford H 2579 303 43.0 B01 11.19 Pennant Shipping Co. (J. Daniel, John & Co), Glasgow;

1922 Penman Shipping Co, Glasgow;

1923 BARON ELIBANK, Kelvin Shipping Co. (H. Hogarth & Sons), Ardrossan;

1934 SEVEN SEAS SPRAY, Good Hope Shipping Co. (Walter Vaughan), Cardiff;

1937 SEABANK SPRAY, Veronica S.S. Co, Cardiff;

1939 JEANNE M., Mooringwell S.S. Co, Cardiff;

2.12.40 Torpedoed and sunk by U.37 at 39.19N 13.54W.

Gloxinia C 3336 332 47.9 B59 9.20 Laid down as standard cargo ship, but completed as tanker; Stag Line (J. Robinson & Sons), North Shields;

1952 VITTORIO O., Imera Siciliana di Nav, Palermo;

1955 Soc. Armamento Marittimo A.R.L.,

Genoa, converted to dry cargo ship;

1959 scrapped Spezia.

Goodig - 749 191 29.2 B24 12.19 Coaster. Stone & Rolfe, Llanelly;

1946 PORTHMEOR, Porth Shipping Co (Care Lines), Cardiff;

1951 APOLLO, Bristol Steam Navigation Co, Bristol;

1953 CARBIS BAY, Saint Ia Shipping Co.(R.P. Care & Co.), St. Ives;

1955 HOLDERNAB, Roberts & Cooper (Thos. E. Kettlewell & Son), Hull;

1956 scrapped Blyth.

Grodno H 2452 303 43.0 B25 6.19 Ellerman's Wilson Line, Hull;

1946 MA GOO, A/S Olymp (Einar Lange), Oslo;

1947 HEDJA, Rederi A/S Kullaberg (A. Sjosten), Hoganas, Sweden;

1961 HERMON, Cia Naviera General S.A, Beirut;

1968 scrapped Trieste.



WWI Standard Ships


Halizones B 5298 401 52.2 B04 4.20 British & South American Steam Navigation Co. (R.P. Houston & Co.), Liverpool; 27.7.43 Bombed, 30.7.43 sank in tow at 37.22N 13.03W.

Harmodius B 5229 441 52.3 B04 6.19 Launched as HERMIONE, completed as HARMODIUS, British & South American Steam Navigation Co.(R.P. Houston & Co.), Liverpool;

8.3.41 torpedoed and sunk by U.105 at 20.35N 20.40W.

Harmonides B 5288 400 52.3 B04 1.20 Launched as HESIONE, completed as HARMONIDES; British & South American Steam Navigation Co. (R.P. Houston & Co.), Liverpool;

25.8.42 torpedoed and sunk by Japanese submarine I-165 at 01.47N 77.27E.

Hermione - - - - - - See HARMODIUS

Hesione - - - - - - See HARMONIDES

Highland Warrior G1 8442 450 58.2 B05 7.20 Nelson S.N.Co, London;

1933 NOGOYA, Royal Mail Lines, London; 1936 MARLENE, "K" S.S. Co. (Kaye, Son & Co), London;

1939 Kaye Transport Co, London;

1940 Galbraith, Pembroke & Co, London; 4.4.41 torpedoed and sunk by U.124 at 08.15N 14.19W.

Ioanna A 5171 400 52.3 B18 5.20 E. Angelis, Piraeus;

19.2.21 sank off Cape Tinoso (barratry).

Jetblack C5 1560 240 36.2 B19 9.20 Coaster. Gas Light & Coke Co. (Stephenson, Clarke & Co.), London;

1949 North Thames Gas Board (s/m);

1954 scrapped at Dunston-on-Tyne.

Jolly Marie C1 366 135 23.6 B64 9.20 Coaster. Walford Lines (Leopold Walford), London;

1931 SANDHOLM, Holms Sand & Gravel Co.(T.R.Brown & Sons), Bristol;

1962 Norwest Sand & Ballast Co, Bristol; 1963 scrapped Barrow.

Kara H 2479 303 43.0 B25 10.19 F.C. Strick & Co, Swansea;

22.3.20 Wrecked at Cape Quintres, near Santona, Spain.

Kidderpore B 5334 400 52.4 B56 2.20 Peninsular & Oriental S.N.Co, Newcastle; 1939 scrapped Genoa.

Kittiwake - 1896 290 42.5 B56 8.19 Coaster. Cork S.S. Co, Cork;

1922 British & Continental SS Co, Liverpool;

1936 CARDROSS, J. Patrick & Co, Sydney, NSW;

14.12.40. Sunk in collision with s/s FIONA near Sydney. 34.07S 151.32E.

Knebworth H 2555 303 42.9 B21 12.19 Robert Stantley Shipping Co. (R.S. Dalgliesh), Newcastle;

27.1.30. Wrecked near Biarritz.

Koranton F 6695 413 55.5 B18 4.20 R. Chapman & Son, Newcastle;

10.3.41 left Halifax - went missing.(believed torpedoed and sunk by U.98 on 27.3.41 at approx.58N 22W)



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L - W





Lahore B 5252 401 52.3 B58 4.20 Peninsular & Oriental S.N.Co, Sunderland;

8.3.41 torpedoed and sunk by U.124 at 21.03W 20.38W on voyage Calcutta to London..

Langley B 5113 400 52.3 B06 12.19 Frates Ltd (Brown, Jenkinson & Co), London;

1922 GAND, Cie Transatlantique Belge, Antwerp;

1926 Armement Deppe S.A, Antwerp;

10.5.41 torpedoed, shelled and sunk by U.556 at 57.54N 37.34W

Linerton F 6698 413 55.5 B18 10.19 Carlton SS Co, Newcastle;

1919 ashore South Shields after engine breakdown - broke in two.

1921 rebuilt as tanker RADIX, Anglo Saxon Petroleum Co, Newcastle;

1929 A/S Mosvolds Rederi III, Kristiansand;

1936 A/S Mosvolds Shipping Co, Farsund;

1938 TINE ASMUSSEN, Johann Haltermann, Hamburg;

1940 seized by Mexico r/n JUAN CASIANO, Petroleos Mexicanos S.A, Coatzacoalcos;

19.10.44 sank in gale 90 miles from Savannah.

Lord Guilford F 6635 413 55.5 B57 1.20 Byron SS Co, London;

1922 ARANTZAZU-MENDI, Cia Naviera Sota y Aznar, Bilabao;

9.5.39 ashore at Kearney Point, Ireland, scrapped.

Mabriton F 6694 413 55.5 B18 2.20 R. Chapman & Son, Newcastle;

25.9.40 torpedoed and sunk by U.32 at 56.12N 23.00W on passage Tyne to New Brunswick.

Macedonier B 5116 400 52.3 B38 4.21 Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

1930 Cie.Maritime Belge (Lloyd Royal), Antwerp.

12.12.40 torpedoed and sunk by U.96 at 57.52N 08.42W.

Mackarra H 2515 303 43.0 B34 10.19 Australasian United S.N.Co, Sydney;

1941 CARDROSS, James Patrick & Co, Melbourne,

1954 ARDROSS for voyage to Japanese breakers, scrapped Osaka.

Macumba H 2526 303 43.0 B34 12.19 Australasian United S.N.Co, Sydney;

6.8.43 bombed and sunk by Japanese aircraft 11.30S 134.40E

Mahmoudieh C7 2021 271 38.1 B12 5.20 Coaster. Khedivial Mail SS & Graving Dock Co, London;

1923 FINLAND, Leith, Hull & Hamburg S.P.Co (J.Currie & Co), London;

1940 Currie Line Ltd;

1951 RUTA, Matteo Beraldo, Genoa;

1955 BULWARK, African Coasters Ltd, Durban;

1.4.63 aground Danger Point, Cape Province, broke in two.

Merganser - 1876 290 42.5 B56 11.19 Coaster. Cork S.S.Co, Cork;

1922 British & Continental SS Co, Liverpool; 1934 CARLISLE, James Patrick & Co, Sydney;

1956 TWEED BREEZE, Cambay Prince SS Co (John Manners & Co), Hong Kong;

1961 SAN JERONIMO, San Jeronimo SS Co, Panama;

1962 scrapped Hong Kong.

Molton C 3091 332 46.7 B51 10.19 Atlantic Shipping & Trading Co (W.J.Tatem, Ltd), London;

1920 W.J.Tatem Ltd, London;

1938 TRANSIT, Continental Transit Co, London;

1939 BOTUSK, Ministry of Shipping, managed by Reardon Smith & Sons, London;

31.1.41 mined and sunk off North Rona Island.

Monassir C7 2021 271 38.1 B12 2.20 Coaster. Khedivial Mail SS & Graving Dock Co, London;

1922 SWITZERLAND, Leith, Hull & Hamburg S.P.Co (J.Currie & Co), London;

1928 DUERO, M.M.de Pinillos, Cadiz;

1936 seized by Basque Government r/n URBI,

1939 DUERO, M.M.de Pinillos, Cadiz;

1940 Cia Maritima Frutera, Cadiz;

26.7.53 sunk in collision with s/s CULRAIN in Straits of Gibraltar at 35.37N 05.25W.

Mondara C1 371 135 23.5 B64 2.21 Warden, Stewart & Orr, Belfast;

1926 Stewart & Orr, Belfast;

1931 Richard England SS Co, Belfast;

1935 P.Le Louarn & F.Ollivier, Paimpol, France;

1938 converted to motor ship.

1940 French Navy minesweeper, seized at Southampton.

1940 HMS MONDARA, cable looplayer.

1942 beached at Yarmouth, IoW after air attack, used for cable storage.

1946 returned to France;

1947 Condemned at Brest and scrapped.

Monkton C 3088 331 46.7 B51 1.20 Atlantic Shipping & Trading Co (W.J.Tatem), London;

1922 W.J.Tatem Ltd, London;

1929 INDAUCHU, Cia Maritima Bilbao (E.Cortina), Bilbao;

1936 SULMONA, Soc.Anon.Cooperativa di Nav.'Garibaldi', Genoa;

1939 INDAUCHU, Cia Maritima Bilbao, Bilbao;

1949 Cia Anonima Maritima Union, Bilbao; 1951 Transland S.A, Bilbao;

1970 scrapped Piraeus.

Monmouth - 4756 377 52.2 A16 12.18 US Shipping Board, New York;

1936 scrapped Baltimore.

Muristan C 3062 331 46.8 B47 1.20 Strick Line Ltd (F.C.Strick & Co), Swansea;

1922 Turkistan SS Co, Swansea;

1926 TAKAO MARU, Kawasaki Kisen KK, Kobe;

9.5.43 torpedoed and sunk by USS WAHOO 38.57N 141.49E.

Nagpore B 5283 400 52.2 B22 6.20 Peninsular & Oriental S.N.Co, Hull;

28.10.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.509 at 31.30N 19.35W.

Narenta G1 8266 450 58.3 B61 3.20 Laid down as NEGANTI completed as NARENTA Royal Mail SP Co;

1932 Royal Mail Lines Ltd, London;

1939 KOSEI MARU, Nippon Suisan KK, Tokyo;

7.4.43 torpedoed and sunk by USS TUNNY 08.45N 147.10E.

Nash Light H 2546 303 43.0 B40 7.20 Bristol Channel Steamers Ltd (J.German & Co), Cardiff;

1922 GOTHIC, W.H. Cockerline & Co, Hull;

1938 Gothic SS Co, (P. Wigham-Richardson & Co), Hull;

1938 constructive total loss after bombing at Spain, salvaged.

1939 VELITES, Orazio Rossini, Genoa;

1939 BALILLA, G.Scorza, Genoa;

2.11.41 shelled and sunk by Polish submarine SOKOL and HMS UTMOST at 38.22N 12.20E.

Nebraska G1 8263 450 58.3 B61 8.20 Royal Mail SP Co, London;

1932 Royal Mail Lines, London;

8.4.44 torpedoed and sunk by U.843 at 11.55S 19.52W on passage Taranto to Buenos Aires.

Neganti - - - - - - See NARENTA

New Brighton N 6538 413 55.8 B30 1.20 African SS Co (Elder Dempster & Co), London;

1933 Elder Dempster Lines, Liverpool;

1934 CHIN YUEN, T.K.King, Shanghai;

1938 KINRYU MARU, Kinryu Kisen KK, Sakai;

1951 Toyo Kaiunn KK,

1952 scrapped Japan.

New Mexico N 6566 413 55.8 B30 8.19 Launched as PHILADELPHIAN completed as NEW MEXICO Elder Dempster & Co, Liverpool;

1933 ANDREAS, S.G.Razis, Argostoli;

1935 Ionian SS Co, Argostoli;

4.11.42 torpedoed, shelled and sunk by Italian submarine LEONARDO DA VINCI at 02.00S 30.30W.

New Texas N 6568 413 55.8 B30 9.19 British & African SS Co (Elder Dempster & Co), Liverpool;

1933 Elder Dempster Lines, Liverpool;

1955 scrapped at Barrow.

New Toronto N 6568 413 55.8 B30 10.19 British & African SN Co (Elder Dempster & Co), Liverpool;

1933 Elder Dempster Lines, Liverpool;

5.11.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.126 at 05.57N 02.30E on passage Accra to Liverpool.

Nictheroy G1 8265 450 58.3 B61 12.20 Royal Mail SP Co, London;

1932 Royal Mail Lines, London;

1936 CUMA, Achille Lauro, Naples,

1940 IPANEMALOIDE, Lloyd Brasileiro, Rio de Janeiro;

18.10.40 torpedoed and sunk 37.02N 14.08E.



Ship Index

Old Charlton C5 1556 240 36.4 B19 12.19 Coaster. South Metropolitan Gas Co, London;

27.2.41 bombed and sunk 51.57N 01.40E.

Olympier B 5035 401 52.2 B38 7.20 Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp;

1933 Cie Maritime Belge, Antwerp;

31.1.41 bombed and sunk by aircraft at 56.04N 11.00W..

Orlock Head C5 1563 240 36.3 B19 12.20 Coaster. Ulster SS Co, Belfast (G. Heyn);

28.7.40 set on fire by enemy aircraft, later sank 58.44N 04.21W

Peterton B 5221 400 52.4 B50 12.19 Carlton SS Co (R. Chapman & Son), Newcastle;

17.9.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.109 at 18.45N 29.15W on voyage Oban to Buenos Aires

Philadelphian (2) N 6586 413 55.8 B30 2.20 F. Leyland & Co, Liverpool;

1933 scrapped Lelant.

Pinar Del Rio C 3069 331 46.7 B42 3.20 Santa Clara SS Co (T.Royden & Sons), Liverpool;

1933 MONTREAL CITY, Bristol City Line (C.Hill & Sons), Bristol;

21.12.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.591 at 50.23N 38.00W on voyage Bristol to New York

Porsanger - 4363 380 48.4 C03 5.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Furness Withy & Co,

1920 A/S Westfal-Larsen & Co, Bergen;

1953 ORKLA, I/S Oretrade, Oslo;

1954 Flakkes Rederi A/S, Christiansand;

27.1.57 ashore near Buholmrasa Light, Norway, broke in two.

Port Curtis G1 8287 450 58.4 B61 4.20 Commonwealth & Dominion Line, London;

1936 TOWER DALE, Counties Ship Management, London;

1937 KRONOBORG, J.A.Zachariassen, Nystad, Finland;

1945 seized by USSR, r/n KRONSTADT, Vladivostok;

1965 name re-spelled KRONSHTADT, Vladivostok;

1967 ALGENEB, Navigation Maritime Bulgare, Varna, Bulgaria;

1970 scrapped Bilbao.

Portscatho C 3071 331 46.8 B36 2.20 Portland SS Co (R.McNeill & Sons), Cardiff;

1921 HEATHSIDE, Charlton Steam Shipping Co, Newcastle;

1933 MARY WALTON, New Era SS Co (F.S.Dawson), Newcastle;

1934 MANICH, USSR, Odessa;

1960 deleted from Lloyd's Register.

Salland G1 6447 449 58.2 B05 6.20 N.V.Koninkl.Hollandsche Lloyd, Amsterdam;

1936 N.V.tot Voortzetting van den Koninkl. Hollandsche Lloyd, Amsterdam;

1956 PANORMITIS, Marinos & Francos, Nassau, Bahamas;

1958 scrapped at Bruges.

Samnanger - 4305 381 49.2 C03 8.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Furness Withy & Co;

1920 Westfal-Larsen & Co A/S, Bergen;

21.12.40 torpedoed and sunk by U.99 at approx.53.00N 19.00W.

Sarthe B 5271 400 52.3 B25 2.20 Royal Mail SP Co, London;

1932 Royal Mail Lines, London;

8.10.42 torpedoed and sunk by U.68 at 34.50S 18.40E on passage Lourenco Marques to Rio de Janeiro.

Silarus B 5101 400 52.2 B13 11.19 Royal Mail SP Co,

1931 NEMEA, G.N.Stathatos, Ithaca;

15.1.41 torpedoed and sunk by Italian submarine ENRICO TORELLI at 52.33N 24.13W.

Siris B 5242 400 52.3 B31 10.19 Royal Mail SP Co;

1932 Royal Mail Lines Ltd, London;

12.7.42 torpedoed, shelled and sunk by U.201 at 31.20N 24.48W on voyage Oban to Rio de Janeiro.

Sirsa B 5445 400 52.4 B32 4.20 British India S.N.Co, Glasgow;

1951 Wheelock, Marden, Hong Kong;

1952 TAIHEI MARU, Taihei Kisen KK, Kobe;

1960 scrapped Yokosuka.

Stonewall B 4968 400 52.2 B06 12.20 Garland SS Corp, New York;

1923 SILVERBIRCH, St.Helen's Shipping Co, London;

1924 ARDENHALL, West Hartlepool S.N.Co, West Hartlepool;

1936 CEFN-Y-BRYN, Kilvey Shipping Co (Ambrose, Davies & Matthews), Cardiff;

1936 GALEB, Jugoslavenska Plovidba DD, Susak, Yugoslavia;

1939 VEST, D/S A/S Carolvore, Farsund, Norway;

1950 SIREDAL,Rutefart, Kristiansand;

1954 Skibs A/S Motor (Einar Salvesen), Kragero, Norway;

1956 REGULUS, same owner;

1959 RUTH, Bowring & Curry G.m.b.H, Hamburg;

1959 scrapped Hong Kong.

Suevier B 4983 400 52.2 B06 9.20 Lloyd Royal Belge, Antwerp;

1930 Cie Maritime Belge, Antwerp;

1932 BUTTERFLY, Industrie Navale Soc.Anon, Genoa;

28.4.43 sunk by H.M.S. GOATHLAND off Sept Iles near Roscoff.

Sunniside - 739 191 29.2 B65 1.20 Coaster. Wear Steam Shipping Co, Sunderland;

1926 BEAUPORT, Sea Transport Co, Guernsey;

16.2.30 wrecked Guernsey.

Surada B 5427 400 52.4 B32 7.20 British India S.N.Co, Glasgow;

26.1.44 torpedoed and sunk by U.188 at 13.00N 55.15E on passage Colombo to Aden.

Tarnwater - 575 165 27.0 B63 11.19 Coaster. Mason Shipping Co, Liverpool;

1934 BAY FISHER, J. Fisher & Sons, Barrow;

7.2.41 sunk in air attack NE of Bell Rock.

Tento - 2316 251 43.6 C08 7.18 Shipping Controller, managed by Furness Withy & Co;

1920 Prebensens Dampsk A/S, Risor, Norway;

1923 E.B.Aaby, Christiania;

1928 TOYO MARU No.5, Sawayama Kisen KK, Nagasaki;

2.2.44 torpedoed and sunk by USS PLUNGER at 33.32N 135.58E.

Tiberton B 5225 400 52.4 B50 3.20 R. Chapman & Son, Newcastle;

14.2.40 Torpedoed and sunk by U.23 at 58.55N 01.53W in North Sea while en route Narvik to Middlesbrough.

Venus H 2456 303 43.0 B60 6.20 A/S D/S 'Orion' (C.P.Jensen), Copenhagen;

7.8.41 Mined and sunk near Borkum.

Western Coast - 1928 290 42.5 B56 9.19 Coaster. Coast Lines Ltd, Liverpool;

1922 ESNEH, Moss SS Co (J.Moss & Co), Liverpool;

1930 James Moss & Co, Ltd;

1934 Moss Hutchison Line, Liverpool;

1948 TEFKROS, Olympus Navigation Co, Famagusta;

1951 Winly Nav.Co, Hong Kong;

1954 Shun Kee Nav.Co, Hong Kong;

1955 Choon Kee Nav.Co, Hong Kong;

1958 SHUN ON, same owner;

1959 scrapped Hong Kong.



Ship Index




















A. 5030 gross ton dry cargo ship, o'all length 412ft, beam 52ft, single screw, speed 11 knots. Single decker.


B. 5030 gross ton dry cargo ship, o'all length 412ft, beam 52ft, single screw, speed 11 knots. Two decks.


C. 3000 gross ton dry cargo ship, o'all length 342ft, beam 46.5ft, single screw, speed 11.5 knots.


Three ships were completed to a modified C type (WAR BROSNA, WAR DODDER, WAR TOLKA) 3250 gross tons, speed 12 knots.


D. 2300 gross ton dry cargo ship, length 285ft, beam 41.75ft, single screw, speed 11.5 knots. Designed as single deck colliers.


E. 4400 gross ton dry cargo ship, length 376ft, beam 51.5ft, single screw, speed 11.5 knots.


F. 6440 gross ton dry cargo ship, length 411.5ft, beam 55.5ft, single screw, speed 12 knots.


F1 5680 gross ton, dry cargo ship, length 400 ft, beam 53ft, single screw, speed 12 knots.


G1. 8000 gross ton dry cargo ship, length 465ft, beam 58ft, single screw, speed 13 knots.


G2. 8000 gross ton dry cargo ship, length 465ft, beam 58ft, twin screw, speed 13 knots.


H. 2800 gross ton dry cargo ship, length 303ft, beam 43ft, single screw, speed 10.5 knots.


J. 385ft 'tween deck type. 4600 gross ton dry cargo ship, length 385ft, beam 52ft, single screw, speed 11.5 knots.


N. 6500 gross ton dry cargo ship, o'all length 428ft, beam 55.5ft, single screw, speed 11 knots. Fabricated ships.




C1. 366 - 501 gross tons, length 142 - 150ft, beam 23.5 - 26ft. engines aft


C4. 842 - 876 gross tons, length 198 - 208ft, beam 30 - 31ft, engines aft.


C5. 1214 - 1565 gross tons, length 240 - 251ft, beam 35.5 - 36ft, engines amidships.


C6. 1369 - 1425 gross tons, length 235ft, beam 36ft, engines aft.


C7. 1381 - 2021 gross tons, length 282ft, beam 38ft, engines amidships.




AO. 5250 gross tons, length 412ft, beam 52ft, single screw, speed 11 knots.


BO 5250 gross tons, length 412ft, beam 52ft, single screw, speed 11 knots.


AO and BO tankers were A and B type cargo ships converted to tankers by the addition of cylindrical tanks built into their holds.


Z. 5800 gross tons, length 412ft, beam 52ft, single screw, speed 11 knots. Designed as tankers.







Various types and tonnages - see individual ships.




2,300 gross tons, length 250ft, beam 43.5ft, single screw, speed 10 knots.







Various types and tonnages - see individual ships




3,484 gross tons, length 315ft, beam 48ft, single screw.







B and C types.




C type.




Various types and tonnages - see individual ships.



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